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Everything posted by Wayneo

  1. Thanks greatly for those. You can't find anything, because there's nothing really to find. TC (or material type) doesn't care about coil ID, or number of wraps. Just the material. The numbers are identical because the wraps are pretty much just along 'for the ride'. The material file (values) looks fine. Your profile numbers are all backwards. Quick answer: Swap the 75 and 200 watts. Upload to device. Longer answer: 'Settings -> Power is the HARD MAXIMUM you want the mod to use, Ever. So if your TC is wonky, or not the right something, you won't get 136 watts blasting your lips. 'Preheat -> Power is the maximum you want the mod to use while it is getting your coil up to the temp you've set. Punch says how close to the set temp it gets before ENDING the Preheat values. The higher the value for Punch (max 11) the closer it goes to your set value. SO, you should always set your preheat value higher than the power value. BTW, I hope you can vape that atty at 75 watts comfortably. If you now post a Printscreen from Device Monitor while taking a puff, we can try to decipher more. (Tick/check the cold ohm/live ohm (2) and power boxes (2).
  2. I assume you're using it in TC mode based on the above? What are the settings in the profile for Power/watts, and preheat? (Printscreen of the Profile works) Did you read the coil resistance when cooled to ambient temperature? Post the csv or a Printscreen of it from the material tab, but I've never heard of a corrupt csv.
  3. @JaI Haze IIRC you (and at least one other person) mentioned this MONTHS ago. Did you ever open an OFFICIAL ticket at the Help Desk? Link in my signature line.
  4. If it is new, you might still be within your warranty at place of purchase. Failing that you can open a trouble ticket at the Help Desk and explain the problem Link in my signature.
  5. YOU need to read and set the resistance in each profile you're using that coil. New coil, or not That alone might fix the majority of your issues.
  6. NO Datasheet posted. HxWxD(mm): 29(including protruding usb) x 10.2 x 5 Hit up the Help Desk (link in my sig) they should be able to answer your questions.
  7. Myfreedomsmokes has replacement squonk bottles
  8. Can you post a Printscreen of Device Monitor, like the one shown in the other thread you posted in.
  9. YES, if the author included a Status line. NO if the author did not. YES, if you go into Theme Designer and save it beforehand, OR restore from a backup. YES, at the bottom of the 1st page (Appearance/Wallpaper) in Theme Designer. Remember to always 'Upload settings to Device' if you make any changes.
  10. Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the Orion Q is not a DNA device. Escribe will not work for you.
  11. @vapedoctor DJLSB has done a tutorial on theme designer for sure (YouTube), that I used in the beginning. Or, you can find an already created one, that jives with you and use it as a base for your own. So looking at the Evolv defaults, Profile 8 has "Use replay on this profile" enabled. The Evolv default theme (in Theme Designer) 'Main Screen' shows the conditions. Temp sensing, Can Replay, Can Replay now. - So if you load and use that, you can follow along with the behavior. For the Can Replay Now, you'll notice it's a 'toggle' (On/Off) with a different graphic for each. Hope this helps.
  12. Those are conditions generated by the board and would be automatically shown on the status line/field if you have one in your theme
  13. Follow from the 2nd paragraph in this post from @dwcraig. Up earlier in that post is how you can check, but if it's still not working ............. Post a printscreen of Device Monitor showing the live/cold ohm boxes ticked.
  14. Moderator Edit: Your duplicate posts were merged. Does the theme you're using support Replay? Is your mod in a Profile that supports Replay?
  15. Moderator edit: I merged all your posts Using the measurements of each battery, and looking at your wiring and connector will help you determine which will fit. In the future (friendly tip) make your Subject line give others a clue as to what's inside the body
  16. N80 is not a temp material. Use straight watts. NO SETTINGS REQUIRED. If you're lucky, it MIGHT work in Replay
  17. Yes. Zillions of places, but these are solid https://www.ebay.com/sch/mosmax_electronics/m.html
  18. Protovapor is solid, I'd just buy from them. Either the 250 or the 75 should fit. But the 250 is wired in series and a minimum of 2 cells. The 75 is a parallel board if using more than 1 cell
  19. Have you ever used Replay with this theme? If you have, navigate how you normally have, and after a puff, something should show up. If you HAVE NOT, in escribe click theme, then theme designer, then file -> save as, then post it here . OR I can tell you how on one of these. (I couldn't find yours) EDIT: Just took a quick look at 'Clean Colors' and it has good clear instructions on the theme behavior. It should work
  20. once a coil/cotton (any coil) is burnt badly, I have found that at a minimum you have to change the cotton (pod in your case) because it will linger. So your same results was probably with that same pod. NOWHERE in that 7 page User Manual does it mention to change the watts, ONLY from low to medium or high, WHICH WAS ALREADY configured for you. Or, you tell me where you read that I think if you google signature tips, they sell replacements for the drip tip.
  21. Man, if that was mine and still in warranty, I'd really hit up the place of purchase, or VA themselves. Especially for these high dollar mods, because while Evolv is only responsible for the board, even if they ask to send in the mod, you should read if there's any fine print for disclaimers. After saying that, I've never had any issues.
  22. Well, the board can do that, but in a similar fashion to regular coils with power ranges like 40-80 watts, best at 55 ...... these were setup with their recommendations. In the future, you might want to increase by a watt or two at a time. Oh I can certainly see that. And a great warning to others.
  23. NO, or I would have said so. THAT will show a tick ONCE you are in Replay, and as it says it's PLAYING/REPLAYING.
  24. So right now you have 3 working with Replay? Got a favorite (theme and setup you wanna clone)? after checking what @dwcraig1 said
  25. Well, let me ask you a few questions, and tell you my assumptions. Do you have any C mod with Replay working at all? And do you want that theme on all your mods? Hopefully my printscreen will get you going with Replay. My assumptions would be; You have both C and non color mods, as well as 75's and 2xx mods. All of mine are setup the same (material or feature wise) except for the few unicorns. I think all you need to do is ensure all your mods are at the latest firmware included in SP19. If you have been jiggying with your Profiles, at least you now know how to set one up.
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