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Everything posted by dwcraig1

  1. Under the "Options" tab at the top of Escribe choose "User Interface". Change it to "Manufacturer"
  2. https://helpdesk.evolvapor.com/index.php?a=add&category=1
  3. Open a ticket with Evolv would be my best guess.
  4. One of the 3 board screws is accessed through the hole for the fire button. The small ring around the button unscrews allowing the button to be removed to get to it.
  5. Well is it a Yihi board or an EvolvDNA board? SX350J is not an Evolv product.
  6. I was able to download it here in California soon after post #2.....with Chrome.
  7. Here: https://helpdesk.evolvapor.com/index.php?a=add&category=1
  8. Voltage of cell 2 (5.24v) in 2nd picture indicates that the battery management chip on the board has gone bad. This is providing that the tap is configured as in the diagram posted above. Voltages measured off the JST plug would be: Cell #1's voltage between ground and pin 1 Cell #2's voltage between pin #1 and pin(s) 3 or 2 Voltage between pins 3/2 and ground should be the sum of both cells
  9. Well the first thing to check is what the cell voltages show in EScribe/ Device Monitor, also make sure it's set to 2 cells and not 3.............to start with. Maybe post a screen on Device Monitor. The tap should be reading pack voltage between 3 and ground.
  10. I've asked giz_60 to respond to your post. Atty resistance surely comes into play.
  11. Well then it's .009 ohms or under, probably under. SP firmware will not read under .009 ohms. So what did you set it at?
  12. Well the room/board temp is way off. It must think it's too cold to safely charge. Probably you should open a ticket with Evolv.
  13. What does voltages does EScribe say the cells are, a screen of device monitor would be helpful.
  14. 316/317 is a challenge of sorts, 430 is just well normal.
  15. I use pretty much only Unkamen's 430, but when I have had that happen to me it was wick too loose in the coil. Your cold ohms/live ohm's is consistent in both examples
  16. If it were mine I'd be looking at the wick, too loose inside the coil perhaps. Just a thought. The coil looks "electrically' the same to me.
  17. It appears to me as a typical situation where battery management on the board went south.
  18. Do you have a volt meter? I'm guessing that the voltage on the pair is actually greater than 4.88 volts. can you check that?
  19. " That won't blow the fuse correct?" You should't be pressing the fire button while shorting the two pads but it should protect it's self in case you do.
  20. You might try using Atomizer Analyzer in EScribe, short the output and ground on the top of the board and see if it reads it.
  21. Could be it is now set for 3 cells instead of 2. Check that in Escribe under the mod tab, be sure to upload setting for change to take place. Under "options" be sure "manufacturer" is selected or you won't see your battery settings. Let us know what you find.
  22. Well one reason it the battery has it's mah rated between 2.5 volts and 4.2 volts and the board is using it between 2.8 volts and 4.2 volts (just example)
  23. Reduce your watt hours by 10% or so and it should put it at 100% It is a common occurrence.
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