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Early Firmware and EScribe Suite Discussion Thread

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  black lace said:

[QUOTE=Laguz75]Is anything in the works as far as the chip learning the coil faster. I'm using one tank between two mods ( while one is charging) and every time I switch between the two there's a bit of a learning curve for the chip to know what's going on. Both devices are mirrored by escribe. Is there a way to speed up the sample rate? Isn't it like 200 samples a second? And I'm also in the second camp of vapors :-)

lol get a duplicate tank yer skinflint lol.[/QUOTE]lol well it may come to that. The 25mm VCMT would look nice next to my 30mm I just don't like my tanks sitting around and leaking
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  Laguz75 said:

yes my tank is at a different temp the mods are mirrored I have one of them copper plugs. I was hopping the software could tell it's warm

That's the answer then, learn a bit of patience or pop it in the freezer compartment for a few minutes! It is different because you are 'effectively' putting a different coil in. If you took a vape on one device unscrewed the tank and then immediately screwed it back on the same device you would get exactly the same result
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  black lace said:

Soulseek... it depends how you vape, your vaping on the set temp, (to what your saying) i vape on the ramp up and never get to the temp limit ive set.


Yes and of course I can understand this but from my experience you fall in the minority of cases, most people want to reach the desired vapour production and temperature asap.
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Yeh i know what you mean i didnt realy phrase it very well, moor ramp up to just below threshhold temp but not reaching it because of controled airflow, wattage, coil size juice flow ect. even though acording to the device monitor i do peak past it, but only so briefly temp protect doesnt flash up on mod screen, so i persume it hasnt been activated.

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The warm atomizer issue is worth shinning a light on as it is the source of a lot of issues with TC vaping (not just the DNA200).  If the coil is not at room temperature and you attach it to a TC device, and use the device's logic or user interface (New up, old down) to tell it that you have attached a new coil, then it will be impossible to get TC control on that atomizer.  The TCR values at play are so very small that small variations in initial resistance (due to the coil being warm) or mod resistance (improperly entered mod resistance figure) will dramatically through off the TC calculation, typically in the "up" range, i.e. the board will give more wattage than needed.

As we on the "early adopters" forum try and help those out there use this technology, we need to keep in mind what it is actually doing.  I get this a great deal with my wife...vaping, happy, pulls atomizer off to fill it, puts it on, tells the device it is a new coil because she is accustomed to blindly clicking "ok" when doing things on the computer, then gets bad vape.  I have solved this by having a rule for folks that I help with the DNA200 "thou shall never put a recently used atomizer on the device".  I keep six identical atomizers ready to go and she swaps to one of those if she wants a "refill".  Do I follow this?  

Can this be made easier for the user?  I don't think so, but it could be that the DNA200 could have some logic that kicked in that observed sooner that the resting resistance was falling and that the base resistance being used is off.  It has that, and that is why the room temp calibration is essential, but for now the window of time required for it to naturally correct the user input error is long enough to cause user experience issues.

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  Taver13 said:

[QUOTE=soulseek]I don't understand people who adjust wattage. Do you realise how TC works, particularly on the DNA200?

You can't change the preheat on the device. I'm assuming most people have a higher preheat value than their standard value. Once your device reaches set temperature, the required wattage drops quite low. So for the majority of use cases out there, you can keep changing those Watts all you want, the resulting vape should be exactly the same, the rest is just a placebo effect.


this would be true for those of us who use nickel only, i though, use many other wires than nickel, and some wire mixes, in which preheat does not perform well, so i have to keep the preheat turned off.  anyone using Ti or SS is most likely not using preheat, and that is a good portion of vapers on here. So therefore, changing wattage on a device with no preheat does make a huge difference[/QUOTE]

