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Spector NS5 RD

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Everything posted by Spector NS5 RD

  1. when you say other settings, what do you mean? temp increment scrolling? i'm not sure what else besides watts and temp there would be a pause for. give me some more details on what else is acting strangely.........
  2. this happened when you did the larger lipo conversion? does it do the same start and pause if you use the 'simulate button press' located in device monitor, from escribe? try a soft, then a hard reboot. what version of escribe are you running? in the 'recommended' version of escribe, there is a 'look and feel' section at the bottom of the 'theme' page in escribe labeled 'watts press increment' and 'watts hold increment'. try adjusting those to your liking
  3. how about the make and model of the mod? at the bottom of device monitor when you press any of the buttons, it should say what button is beiñg pressed. does it say or no? like scy123 stated, first try the hard reboot, then make sure the button actuators are hitting the actual buttons dead on. who knows, the initial drop by the "retard" might of knocked off a component from the board, not completely, just enough to cause your symptoms.
  4. if you're handy with a soldering iron you can de-solder the board from the mod and send just the board to evolv. or you can email evolv and ask them super nicely if you can send the whole mod in for them fix. i have heard of evolv taking in entire devices to fix them. but first, i would contact the retailer you purchased the vt200 from and see what they say.
  5. thanks scy123. turns out i'm touched in the head and it IS on page 1. don't immediately jump on the computer after just waking up, lesson learned!
  6. where can i find the description for escribe version - 2016-02-12 and 2016-02-23? i can't find it on page 1. it used to be there. now it just has the 'testing' and the 'recommended' version description. where's it hiding?
  7. when i see temp spikes way way over my set temp, it has always been a loose connection/poor connection somewhere in the atty or its' 510. tighten the wire screws and clean the 510 with some iso alc. see if that helps.
  8. ya, you figure VS and Hana Modz are probably two of the biggest US based, mainstream board buyers from evolv, i think. not counting smaller mod makers. i know VS devices are assembled in China. not sure about Hana. I'm not even sure what happened to Hana. seems like they fell off. I haven't heard any new devices coming from Hana lately. their once $200 priced V200 is now selling for $149. but ya, you figure VS exclusively uses evolv boards. so evolv hooked them up. edit.....hana is offering the "one mod" large screen dna 40 for $29
  9. correct, @Ratboy0883. no green led's on the dna 200. 2 blue, 1 red that's it.
  10. this seems to be a one the most spoken about problems with the 200. try a hard reboot from escribe and see if that remedies the problem. if not, re-flash your current firmware or if you're not running the latest firmware, try installing the newest. other than that, that problem is usually an RMA situation. here's the link to all the firmwares. /topic/66731-topic/
  11. evolv sends out the led's already soldered to the proprietary VS dna 200 boards before VS gets them. here's a pic of a VS dna 200 disassembled . different buttons and a side mounted ZIF socket than the reg 1 amp dna 200. if you look closely around the fire button area you'll notice three SMD led's. two blue (mounted diagonally from each other and one red SMD led (underneath fire button). disregard the red circle i made with MS Paint, that was for something else. edit.....you know if you wanted to you could add the same led's evolv puts on for VS. evolv left the solder pads on the reg dna 200 there just in case you wanted to add that functionality to any dna 200 board.
  12. thanks retird. i just like as much info as i can get. i hope that post didn't come off as me being a sh#tty person. i just want my shark back. i really loved that 200. i'm just bummed and kinda disgruntled my time with it was cut so short. i will post the nitty gritty from VS when i hear back from them or when i get my device back. maybe the info could help someone else in my shoes.
  13. don't take this post the wrong way. no ones asking for a guess. it would be a mystery to you because you don't work at evolv. evolv gets all the bad boards from VS. i don't know if you read my above post but i said i'd like know about the cause of the 'majority' of Vaporshark board failures. obviously they're not all going to have the same problem. however, i'm willing to venture a guess that out of XXXX bad boards XX boards had a common issue/issues. so far i found three cases that match my problem. VShas great CS. at least this has been my experience. evolv, IMO has just as good, if not better CS than VS. edit....there is no daughter board in the VS DNA 200. usb cable used works with my 4 other dna 200 devices, as in connects to escribe. bad battery, fire button, broken oled, loose ribbon cable would not prevent escribe from making connection with the mod. the device was babied and never dropped or handled roughly.
  14. if you don't mind me asking, what were you doing when yours quit? i like details. they're very important. i can understand what you mean tho. maybe evolv could chime in on - out of all the VS dna 200 board failures, what was the number one cause of failure for the majority of them. evolv would probably have a better explanation than VS.
  15. the vaporshark dna 200 does not have a green led. blue when fire button is pressed. red while charging. nothing (red led turns off) when fully charged.
