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Everything posted by retird

  1. My everyday OEM coil is a "notch coil" which is placed on a build deck type tank. Probably not what you are wanting and ohm rating not what you specify. https://www.myvaporstore.com/Wismec-NotchCoil-Pack-of-5-for-Theorem-Atomizer-p/wist40.htm I sometimes use an Aspire Ni200 OEM coil in an Aspire Triton 2 tank.... again probably not what you are wanting.... http://www.aspirecig.com/aspire-tanks/triton/triton443.html I have positive experience with OEM coils I use and I only use OEM coils.... others hopefully will chime in on what they like in the way of OEM coils.... folks that use OEM coils may be in the minority..... Screenshot of Notch Coil in tank:
  2. Here is a CSV that was posted by giz_60 for the batteries you mentioned....
  3. It seems to me that it is a default on your new mod and by saving it before making changes it was the way your mod came to you (default)..
  4. That is the CSV file named Dual25R showing the CSV for the 2 cell 25r batteries. This CSV will be the same for any battery you use unless you change the CSV to one which has been set up for specific batteries....
  5. can you post a screenshot showing battery name "dual25r".... as far as I know the DNA does not detect different battery manufacturers... @Matix805 posted a screenshot in another thread and I replied over there....The CSV file is named "Dual25R"
  6. hum, that coil won't work on the DNA, the Fuchai, or the Minikin in TC mode? Do you not suspect the coil/tank as the issue?
  7. What version of EScribe are you using? Is the service pack on your device the most current one? This is the recommended Escribe version as of this date I think and includes the most current service pack if it needs to be installed: EScribe Suite 2.0 SP5.2For US-based customers: https://downloads.evolvapor.com/SetupEScribe2_SP5_2_US_ServicePack.exeFor international customers: https://downloads.evolvapor.com/SetupEScribe2_SP5_2_INTL_ServicePack.exe I've not used the coil you are vaping..... I ponder why your wattage in temp mode levels out at about 7.5 watts when it reaches 220C temp..... it shows reaching the set temp and holding the temp. I'm wondering if that coil is a vertical coil with one leg longer than the other. I ran across a vertical coil a while back that was supposed to work in temp mode but it was a weak vape and never vaped like all my other temp sensing coils but it worked good in wattage (power) mode...... From your posts I gather you have no other temp device to try this coil on and it is your first temp coil.
  8. What does the voltage show in Device Monitor? Batteries swelling....REPLACE...
  9. Could you be having a poor wicking issue ? or a hot spot in the coil? or not using a spaced coil?
  10. After changing setting in EScribe did you upload the settings to the device?
  11. Can you go to Help/Backups in EScribe and see if there is a backup file there to upload?
  12. From the data sheet DNA250, 200, 75, 60.... The maximum temperature is adjustable between 200° Fahrenheit and 600° Fahrenheit. To disable the temperature protection entirely, adjust the limit up to 600 degrees, then press the UP button one additional time. The temperature limit will read OFF. What experiment are you running that needs to be above 600F? Sounds kinda crazy to me....lol
  13. hum, maybe LV should use this loctite or none at all: http://www.henkel-adhesives.com/product-search-1554.htm?nodeid=8802598125569
  14. hum, maybe a direct short circuit in the device causing severe battery drain immediately......
  15. Could be any number of things..... Can you post a screenshot of Device Monitor (device connected to EScribe)....and a screenshot of settings on the Mod Page of EScribe .......a good place to start....
  16. Run CaseAnalyzer when the battery level is at 1/2 or below and device at room temperature to start...Case Analyzer sets the Thermal settings.... Setting the internal resistance is a separate operation and need not be changed in order to run Case Analyzer....
  17. LOL.... my bad.... I should have typed " the voltage of the last puff".... didn't mean to imply there is a last puff voltage field.....
  18. Per VB's comment..... Here is a DNA75C theme screenshot that shows puff voltage and the screen time out can be set so you can read the last puff voltage long after the puff. After the screen goes out the puff voltage reading zero's out until vaped again...
  19. Yep, vaping is subjective....... you might offer your suggestion to Evolv using this link: https://helpdesk.evolvapor.com/index.php?a=add&category=5 The Evolv team can then evaluate the merits and make a decision on future updates or features. They have implemented many suggested features, but not all, offered by users.
  20. THX dwc and Dr..... interesting that a voltage mode device is in fresh made mods.......
  21. None of the DNA's (Darwin, Kick, Kick 2, 20, 30,40, 60, 75,133, 166, 200 250) were ever designed to vape in voltage mode. DNA's were designed first to be used in variable wattage mode and Temperature Protection mode came later. All were designed around a safer and more consistant experience. I don't recall any present day new devices that can be vaped in voltage mode.... If you know of any I would like to see a review of them..... thx
  22. You might "uninstall" EScribe Suite from the uninstall feature of Windows 10 found in the Control Panel. Then install EScribe again from this web page (scroll down until you see your choices of EScribe to install): https://www.evolvapor.com/products/dna75color
  23. 1.1 SP25 is a firmware update. You can install it when you want.... doesn't effect the ec\ig file nor the theme....
  24. You can do this from the theme on a DNA75C device so you guys must have a different DNA than the 75C. I don't see where you mention which device you have.... the firmware and software is very different on the 75C as is the Theme Designer....
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