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Spector NS5 RD

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Everything posted by Spector NS5 RD

  1. www.hobbyking.com has lipos and connectors. the dna 75 has an on board 1 amp charger that is powered from the micro usb port.
  2. states 1 amp. with my usb meter i've only seen .82 amps.
  3. not hard, as long you're VERY careful when separating the pack into individual cells, being careful not to hard short any of the cells. the positive and negative battery tabs will most likely be aluminum and if you're soldering you need a flux that can be used with soldering to aluminum. the 3s hcigar lipo pack i rewired for parallel came out to 11.14 watt hours when i ran battery analyzer.
  4. hi dgnyc........ welcome. some prebuilt coils are manufactured differently from others. some require more or less power to achieve the same vape. some use thicker or thinner wire, some use a single or parallel coil build. why these two tanks work differently on your other dna 200 mods could be any number of reasons. make sure on your boxer and vt133 the mod resistance is properly set, you have the correct coil material curve, also doesn't hurt to give these two tank's 510's a good cleaning. but if they vape fine at higher temps and watts on these two devices, that's not all bad. hope this helps.
  5. under the mod tab in escribe make sure you have lithium ion 18650 selected and set your cell soft cutoff to not less than 2.6 if you want to to input the watt hour of a battery, run battery analyzer. there's a box you can also check if you plan to use an external battery charger.
  6. my dead VT200 has a new life now. put the 75 board in with some modifications. rewired the 3s hcigar lipo for 3p. drilled a not so perfect hole for the LED. is this an ideal enclosure......no, but i have some 18650 75's on the way so this was just kind of a "why not" project.
  7. i've had that happen a few times on some of my 40's and 200's. it was one of two things. loose/bad connection somewhere between the board and the coil or the base resistance was too low for the dna board to accurately control temp. it was kinda weird and funny watching my screen temp go into the THOUSANDS but i would make sure my build was within ohm spec and make sure all my connections were secure. that's what fixed it FOR ME.
  8. i wonder if people will mod their DNA 75 mods with heavier battery contact springs and contacts.....
  9. i like pics . be sure to get a good one of the onboard fuse. however, fuse should not interfere with mod making connection to escribe. even tho escribe doesn't "see" the mod, try to reinstall the firmware you're running......long shot but...
  10. ya their capacity sucks but that's the trade off. an in between battery would be the VTC4 or the LG HD2C both are 25 amps CDR and 2100 mah with the LG being slightly better out of the two. i'm all for the lipo for the 75. in fact i have plans for the one i should be receiving friday from a place where i was sworn to secrecy . that board shall dine on lipo power. no weak batt message for me. i hope, lol.
  11. the coil material shouldn't be the culprit of the weak batt message. i run nife48 wire myself and haven't noticed that specific wire cause any problems for me. my guess is we're going to see a lot people posting about weak battery messages in days and months to come. 18650's will have considerably more sag than lipos. 26650's will have even more. that's why i plan to make a lipo'd 75 mod, or at least a dual 18650 one. we're asking a lot now from a single battery. maybe ditch the high mah batts and try the LG HB6, HB4, or HB2 - those batts have lower mah but a higher CDR (30 amps).
  12. in escribe, can you post a screen shot of device monitor? specifically cell voltages and pack voltage? also make sure in the mod tab, in escribe, your panzer is set up for 3 cell operation and not 2 cell.
  13. when a manufacturer makes a mod, let's say a dna 200 lipo'd mod, they make it to where the battery they picked out fits like a glove. not all but most. "internal space is at a premium when it comes to mods." so when lost vape put the 1300 mah inside the first efusion, they made it so the body fit around the lipo like a glove. so getting anything bigger would require heavy modifications. honestly you'd be better off to save sum cash up and look for a high capacity mod that is either prebuilt or.............like the new Silo2000 from Modcrate. 2000 mah lipo'd dna 200. https://modcrate.myshopify.com/collections/basic-box-mod-kit/products/silo-2000
  14. i don't have one of those.........no.......must resist. $83 tho. damn bill. that code is "iloveyou" or something else?
  15. what type of mod? under "TOOLS" in escribe, try a hard reboot. see if that clears it up. if not try reinstalling the firmware your running under the same tab labeled "update firmware". post back to let us know if that helped
  16. this is just my opinion but 26650's are not as good as 18650's when it comes to us using them in our mods, mainly when it comes to 60 watts and above style of vaping. 26650's have a higher internal resistance than the 18650. most 18650's will out perform any 26650 that is available on the market today. don't believe the CDR or pulse ratings of 26650's. they're ALL over stated.
  17. what's the max temp the board reaches when you're watching in device monitor? you're not firing it, just connecting the battery then board temp starts to climb? does the mod get excessively hot to the touch? does usb charging still work, as in are you getting the full two amps when charging? i know the board will limit usb current draw when the board gets above ......119°F (somewhere around there, maybe a little more) during the charge cycle. finally one last question even with the board temp climbing does it vape, any quirks when temp is peaked? i'd say if it still vapes and charges fine, use it till the wheels fall off. if the board fails, VS has a repair option for out of warranty sharks. have you tried VS's customer service hotline and explained your situation? couldn't hurt right? they refunded you the cost of the mod, right? so whatever the repair cost is it'll still be cheaper than paying $200 for new one. edit....i just read the above post. no i would not consider taking the time to trouble shoot it at cost to you. VS pays for shipping, both ways. at least they did for me. once again no cost to you. if you got them to refund your money and let you keep it. i would consider that a win win. ya it sucks going back and forth with a mod that refuses to work but.....electronics aren't perfect, they fail. that's me tho. don't take it the wrong way. i only want to help.....
  18. for a second, i thought that was your mod, lol.
  19. the larger the capacity (mah), the larger the lipo......in most cases. you might want to consider the lost vape efusion duo.......you have the choice between a 1300 mah lipo or a dual 18650 configuration. comes with the 1300 mah lipo and the dual 18650 sled. uses snap together connectors for easy swapping between the two. just a thought. http://vapenw.com/efusion-duo-dna133-200-mod-by-lost-vape
  20. sorry to hear you had so many problems with your VS. but glad to hear you basically got it for free. i had to send in my VS 200 for a new board 5 days after buying it. working great now. that tiny 900 mah lipo doesn't last all that long but that's where it pays to have the 2 amp charging VS offers with their mods.
  21. you needed to make sure the stock lipo that comes with your efusion is around the same size as the turnigy you linked. you could measure the space where the lipo would fit to see if it will accommodate this 1.3 turnigy. also i should mention you have to peel the carbon fiber panel off to get at the screws that hold the panel on. you could ruin the CF panel. also fullymax is a great brand when it comes to lipos. the turnigy might not net you much of a gain in vape time since it's essentially the same amount of mah. Dimensions: 71x34x23mm (turnigy 1.3) Dimensions: 22x35x66 mm (stock fullymax 1300) (it's close. it might fit, your call)
  22. you had 4 VS DNA 200's die or you have 4 and the 4th bricked? just curious.
  23. which mod, specifically, by lost vape?
  24. have you seen this option on VS's website? http://www.vaporshark.com/dna/rdna-case-replacement $40 not crazy expensive.
  25. i've asked VS, directly, for spare parts. mainly the fire button/led assembly for the VS DNA 40. mine has lost the tactile and audible "click". their response was, "we do not ship specific parts of any VS product to any address." they then proceeded to try and persuade me to send it in for repair. naw, not worth it. if anyone DOES know of a place that sell VS parts please let the forum know.
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