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Early Firmware and EScribe Suite Discussion Thread

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James - as per my previous comment - I don't think the speed change makes sense when on a low (0.1/0.2) "watts hold increment", however when on 1w it makes much more sense and feels good.

Both options work well - as long as the correct increment is selected for the setting. For me, the old method and a low increment worked well - but the new method and the higher increment is way better for large changes in wattage.

Personally, I only changed to 0.2W increment to stop the wattage flying up or down at great speed; but I think I probably prefer the step down in speed and using 1w increment.

Is it possible to get a setting in escribe to enable/disable that speed adjustment? Not an issue for me - but could be nice to have the option if it isn't hard (or problematic) to implement :)

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Hey James, yes my watt hold increment is indeed the 1W option,

I really don't see the point of the .1 or .2 increments anyway, I certainly don't need it so precise that it can enable me to vape at say 95.4W, personally I think 0.5 and 1 increments are fine and yes I for one much prefered the old silky smooth speed behaviour much better thanks.


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Had a thought that some might find handy and maybe it's a feature that could be added at some point when your tinkering with the software. Being able to shut the charging off when hooked to escribe would be desirable at times when I'm playing with settings while connected to my Windows tablet/laptop, it would help save battery reserves of the tablet.

Thank you sir! You the man! :thumb:

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  Willy said:


Had a thought that some might find handy and maybe it's a feature that could be added at some point when your tinkering with the software. Being able to shut the charging off when hooked to escribe would be desirable at times when I'm playing with settings while connected to my Windows tablet/laptop, it would help save battery reserves of the tablet.

Thank you sir! You the man! :thumb:


You can set the USB current to zero in DM, under Diagnostics.
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what the features of update? haven't even read its features before update...
I have Mad Hatter v2 RDA  with 2 coils of 1mm Kanthal with overall resistance 0.05 and 0.06 cold ohms..
After update, on 90W(My Vaping on that Wattage and resistance in prev. firmware was allright with no micro-explosions and spitting and slow fire button reaction) its started to do micro-explosions with spitting from my RDA... I haven't seen that before that update and seems like my wismec dna200 started to react slowly on fire button with latest firmware.
Whats the problem? is that all about my coil build with 0.05ohm resistance in WV mode ? Or just an update feature? 
If some one knows whats this all about, answer quickly pls, I'm still using that rda with 0.05ohm in WV mode!
Just don't wanna brick and ruin my birthday present :(

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Why in the new eScribe is there an amp limit setting locked to 24? I thought the max on this device was 50. Every time I try to change it, it resets to 24. Is this just a bug or what?


Essentially, I'm going to be pretty pissed off if what I bought has just been turned into a cuboid with minimally customizable screens and a lipo pack after I updated the firmware. I rolled it back just encase. I've also not updated any of my friends DNA's because we're in the same boat.


Would appreciate an answer, Evolv.

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  BryanG said:

Why in the new eScribe is there an amp limit setting locked to 24? I thought the max on this device was 50. Every time I try to change it, it resets to 24. Is this just a bug or what?


Essentially, I'm going to be pretty pissed off if what I bought has just been turned into a cuboid with minimally customizable screens and a lipo pack after I updated the firmware. I rolled it back just encase. I've also not updated any of my friends DNA's because we're in the same boat.


Would appreciate an answer, Evolv.


It is input current not output, just leave it as is. You still got 55 amps peak like before :)
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  smartalec1020 said:

It is input current not output, just leave it as is. You still got 55 amps peak like before :)



Good deal. I didnt want to screw on a .07 to be greeted with like a 40 watt output. Appreciate the info. The constant re-locked to 24 made me think they were going to basically screw the super-sub-ohm people out there in favor of safety for all. 

We take calculated risks of our own volition building that low in power mode, but I didn't buy a device to nanny for me all of a sudden. Just had to make sure.

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