I don't use Ni200 at all any more. My main wire is 316L. Pre heat works wonderfully. And all my friends do too. I set the wattage at max and control my vape with temp, just like on every other new device out there. I use to use my lower watt devices like you suggest DNA 40 etc... where that small window of available wattage made a difference, but things are different with all the available wattage now. The industry came from a VV to VW stage to temp control. ITs the Evolution of Vaping. Evolve with their original TC devices patented controlling temp with wattage to protect their chips from the clone thieves.(quick and dirty explanation you can check the patent office for more detail) This is why you saw Joule mode on competing devices. The DNA 200 has reached a whole new level.  I love my vape quality from my DNA 200 devices. IT is an OPTION you must have to not lose customers. OPTIONS. In temp control mode on a DNA 200, if I set the watts at max, leave all other temp settings at default except temp, the DNA 200 does an AMAZING job. It Punches hard in the beginning, no ramp up time at all and has a SMOOOTH signal limited right at the temp I set. I am running dual 316L, 3mm Clapton coils in my griffin RTA on my Reuleaux DNA 200 right now. Awesome experience. This is not and should not be an argument about vape styles. IF one person says they like doing things one way and some one else likes thing another, so be it !. All I can tell you is what I have seen on an oscilloscope and test equipment. This device does not just limit and pulse (rattlesnake) to the temp limit like the YiHi SX330V3SL, or even the newer chips. It actually gives a nice smooth signal at the set temp. The newer chips coming out are a serious threat. PLEASE stop arguing about "I like it this way so you should have to do it like me". Option people Options.
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Quote...lol get a duplicate tank yer skinflint lol.[/QUOTE]lol well it may come to that. The 25mm VCMT would look nice next to my 30mm I just don't like my tanks sitting around and leaking quote.. i dont think they keep very well just sitting there waiting to go, & like you say when they leek,they do seem to selfe siyphone the whole lot, better to have the spare coiled and wicked & then final bung it together, when needed.

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That's what I do with my kanger tank I have 12 RBA's I build and have ready But it's a little hard to do that with the RTA that I have, that's why I may get two more to have ready to juice. By the way the two mods that I have that I use with one tank didn't help I went with a smaller gage wire and increased the ohms from .12 to .18 it's helped, about 5 vapes is when it levels out

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  black lace said:

Shame it ever said temp protected really, and not temp settable, because everyone hangs on the protected word, if in the begining with the dna 40 it just flashed up the set value in large bold figurers, i think would have been better,, i must be a set and forget, becaue i hate to see it flashing up, no matter what i change the screen pic too, so allways aim for just below that max line.. weve all got our quirks of achieving the same thing aint we.


In Escribe, you have 3 choices on the Theme Tab in the Temperature Protected line:
1. Show Message
2. Show Temperature
3. Don't Show

If you pick number 3, it doesn't show anything. I have it on show temperature myself.


Edit  As I read your post again, I'm sure if it was the Temperature Protected warning you were referring to.
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Thought that was a week ago and somewhere els, Yes it was the tc i was refering to, for quality of vape i stay below the max ive set as allready said, if i de-selected it from showing i wouldnt know how the mod was prrforming, always each to his own, but for me,, vaping on the max with temp protection kicking in, is like riding a motorcycle or driving a car with a misfire, (cutting in and out) and if you where to dyno tune it- it would be calibrated to a moor steady flow, giving smoother performance,, but it aint so each to his own allso in answer to the leaving the preloaded tank attys on the shelf for a month or moor, eew groce, lol, i know a bloke who sucks sweets for a while and them puts them on his dashboard for anouther time, lmao,, and a few weeks ago an ol lady gave me some fudge that i thought was cheese,, then i noticed the sell by date was 2004, groce.

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  black lace said:

Thought that was a week ago and somewhere els, Yes it was the tc i was refering to, for quality of vape i stay below the max ive set as allready said, if i de-selected it from showing i wouldnt know how the mod was prrforming, always each to his own, but for me,, vaping on the max with temp protection kicking in, is like riding a motorcycle or driving a car with a misfire, (cutting in and out) and if you where to dyno tune it- it would be calibrated to a moor steady flow, giving smoother performance,, but it aint so each to his own allso in answer to the leaving the preloaded tank attys on the shelf for a month or moor, eew groce, lol, i know a bloke who sucks sweets for a while and them puts them on his dashboard for anouther time, lmao,, and a few weeks ago an ol lady gave me some fudge that i thought was cheese,, then i noticed the sell by date was 2004, groce.


This board does not use PWM so it does not do what other boards do and pulse like a misfire, in fact it is very smooth and does not ever kick in and out. It rises slightly above and below the set temp quickly and gives a nice smooth vape. Device monitor, when vaping shows this very well. This board does things that others do not do, amazingly. Options not arguments.
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  James said:

I've put up a new version for yall to try. Let me know if you run into any issues.

Comments and suggestions are welcome. I expect we'll make an follow-on update based on feedback for the Materials tab UI etc.

Enjoy :)



New Version ! ! Hell yes. Thank you ! Temperature Dominant FTW. Everything awesome so far. My Main device once again !
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  ChunkyButt200 said:

[QUOTE=James]Did you update your firmware? Mine says 'hold to change power'.

yes, 2016-02-10 mine doesn't say hold to change power. however, after the message 'hold to change temp' it does let me adjust the watts where i would normally adj my temp.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I got the same "Hold to change temp" 
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