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Everything posted by retird

  1. The DNA 75C and the 250C basically operate the same using EScribe. You might want to watch this Tutorial Video as it may help with the learning curve of those new to the DNA250C. It is an older video and not up to date but it is a good starting point. EScribe is where you can also set the Profiles.
  2. In Escribe can you go to Tools>Apply Service Pack and re-install the previous Service Pack that was working?
  3. hum..... could it be that you installed the US version instead of the INT version???
  4. Also @James posted this a few days ago: Are you using EScribe Suite SP17? It looks like the most recent EScribe Suite changed the order in which things were being saved, and when it's near 100% usage, this affected what would fit. The next version will correct this. In the mean time, try reverting back to SP15.1 and uploading the theme: https://downloads.evolvapor.com/SetupEScribe2_SP15_1_INT_ServicePack.exe https://downloads.evolvapor.com/SetupEScribe2_SP15_1_US_ServicePack.exe
  5. From the link provided....... EScribe Suite is a collection of software for configuring, monitoring, and modifying the operation of your DNA device. I have NO desire to use a Sai Atty nor the substances put in the bowl..... I never understood that the DNA was intended for such use nor was this forum intended for such discussion.... take it to another forum please.....
  6. I read this a while back...... " The hysteresis band of the charger chip is 4.1 to 4.2 volts. That is, left to it's own devices, the charger will charge to 4.2, then let the device discharge to 4.1, then charge back to 4.2 in a slow cycle.If it is left to it's own devices. If charging is interrupted for some reason (firing, USB command to stop charging, whatever) and it is above 4.1 volts, it basically says "eh, good enough" and doesn't charge farther. That's half of it. The other half of it is on this chip, the total accuracy of the battery monitoring in he processor is +-2% worst case. Typical is about +-1% 1% of 4.2 volts is .042 volts. So it could actually be charged to 4.2 volts and be reading 4.158.That doesn't hurt anything because unlike the 200 class devices, the charger here is standalone, so the processor's battery voltage monitoring accuracy isn't a safety issue."
  7. Can you post a screenshot of Device Monitor having the device connected?
  8. hum.... if you got a "charge only" cable with your Orion you should contact LV as I'm sure they would want to know so they can correct the issue on future shipments.... you would be doing a service to other vapers who may buy the Orion.... I guess you figured out that EScribe works with the Go boards.... enjoy the vape and if you happen to find a QC issue with the Go Board you can certainly contact Evolv as they have the best customer service in the e-cig board industry.....
  9. Scroll down to Technical documentation... https://www.evolvapor.com/products/dna250color
  10. Could these video's be helpful to you.... have you trieda different usb cable???
  11. I'm curious as to which 250C and which Smok mod you use that lets you see the full screen while vaping?
  12. Why do you think the device stores multiple themes? Here is an older tutorial for the 75C and the 250C is similar as far as Theme Designer....
  13. I believe when you upload a different theme the other one is gone.... Multiple themes are not stored on the device...
  14. Can you post a shot of the wiring inside the device?
  15. Yep there are enclosures out there but I've not seen one like the one you asked about or one similar to it. The size is approximately (H)3 5/8" x (W) 1 1/8" x (D) 1.5" and the front is curved with a recessed 510 Evolv connector. Usually after market ERM enclosures become available that are approximately the same as the Evolv ones used for testing (such as the ERM for the DNA75, 75C, 200, 250) but I haven't seen any yet for 4 cell DNA250C. If they are out there maybe someone can post a link.... then both of us could build one..... I'm not big on magnets either and like square buttons.... So you can compare size the second link you posted shows a box size of 4.9" (H) x 1.45" (W) x 2.6" (D) and the first link is just a tad smaller but both are much bigger than the one you asked about.....
  16. Those devices were only used during Alpha/beta testing of the board, software, and firmware. Evolv made and used them for testing purposes only. They use a 4-cell Li-Po pack. I don't know of anyone marketing an enclosure like it, or similar to it. Googled Evolv DNA400 and saw this: https://www.def-liquids.com/product-p/def400.htm
  17. 250C requires multiple batteries or a multi-cell battery..... 2,3 or 4 cells... wire accordingly....
  18. As @dwcraig1 said..... also..... Here is the Datasheet for the 250C.... Wiring depends on how many batteries you will use. You must go to EScribe and set the battery settings accordingly and wire the balancing connector accordingly. Complete all wiring and settings in EScribe and upload settings to the board/device. Then do any troubleshooting... https://downloads.evolvapor.com/dna250color.pdf
  19. I wonder if it could be the atty, coill, or a wiring issue.... If I recall when you built #2 it wouldn't read TC either....
  20. Datasheet gives pinout...... see Pin Out Page https://downloads.evolvapor.com/dna60.pdf
  21. And what is your project and how will we benefit?
  22. Do both devices have exactly the same cases made by the same case manufacturer and the devices are exactly the same using the identical parts and batteries? All of my DNA devices have different thermal results after running case analyzer as the case thermals depend on the case design, materials use to make the case, internal parts used in the design, batteries used, and etc. So the two devices you have show different results. What difference in use do you experience between the 2? In the video Bill said some cheaper mods will have leakage. You have one with leakage and one with no leakage. Mod design? Mod assemble issue? Something else? Who knows....
  23. The mod he alludes to that has the daughter board 2 amp charger is a Vapor Shark.... Vapor Shark had custom DNA boards made so they could use their own daughter board 2 amp charging circuitry and their wireless charging that they called "Zip "charging ... As far as I know Lost Vapes never had a daughter board... So the minute amperage he states will slightly effect the case cooling temperature results..... does it change the final analysis enough to matter? And could the minute amperage of 0.003 just be balancing of the batteries...???? As far as using the default settings they are not device specific. All devices have their own case thermal properties. Each mod manufacturer should run analysis on their case and put the correct settings in their devices before shipping them, but many do not do that.
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