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Everything posted by retird

  1. 1. YES 2. Save a copy of your original .ecig file to your computer before making any changes of themes, cvs files, battery or thermal settings and etc. You can upload the original .ecig file at a later date should you need to. Uploading a theme, or an .ecig file, replaces the old one on the device. 3.You can change settings either way but modifying the theme design will require the Theme Designer in EScribe. 4.When you upload a theme it is complete according to the design of that particular theme. It may or may not include all the various fields ot actions you are looking for in a theme.
  2. In Device Monitor you see that when you reset statistics "Since Reset" it only resets the "statistics since the last reset" field and doesn't reset TOTAL Statistics field. The Total remains the sum-total of ALL vapes since it was new and this Total doesn't reset....
  3. Does the Drone have only 2 batteries? If so then the mod is only 166 watt maximum.....
  4. This link may help..... good info for those using li-po batteries.... http://learningrc.com/puffed-lipos/
  5. https://www.protovapor.com/product/replacement-dna-screen/
  6. https://downloads.evolvapor.com/dna75color.pdf
  7. With the battery installed, while not connected to Escribe, what is the voltage reading between B+/B- using a volt meter? From your pictures it looks like the battery connection plates of your enclosure may be wonky...or not making solid connection with the battery.... just a thought...
  8. You might contact Evolv thru their Help Desk with your request.... here is the link....they will respond back.... https://helpdesk.evolvapor.com/index.php?a=add&category=1
  9. Yep, slightly different...... just one link on the subject... https://www.djlsbvapes.com/different-wires/ If not already shown as a material on the device you can add Materials using EScribe (Material tab).... here is the cvs file I use for SS316L SS316L.csv
  10. Should be in warranty thru HCigar, right? You can start a ticket with Evolv also and they will guide you......
  11. I would think that only one small screw would be needed to secure the 510 from moving in the enclosure... maybe you could drill a smaller hole in the 510 (between two of the existing holes but a much smaller hole) and drill and tap the enclosure since you will be drilling and tapping the enclosure anyway....
  12. Have you tried reloading the original ecig file or the theme from the original ecig file? Have you made any changes to the theme or ecig file recently? If you can post a copy of your ecig file we can look at it for anything that may need setting again...
  13. When I pocket the device I just lock it (5 clicks of the fire button) thus no buttons work but I think one can sometimes accidently hit the up/down/select buttons while vaping....
  14. THX...yours highlights the profile and on the theme I'm using pressing the select button takes me to another menu screen and from that menu I can't fire the device but pressing the fire button takes me back to the power screen and it fires then.
  15. @67exec.... after you fire and press the up button what happens if you press the select button?
  16. You should send it back as 0% cells almost never will charge back. Also the battery should be a 3 cell battery and your screenshot #2 shows the proper setting for 3 cells but your screenshot #1 only shows 2 cells.... not good so best to let it go back for replacement as it arrived to you DOA....
  17. Can you save the ecig file to your computer an then post the ecig file here? Someone will help you but it will be easier if they could see your ecig file to see what needs to be done in the theme and ecig file...
  18. From your snip we see a pack voltage of 7.44 (3.72 v. each cell) when not firing. What does the pack and cell voltages drop down to while firing? When firing your snip shows the 90 watt setting only reaches 65.23 watts. Could it be that battery sag is what you are seeing since it doesn't do this when batteries are at full charge?
  19. In Device Monitor are you seeing excessive battery sag with full batteries and excessive sag at 60% charge? Do you still get the flashing battery with a build requiring less amperage?
  20. Flashing battery symbol is a weak battery error message..... your setup of 90 watts @ 0.14 ohms requires 25.35463 amps.... May be battery sag due to large amp draw with your setup..... ohm's law is your friend..... I don't think there is anything wrong with your device.... try building a different coil which draws less amperage....
  21. @LeeWB3 Been reading this thread.... interesting..... Your screenshot in the first example you gave had the power setting set to 27.5 watts and the set point for temperature of 460F was not met. It only achieved about 437.75F. What happens when you bump that power setting up to 30 watts and what happens when you bump it up again to 35 watts? The temperature should get closer to your set point of 460F or may even meet that set point and regulate from there.
  22. Mooch is the generally recognized person to recommend batteries. ...Mooch has reviews and his recommendations for the batteries in his chart and you can google them...... Others here may chime in on which batteries they use and which gives them the best results.... AND here is a link so you can read Mooch's testing results for many batteries... https://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/blog-entry/list-of-battery-tests.7436/ The selections under the heading "18650 Shootout Test Results" is a good place to start.... Click on the battery you want to see the testing results and review that Mooch gives....
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