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Everything posted by retird

  1. So the LED was not lighted when not firing.... good deal.... glad ya passed this info along to others....
  2. You might want to start a ticket with Evolv .... they will guide you....
  3. What wire are you using for the coil?
  4. So is the device wired for 3 cells or 2 cells? A Hcigar vt250 is 3 cell and 250 watts.... the setting in EScribe must match the number of cells (3).
  5. Does it do this with any theme you use or just the "gauges 2.1" theme?
  6. Does it vape in TC mode and at set temperature?
  7. Usually when you turn in a ticket Evolv will approve a RMA if it is appropriate. They will usually give a link you can go to and read any instructions and to print the RMA form.. This will be in the e-mail you receive back from them when they issue you the RMA. Over the years I have seen where the board was sent in and also have seen where the whole mod was sent in. Evolv will usually guide you in the instructions on sending it in to them.... As a general observation Evolv warranty covers the board and the manufacturer of the device has their warranty for their device which they put the board in...
  8. Yep Evolv has great Customer Service.... they have a 1 year warranty on the Evolv boards....... I noted this from the RMA instructions : Please be aware just as a general disclaimer that we will RMA the board if needed, but the LiPo batteries are not covered. We appreciate your understanding in this matter as we have no involvement in the manufacture of specific devices, only the boards, and do not stock any manufacturer specific components. If a new battery is needed we will include a note stating so and use a test battery we have available here to verify your device has been repaired. Unfortunately we do not sell batteries for specific devices and you will need to source one.
  9. Good you found what you needed.... This Data Sheet may be worth scrolling thru https://downloads.evolvapor.com/dna250color.pdf
  10. You might contact Evolv : https://helpdesk.evolvapor.com/index.php?a=add&category=1 Ask them for the IGES, STEP, and Solidworks files you seek....
  11. Shorted usually means there is a shorted connection somewhere in the device wiring, device connections, 510 connector, and etc. This is a design issue and not a board issue. Glad you fixed it....
  12. Go here: https://www.evolvapor.com/products/dna250color Then scroll down to Technical Documentation where you should find the STEP File....
  13. You can see how the LED is set up on your device by going into Theme Designer in EScribe ..
  14. Can you post a screenshot of your Profile for that coil? What are the Profile settings?
  15. Norton flagged it only because not enough people (less than 100) have downloaded it yet.... Norton has flagged several Evolv versions over the years that had no issues.....
  16. Sound like it could be that the actuator (fire button) is sticking because the enclosure opening for the button allows it to stick where the button contacts the enclosure.. The actuator pushes the actual fire switch on the DNA circuit board when pressed. The actuator is not part of the circuit board. Contact your vendor for replacement.... a sticking button could be a safety hazard if not addressed if the device is allowed to fire for a long period of time.
  17. While I' looking at that you might try the UK version... US versions usually don't do Replay due to FDA Regulations.... Try this: Hoeltchen_Blue_Ohm_English_UK_AU.ecigtheme
  18. We can't load your modified theme either. Can you post the original theme?
  19. retird

    New Modder

    This should help you out..... dna250color.pdf The size of that enclosure is massive....
  20. retird

    New Modder

    This should help you out.... dna250color.pdf
  21. Will the device connect to EScribe? If so, and you want to do a soft or hard reboot of the device go to Tools/Diagnostic/Reboot Device/Select Soft or Hard....
  22. EScribe is for all the devices it will connect to so the 250 download is fine. The 166 uses the 250 board....
  23. That DNA 167 is only a 2 cell "series" device,,,, not parallel... and no option to use 1 single cell battery... Battery should never be charged to 4.5 volts.... From datasheet: Cell Balancer During charging, is vital that none of the batteries charge beyond 4.2 volts per cell. If one of the cells in the battery has more charge than the others, its voltage will be higher. During charging, the DNA 250 will turn on a “balancer” to charge that cell more slowly, to allow the less charged cells to catch up. The above is just FYI..... but the " WARRANTY SERVICE" means you should contact Evolv tech support for warranty service .... they will guide you..... Fill out another ticket (or update the other one if it is still open) and tell them what you posted here.... they will guide you....
  24. You might contact the vendor.....
  25. When you run Device Monitor the clock should automatically update the clock for you...... this is a brand new device???
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