  16. if you're asking if i had it plugged into a 2 amp wall wart, yes i did. i was using a usb cable capable of supporting two amps. device was charging at a rate of 1.90-1.98 amps (varies during charge). why? what are your thoughts? i'm interested if someone has a definitive reason for this type of failure.
  17. i myself recently purchased a new VS DNA 200 last week. got the device saturday the 26th and it died yesterday wednesday the 30th. device was on a usb charger. device finished charging so i unplugged it and proceeded to take a vape. mid vape the device died. here's the story : i was vaping on a griffin RTA with dual Ti coils ohming out to .11, at 50 watts with a 100 watt preheat. i'm thinking fuse, but even with a blown fuse it should still connect to escribe. funny thing is it died mid puff. it wouldn't fire, screen blacked out, but blue led's lit up every time i pressed the fire button. i then booted up escribe, escribe recognized the VS DNA 200 and the mod's screen said, "error press up to continue". i pressed up. the screen then said, "warranty service." i hit the fire button, with my atomizer still attached, then heard a soft pop. after that, escribe lost connection and the device does nothing, not even the blue led's anymore. tried all the usual tricks and tips : jst connector and main pos and neg secure, hard and soft reboot, reflash firmware etc.........usb recovery also will not work since escribe does not see the device. rather than take the device apart and diagnose it myself, since this device has a full 120 day warranty, i just sent the device to back to VS. they paid for the return shipping label. so their customer service has been great so far. i was told i would receive an email as to what caused the device to fail when one of VS's techs got their hands on it. also i should expect the mod back some time next week. should be interesting to see if VS fixes or just replaces the faulty mod. will report back with what happens (cause of failure, fixed or new device, customer service) during this time of mourning. this is the first dna 200 to die on me. EDIT........ vaporshark emailed me a tracking number for my new or repaired VS DNA 200 today (4-5-16). 5 days total from shipping it to them on thursday, to receiving a tracking # today, pretty good in my book. no mention in that email what caused the failure. i replied back asking if they could share any info with me as to what happened. will report back when device is in hand and will also update if i get a response to my question.
  18. inhaling cigars......my god man. i'm getting sick just thinking about that. reminds of the time when i was 12 and tried a 'dip' (chewing tobacco) for the first time and didn't spit the juice out of my mouth....down the hatch! i swallowed the tobacco clump as well. i remember how sick i was that day and how i couldn't stand up. i'm 33 now and can remember vomiting so hard in the woods by my house, the next day my eyeballs looked like brake lights because of all the busted blood vessels.
  19. 18% nic???? what is that in milligrams, 18mg? the vcmt is a lung inhale tank so i know you're not mouth to lunging it. maybe i'm touched in the brain, but for some reason i'm thinking 18% nic is = to 18mg and is really high for lung hits. i'd choke then immediately vomit after one puff. i even have to pace myself with 3mg. so am i wrong? is 18% close to 3mg or 6mg or is it actually 18mg?
  20. it's still working because each inductor is connected to it's own set of switching mosfets. the outputs of the inductors are tied together. however, you only have half of evolv's dual synchro buck design working. designed like that for efficiency and to split the load between the two converters. do what mikepetro said, RMA the board back to evolv. EDIT.....if you're out of the U.S., which i'm pretty sure you are, you can try to re-solder the inductor back on the board to save some money. you might even be able to reflow the solder already on the inductor and the pads on the board. worth a shot if you got a soldering iron.
  21. this is another case of "won't wake up unless USB inserted". most if not all of those cases are an RMA situation.
  22. dual twisted 24g, yikes! some heavy coils you got there. and here i thought my twisted 26g nife48 coils were big, lol. that tank or rda you have them in must get crazy hot if you start chaining.
  23. i just picked me up some 24 gauge Ti from envycig.com. coiled up a dual 7 wrap 2.5 mm for my bellus and wow! what difference over their 26 gauge. sure it's over priced and probably no better than any other run of mill grade 1. for me, price isn't to important when it comes to wire. i make one coil or set of coils for an rta/rda and just change the cotton. i only replace the actual coil or coils if they break or if i'm feeling adventurous. so 15 ft of 24 g Ti will last me a year. almost forgot, at least they give you a JOC square with your order, score! lol.
  24. i myself learned of the tank from this youtube video. mark (vapnfagan) is at an expo in vegas where hcigar and brandon were. i guess hcigar was not supposed to bring the 75 but they did anyway. i forget where mark mentions talking to brandon, but he does somewhere within the video about a tank. any more info other than "a tank" was not given. the tank is mentioned somewhere in the video. you gotta watch it but it's in there somewhere. i found where he starts talking about the 75 here - (for some reason it wont start at the point i have it copied at??) skip to: 11m 25 secs in. ok i found the tank comment: 45m 05secs in. https://youtu.be/q8xrV0dIMU0?t=11m25s
  25. no new news on the 75, except for what's already out there. i did hear however, evolv is coming out with a tank.
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