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Everything posted by retird

  1. The folks from Evolv generally try to read here abouts as they have time I think.... Your easiest avenue to talk with them and let them respond back with you is to start a ticket at their Help Desk. The Link is in my Sig Line below.
  2. Did you try loading the original *.ecig file? Hard and soft reboot? If you run ECigStats, it will update your clock automatically after it synchronizes puffs. Alternatively, Device Monitor will do it when you run it.
  3. Just looked at the Escribe DNA60 Mod page and didn't find case analyzer there either.... let me do some checking.... EDIT: A great member here reminded me of the DNA60 thermals and etc. This was posted earlier by Evolv: ( my memory is not as sharp as it was when I was 65) " DNA 60 can't really use Thermal meaningfully, because the charging is off-board and it doesn't know much about it. The defaults should work well enough."
  4. What are the voltage readings for each cell as shown in Device Monitor? What is the "Pack voltage? USB Recovery: Goto Options/User Interface and select Manufacturing, close Escribe and then start it again, then go to Diagnostics:
  5. Thanks for posting your *.ecig file for your esquare.... I compared your thermals with the latest Lost Vape downloadable *.ecig file (downloaded from their web site just now) . Lost vape shows 0.003 (default from Evolv) as the mod resistance and yours shows 0. Also I noted both files are using the default Evolv Thermal numbers thus is seems that Lost Vape did not run Case Analyzer on the esquare. You might run Case Analyzer and I think your temp's accuracy should be better.
  6. @voxdub or @dnk could you post the *.ecig file for your esquare device. I'd like to have a look..... THX
  7. Of the 7 DNA devices I have the mod resistance on all of them is between 0.003 and 0.004 ohms.....If I had a resistance of 0.011 ohms I would be checking the wiring, the grounding, and the 510 connector to see where the difference is coming from or to verify the 0.011 ohm reading is valid for that device.......
  8. If memory serves me the Vaporshark does have a proprietary DNA200 board and what you are experiencing may be a board issue. Posters here over the years have experienced the same thing that you got.Your best option, I, guess, is to have a "modder" or repair facility look at it where you are located to determine the definitive issue (may be board related). You might want to contact customer service at Vapor shark also. They do offer the cheapest replacement cost converting their VS from 200 to a 250 board that I've seen. 70 dollars gets you new board, new 510 connector, and new battery (plus shipping).. I guess you could compare the cost of Vaporshark service and replacement including shipping to the total cost of local vendor replacement of the board plus their labor.
  9. maybe you could post a picture of the board and wiring..
  10. http://www.vaporshark.com/upgrade-service
  11. My observation is that for the next 13 to 14 months (and especially the next 8 months or so) the question is "does this help Evolv get through the FDA PMTA process." If it does then it needs to be a priority. If it doesn't, well, it can probably wait for a while...
  12. Yep I see the space is limited. Any chance the usb charger board would lay flat over the display with the usb port exiting the device next to the display window (area shown in red)?
  13. hum..... I've made a few "stealthy" super small mods over the years with charge boards and flat cell li-po's.... what battery are you using in this one? I'm thinking of a "stealthy" with parallel flat cells and the charger board standing up in the very corner. Uses very little space when standing in the corner. Mind if I ask the physical size of your project?
  14. https://forum.evolvapor.com/forum/23-themes-and-custom-screens/ https://forum.evolvapor.com/files/category/4-dna-60-75-200-250/
  15. Locked this as your answers will be in the other thread.... you do not need to double and triple post. Future double posts will be deleted...
  16. Wow.... that's a lot of info to digest..... Might try this: Set the mod resistance to 0.004 Unlock ohm's Build a spaced coil and connect it when the device and atty are at the same temperature using the profile setting you usually use. What difference does this make? Let it set a while to "refine" Vape again..... any difference?.
  17. OK..... just a thought.... you might uninstall EScribe and re-install it on your computer and see if that makes any difference. Does using a different USB cable make any difference?
  18. So, when NOT connected to EScribe the device does not vape at all?
  19. Just for information.... does the device vape when not connected to EScribe?
  20. I took a few screenshots of your video.... It starts with black screen then gets white screen (picture 1) then gives an error message (picture 2) then gives theme screen (picture 3) then black screen (picture 4) if this helps James...
  21. Does it do this with the batteries removed also while connected to EScribe?
  22. link: https://www.evolvapor.com/products/dna75color Scroll Down to "EScribe Suite" and pick which EScribe Suite you want to install...
  23. So I assume you take a cold atty (with new coil) and one device, both at room temperature, and you get a cold ohm's value after selecting "new coil". You get a good vape. You then take that atty and let it cool to room temperature and put in on the 75C , which is at room temperature, and select "new coil" and you get an ohm's reading variance of 0.05 between the 2 devices and a poor vape.. And on both devices you have let them "refine" for a while after using them. After refinement does the ohm's value change from "new" on either or both devices? At any rate, you now have good Thermal settings and a proper mod resistance value set and you have proper connectivity with your atty and 510 connector and still have a 0.05 variance between the 75 C and your other DNA devices. I guess you checked your atty with an ohm's checker or ohm's meter separate from the device and that reading agrees with some or most of your devices.. The 75C from Lost Vape may need to go back to them so they can figure out why such a variance. We could open the device and check further but that voids the warranty. It may be something in the design or wiring of the device and etc..
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