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Spector NS5 RD

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Everything posted by Spector NS5 RD

  1. cell 3 is out-o-balance. you can try to just charge that cell ONLY through the balance tap with a 3.7 volt lithium charger. bring that one cell up to around 4.18 and see how the pack behaves when re installed in your efusion.
  2. what brand is it? is that battery 8 months old? what are each of the cell voltages in device monitor? they could also be overstating the battery's capacity. if that's the case it will throw the battery meter off. best bet is to run battery analyzer and get your battery's specific curve and watt hour capacity. there is a thread here on how to properly run battery analyzer.
  3. dwcraig1 is asking what each of the cell voltages and pack voltage is. In escribe's device monitor. And yes if the fuse is bad it will not read your resistance.
  4. That square piece is called an inductor. it and other components are Responsible for helping to generate the necessary voltage to run your atty. Also it's part of the charging circuit. The board will run with only one inductor but is designed to run with both. Best to do what you are already doing, RMA the board or device.
  5. welcome @bhalt....... i have noticed that Vaporshark dna 200 mods boot up a tiny bit differently than oher dna 200 mods. there is a longer delay from when the fire button is pushed to when you see the first welcome screen. i would not worry about it. only start worrying if you push the fire button and the welcome screen NEVER comes on.
  6. not needed. in escribe under manufacturers settings you can set the current limit of your particular battery you are using.
  7. in escribe under 'tools' 'update firmware' [RECOMMENDED] *** 2015-10-21 EScribe *** https://www.dimensionengineering.com/software/SetupES_2015-10-21.exe (51MB standalone installer)
  8. does it connect to escribe? if you unplug the battery completely (balance tap and mains) from the board and connect to escribe can you reflash the firmware, then reconnect your battery and see if it stays connected to escribe. just make sure you press 'upload settings' after changing any values or fields in escribe. here's the correct wiring for 2S. as for the fire button not working if the just the fire button is truly bad, the pads for an external fire button should still work. you could always open a help ticket with evolv from their website for an RMA.
  9. since you're running the dna in dual 18650 mode, do you have "2 cell" selected in escribe under "manufacturer settings" and uploaded into your mod? are you 100% certain you have the battery wiring correct? specifically the balance balance taps. try re-flashing the firmware. make sure it's a recommended FW version.
  10. jaquith has disappeared from the face of the earth. if i recall the differences are slight increases and decreases in tne TCR number. a hotter or a cooler vape, basically
  11. looks good to me. i have to ask, is there something preventing you from running a proper gnd wire to the correct pad or you're just experimenting? please post back with your results.
  12. discharge csv file, no. watt hours yes - 14.83. you said in your last post you were going to run all the tests. you should run battery analyzer yourself. every battery is slightly different. albeit someone else's curve would work, a curve for the battery that is actually powering your mod is what you want. here's a link to battery thread. /topic/65816-topic/?do=findComment&comment=891014
  13. first off, welcome 44iconic. SS has the smallest TCR of all the wires we vapers use. it can be hard sometimes to get build up running the way you want it. i would suggest ditching the quad SS coil build, for now, and stick with single or dual SS coil builds. quad coils will be especially hard to TC because you have four coils that might vary in resistance from each other. also, four coils is a lot coil mass to heat up quickly for the dna to recognize as a TC wire. if the dna board does not see a rise in temp (resistance) in a predetermined amount of time it will drop out of TC. that's what you're experiencing. a few tips that work for me when i'm using SS 316L are (in no particular order) : 1) spaced coils always. 2) using the correct TCR 0.00092 or steam engines 316L CSV file uploaded into my dna 75/200. 3) all wire and atty connections are tight and clean. 4) a correct cold baseline resistance reading. i also lock my resistance when the dna cannot refine it any lower. 5) good preheat settings will help you get your coils up to temp quickly and keep you in TC. 6) make sure your mod resistance is set correctly in escribe (don't forget, anything you change in escribe must be uploaded to your mod in order for the change to take effect) i've also noticed i have to run higher temps with my SS than my other TC wires to get the vape i want.
  14. if indeed one ore more cells in your vt's lipo are out of balance from the others, you can run usb recovery. since usb recovery only runs for a very short amount of time (minutes) you might have to run it a few times to get the cell or cells to an acceptable level for the board to operate correctly.
  15. the output gnd and battery gnd are interconnected. so it shouldn't make a difference which pad the battery neg is soldered to. the battery neg is not being soldered to the box. what hotcig did and what this person is trying to do are two different things. 510 gnd stability is not in question, an alternative to where to solder the batt neg is. he wants to ADD the batt neg to his 510 gnd wire going to the board.
  16. don't condemn the battery yet. wait until you're able to use your friend's comp. make sure all the individual cell and pack voltage boxes are checked off in device monitor then take a screenshot and post it here. the charging is designed to stop when you take a vape (hit the fire button) then charging ramps back up right after you let go of the fire button.
  17. billw50..........hes going to have a ground wire from the 510 to board. i think he wanted to know if he could ADD the battery negative wire to the 510's ground wire as well. so he should have proper grounding. i agree though, having an actual 510 ground wire to the board is a plus and reassurance.
  18. i don't foresee any ill side effects from connecting batt - to your 510's ground. it's all common so...........
  19. i understand completely john. the vt200 has a solid piece of copper 14awg soldered from the board's ground to the 510's ground. after trying to use my weller 140w soldering gun and still not getting the solder to liquify, i just snipped the copper wire in half to finish removing the board. the positive output can be a pain too but doable with a high heat soldering gun/pencil. like VB said, try to be quick with desoldering wires. heat will kill board components.
  20. what i did with mine was ditched the backing plate that covers the board. with that removed you should have some extra wiggle room.
  21. sure, why not. grab up some titanium, make a spaced coil, make sure your post connections are secure. on your dna 200/75 select titanium from the materiel list set your preheat settings, set your temp and wattage (for my dual 24g ti builds i start at 450°F 45w) and work your way up from there. basically adjust to taste. mind the preheat, it might be defaulted at 200w, dial it way back since this sounds like your first time using TC.
  22. very nice onewheel2. i'm glad you got the led working. take a few pics and post them in the "lets see your 200's" thread.
  23. the mosfets do generate heat but so do the inductors as well (from building up and releasing their energy). but since the all the mosfets have exposed thermal pads underneath them that are soldered directly to the pcb the heat is transferred throughout the entire pcb via the copper in it. sinking the inductors would be the most viable option, but once again not needed. not unless you're consistently running the board at 200w. here's one modders idea..........
  24. i wouldn't worry too much about the heat it does have a cutoff for protection. i have seen some people using heat sinks on top of each inductor. i'll post pics when i find them.
  25. can you take pictures of the board, front and back? picture of your balance wires soldering. i want to see your soldering. in escribe, under manufacturers settings you have 3 CELL and LITHIUM POLYMER selected and uploaded to your dna200? test fuse for continuity with multi meter.
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