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Spector NS5 RD

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Everything posted by Spector NS5 RD

  1. open device monitor and and try a few or bunch of usb recovery charges if the cells are under 2v mark. what are each of the cell voltages this time around with the new pack? total voltage? sucks you're having problems again. no charge symbol when usb is inserted?
  2. aka "The Apocalypse Mod" how much does that thing weigh? looks like something mad max would vape. i like it tho. good job.
  3. that's strange. when the dna 200 is connected to a PC the board should recognize data lines are present and communicate with the pc and regulate the usb current the charger draws to somewhere around .5 amps, like mine does, to prevent usb power "brown outs". i'm not great with computers, sorry. can you charge the mod using a wall charger? what happens on the display when you do plug it into a wall charger? does the lightening bolt appear inside of the battery bar? you should be using a 2 amp wall USB charger to charge your VS. not the computer.
  4. hi kbapk, answer me this, does the mod still vape? is the screen black or working. if the mod still vapes and appears fine, try rebooting your PC and open only the escribe software. also make sure you have a USB cable that is not just for charging. data and charging. use the cable that comes with the VS DNA 200. i have VS 200 as well that had to be returned to VS for a blown fuse and shorted USB. i will try and help you as much i can.
  5. yes please don't use any firmware other than what's available on the early firmware page. i just had two boards die with exactly the same symptoms running FW 2016-04-05. first symptom - battery charge/watt hour charge estimate falsely zeroed out. a few hours later nothing but clicking noises from the boards and warranty service messages on both screens. play it safe and wait for approved, by evolv, FW to be released. i have just sent the boards in the mail today. i won't have an answer to what killed the boards for some time. but better to be safe than sorry when it comes to "here one minute, gone the next" firmware.
  6. you can first try a hard reboot. then go down in, then back up to your current firmware (reinstall firmware). i have yet to hear of a fix for this exact problem. i'm almost sure this is an RMA again for you. best thing to do is contact the vendor (ginger vaper) and let them know what's going on with your device.
  7. blown fuse - device only waked up when usb is plugged in, but device won't fire. also pack voltage in device monitor will be 0. best way to find out if it's the fuse is to open the mod back up and visually inspect the fuse to see if it is blown. not a great pic but the green color of the fuse burns away, either partly or all the way, when blown.
  8. do you have an actual multi meter to test individual cell voltages? i would do that. if all three are at the the same voltage (even) then you have some cleaning to do or you have a bad connection somewhere between batt and board. but i hope you got it straightened out with this cleaning.
  9. a lot of people have used doubled sided foam tape to position the screen atop the board then board is mounted in enclosure. other people have used a non conductive putty in place of the foam tape. my two cents...
  10. hey VB....i just put the new firmware that comes with the new 75/200 escribe, on my 1590a/dna200 . you're right, the difference between SS temp control on firmware 2016-04-25 and previous versions is now as smooth as glass. no jagged rocky mountain spikes seen when the temp box is selected. very nice i must say. i just tested my relo (older FW version) vs hammond 1590a (with new FW). both with my Dual 24g 9 wrap SS316L VCMT. i like it buddy edit.....i know this supposed to stay dna 75 related, so i'll refrain from posting about FW updates for the 200 here.
  11. VB......is the smoother TC regulation for SS just in the 75 firmware or is it smoother for the 200 as well with the newest firmware?
  12. in this new version that includes the 75 escribe, what's the new firmware for the 200? 2016-04-25? what's changed/new? edit.....what's "level" in device mon?
  13. i have run into this as well. however, with the newest firmware (the beta one), when mine stop charging around the 96%-98% mark, the new firmware notices the charge cycle being complete and just resets it to 100%. with older versions of firmware i had to wake the devices up, take a puff or two, while the usb was still plugged in to squeeze in the last few percent of the charge. but pretty much what billw50 said. the watt hour counter is an estimation. so when the charging stops at 96%-98%, it is pretty much fully charged and wh counter might be off a little.
  14. make sure you have lithium polymer selected and not lifepo4 selected. also make sure you have it set to maximize puffs instead of maximize recharges.
  15. johnathan hillstrand confirms the charging led pads voltage is 5v, lol. however, i think i'm complete liar in my previous post about the charging led. for the life of me, i thought the brightness of the red charging led was adjustable in escribe through the charging screen brightness slider. i just now set the charging screen brightness from 0% to 100% and everything in between and cannot tell any discernible change in brightness of the red led. i do plan to take my VS 200 apart to check a few things out, just not any time soon. still under warranty.
  16. good find laguz. i wish you could find a pic of the back of the board as well. i see only one gate driver, so only one inductor on the back, i'm guessing. not two like the 200. edit......i was wrong. evolv kept the dual inductor set up on the 75. they just took away two switching mosfets. so are these inductors ran in parallel or series, is my next question.
  17. what about the vendor you purchased the mod from? i wouldn't give up hope yet. submit a ticket with evolv through their help desk from their website. explain your situation, they sometimes take entire mods in for repair. worst case, they'll have you desolder the board and send just that. just be patient when waiting for a response after you submit your ticket, it could take a few days for a response.
  18. the set of solder pads under and to the right of the fire button are for the charging led. only activated when usb is plugged in and charging. this led is also dimmable through escribe in the charging screen brightness selector. the set of solder pads directly across from the charging led pads, to the left, and the pads at the top and to the right of the button are activated whenever the fire button is pressed. not sure on the current limit. i wouldn't compound a big number of leds to any set of pads. just what is needed. hope this helps. i would ask evolv about the current limit of the pads if you really need to know.
  19. lol, sorry, it's not funny but kinda is......."my relo is spitting out parts." are the battery sled contacts still "springy"? and like dwcraig1 said, your 510 still "springy"? that's it for springs in the dna relo.
  20. here ro.sniper read through this thread for some ideas.......... /topic/66435-topic/
  21. different error message but sounds similar.............. /topic/67123-topic/?do=findComment&comment=904192
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