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Everything posted by retird

  1. THX for the update.... kinda says it is not the theme if the Evolv default theme does the same.... maybe a bug in Mac I've not seen in Windows..... forwarded a message to James....
  2. You might go to "Downloads" in this forum and download a theme for your device to your desktop..... Open Theme Designer without a device connected. Open the theme you downloaded and see if that theme gives you the same issue... if not then the issue is with the theme...
  3. It is not restricted, just optional,........not all vapers need or use it so it is available for those who want it.........
  4. I think you will like the "Replay" feature in the DNA250C...... Select "Replay" of the 3rd puff and next puffs are the same while "Playing"..... There is a couple videos out where Brandon speaks about it but you probably have seen them already.... ..........https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jac9au_1uY8.......... .........https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKPb3UKXXP4......
  5. Current Profile is just showing what profile is being currently used on the device. An Example: In EScribe you have profile 1 showing which means that is the profile being used on the device is Profile 1.... Change the current profile to 2 and upload and the device is now it is using Profile 2...
  6. Early Release versions may have some bugs or some tweaking may be necessary... I've not heard of any board or charging failures from this yet. I recall reading that essentially Evolv added a protection where if the USB current or voltage changes dramatically in a frame it'll drop charging and re-orient itself.
  7. I saw the Akku" and just Changed my download to "Pack".... Loaded the theme and awaiting battery pack to charge then I'll play with it a bit....
  8. Thanks for giving this also in English...... Downloaded to check this one out..... Have a great day....
  9. SS316 wire is a more "finiky" wire and fine tuning it to get the "smooth" effect you want takes effort to make sure the atty, the build, the connections, and etc. are just right. Of all the wire types the SS316 took me the longest to nail down to the "smooth" regulation. Your first screenshot shows a pretty good regulation and overall smother than many I've seen. Some folks use different TCR's than the default one that comes with the DNA. Some also use a TCR for a SS316 wire when the wire they purchased is really a SS316L. Some folks used contact coils where most get better results with SS316L by spacing the coil. Any hot spot will effect the "smoothness", as will poor connections, dirty connections, wicking issues,, and etc. Even the way one draws air over the coil can have an effect. Pre-heat and punch settings can be fine tuned also to smooth out overshooting somewhat also as can the wattage and Temp Setting. Also some lock the ohms and others do not... I never lock the ohm's as I use the refinement process. When I first got exposed to SS316L my results were terrible compared to what you posted here. Hang in there and keep working at it.....
  10. In Temp mode your settings (18 watts and 210C) causes the vape to reach temperature and it maintains temp well below 18 watts. In power mode you give a full 18 watts to the atty. Increase the wattage and the temperature until you get a good vape. (Example - Try 225C and 25 watts in Temp Mode...)
  11. Evolv puts up the firmware/software in the thread we are talking about. They post the "Recommended version" even as there are other versions.... We can choose the recommended one, the early service packs, or the other packs. Evolv marks the "Recommended version" but you may choose whichever....
  12. From this thread: RECOMMENDED SERVICE PACK (DNA 75 Color) EScribe Suite 2.0 SP5.2 For US-based customers: https://downloads.evolvapor.com/SetupEScribe2_SP5_2_US_ServicePack.exe For international customers: https://downloads.evolvapor.com/SetupEScribe2_SP5_2_INTL_ServicePack.exe
  13. Shorted means the atomizer or wiring are short circuited. The device will not operate without a charged battery installed. If the battery will not charge it may be a bad battery or an issue, such as a short or a wiring issue, preventing charging.
  14. Make sure that your usb cable is a data cable and not just a charging cable and you could try several data cables....
  15. What happens when you start EScribe and then plug in the device?
  16. 2. Charger The DNA 250 has a built in 2A USB charger. It automatically detects the type of USB power supply it is connected to, so it can be plugged into standard PC USB ports or higher power chargers. The max charge current is based on the cell capacity as programmed in EScribe. Link to DNA250 Data Sheet....... https://downloads.evolvapor.com/dna250.pdf .. lots of information in this data sheet.... 1. You can change the way the display gives you a visual cue by using EScribe.... and uploading your changes to the device.. NOTE: Best to save a copy of your *.ecig file before you go changing things with EScribe. That way you can always upload it should you need to....
  17. See the wire sizing in the wiring section of this data sheet for the 75.... it may help.... https://downloads.evolvapor.com/dna75.pdf
  18. From your screenshots it seems you are reaching the desired wattage and your atty seems to be putting out consistently at a valid ohm's rating, I'm not familiar with the ijoy 20700 battery but Mooch says this about the ijoy (there are 2 versions of the battery and he rates one at 20 amps)... here is a link: http://www.tasteyourjuice.com/wordpress/archives/16249 The only thing it seems to me is that your battery sag at @60% charge borders on the cell cut-off (seeing battery sag almost to cut-off). There can be many reasons for what you are seeing. Poor connection of the battery in the sled, the battery has lower amps than rated, poor wiring or cold solder joint, loose ground, and etc. It's hard to troubleshoot a device without being able to have it in hand but these are some thing that can cause the battery sag. You also could plug in a very good 18650 and see how it performs. That's my best thoughts on your situation. Others may chime in and assist you also.....
  19. I charge all my DNA's via USB and have since the Darwin days (over 7 years IIRC) and the Darwin still looks and works like new..... I've never used an external charger with any DNA.... just my preference and others have their preference too...
  20. You would need to contact Evolv at https://helpdesk.evolvapor.com/index.php?a=add&category=3 and see if WTS posts are allowed in this forum.. I've not seen any on this forum. I've no recollection of even Evolv posting any WTS post in this forum.
  21. If no one posts it for you here is what Chunky posted: If you want the CSV I would PM @antyac2108.
  22. From the 75C Data Sheet: Charger The DNA 75C has a built in 1A USB charger. It automatically detects the type of USB power supply it is connected to, so it can be plugged into standard PC USB ports or higher power chargers.
  23. Question for you USB-c users.... I just replaced a dead computer and the new one has a usb-c connection also.... What is the advantage of the C Connector as opposed to the micro usb? THX
  24. Welcome to the forum...... The Temp Protect message is not an error message normally. It usually means you have reached the set temperature. If you get this message immediately and get no vapor then you may have a coil with hot spots, or are using a contact coil instead of a spaced coil. DNA's have profiles and the profile can be set to SS wire and no tcr adjustment is needed to get at least some vapor. Squonkers are a bit of a different animal. You might build a new spaced coil and wick it. Set up the profile for SS and set the wattage, temp, preheat, etc. Clean the 510 connections of all juice. Screw on atty and wet the wick/coil area with juice (do not squonk). Try that and see what you get. Do you have EScribe?
  25. Here is a post someone put up that may help.... click on it.
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