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Spector NS5 RD

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Everything posted by Spector NS5 RD

  1. can you connect to escribe then force a firmware update? there's been a few cases just like yours posted here in the forums. i have yet to hear the cause of this symptom. nor an actual fix. maybe someone who has experienced this issue can chime in with a resolution to this.
  2. SS can be tricky to hone it but doable. try both mine and vapingbad's suggestions and even mix in your own ideas see what works best for your application. i thought the same thing when i started vaping. 'oh wow, i'm going to save so much money.' lol, maybe when i first started vaping with my ego pen that was true. but like you, this has become so much more than smoking replacement. i am completely immersed with all the different types of tanks, rda's boards, boxes and juices. you name it, if it has to do with vaping, i'm interested. i guess i could save money by DIY'ing my own juice (which is my next venture). i only hope that vaping is still as open and innovative, as it is now, five years down the road from now. with all this doom and gloom from impending regulations, i'm not so sure.
  3. i'll start this thread off, i guess. does she connect to escribe? if escribe does recognize the VS, can you try a hard reboot, reflash the firmware?
  4. with the 'must have this' and 'cannot have that' your options become smaller and smaller. like i said, find a 3d print or buy an alpine or hammond box. you build it, it breaks, you fix it. otherwise you often pay too much when ordering from a usa site (since you don't want to do the china route), or if the device fails in some way you have down time waiting for warranty repairs. at least if you build it, you can put what YOU want into it. also, doesn't hurt that you have the hook up from fullymax, all the more reason to DIY.
  5. here lol, http://www.gearbest.com/temperature-control-mods/pp_282747.html or https://www.fasttech.com/products/0/10019269/3911901-authentic-think-vape-panzer-200w-4500mah-tc-vw or https://www.ecigarettelobby.com/sdna-200w-high-wattage-box-mod-smy-dna-200-chipset.html smy has a new usa based repair center, so if anything goes wrong you SHOULD be ok. it's hard to find a reasonably sized, high mah lipo dna. seems the battery gets longer as you go up in capacity. you might be better off to order a 3d print that can hold a big lipo and put it together yourself.
  6. i've successfully fired a .02 ohm nife48/52 coil. i've heard the dna will fire anything, albeit using soft limiting, above a .002 ohm load. how much lower do you want!?
  7. i'd leave the mod res set at .003. that's what mine is set at and it hasn't been an issue. .0016 sounds very low to me. all that will do very very slightly change your base res. i like djlsb but i find some of his numbers odd. i find the trick to TC' ing SS is to : turn off preheat (1 watt, 1 punch 1 seconds). adjust the watts so you never really hit your set temp. so say you want 500°F, set it to 510°F and adjust you watts so you don't quite reach 510. other wise once you hit your set temp, the board struggles to regulate the wattage etc. so i keep it to where i come close to my set temp but never hit it, right towards the end of my vape. something like this, i'm happy with........
  8. tc can drain batts more quickly due to the preheat etc. but it's basically watts in watts out, minus loses (efficiency of the board). don't get freaked out when you see what the temp graph looks like in device mon for SS. it's no where as smooth as higher TCR wires. however, that does not mean you can not get a good TC vape from SS.
  9. could be both. i've noticed with titanium, i turn my preheat down from 200 to about 100. if i am still over shooting my set temp, i will incrementally decrease the 'punch' until i am happy with the vape.
  10. incomplete (open) balance circuit? that's my guess.
  11. familiarize yourself with how to run battery analyzer then run the test. it will give you an accurate battery meter. as for one of the cells being slightly out of balance than the others, mine do the same thing right before i get the weak battery message (normal). 10 wh's is very close to what the fullymax 900 lipo is. who knows, you might have a battery that is on it's way out???? run batt analyzer and report back on the capacity of your lipo. /topic/65611-topic/
  12. double check the balance tap connection. make sure it's installed correctly and firmly snapped in. i had one that looked fully in but was not. is the replacement battery the same brand and size that came out of it? if you're positive ALL of your connections are secure, and it IS an OEM replacement, go into escribe and do a hard reboot and if all else fails, reflash the firmware.
  13. my original post was incorrect. the absolute max voltage for the dna 200 is 16 volts. so yes, that power supply will work.
  14. if usb recovery is not working, try a hard reboot from escribe then try a usb recovery. did the cell instantly go dead? 4.20-0.00 volts. what's your pack voltage? if a cell went from balanced with the others, to completely dead, sounds like something came loose, bad connection somewhere in the battery dept. opening up the smy s200 is not an easy task and ruins the carbon fiber panel covering the screws.
  15. it lists the description of the Pt's flexibility as 'dead soft'. why am i thinking this is softer or as soft as nickel? one of the main reasons i moved away from Ni, too soft. what about 10k-14k gold? not as soft as 24k (pure).
  16. when you say it can fire an atty when you reinstall cell 1, how long does it fire the atty for? is it for any length of time or does it seem like it's going to fire the atty, when you press the fire button, then screen goes blank and restarts? this is all when plugged into escribe, watching device monitor?
  17. don't assume that the coil is nickel as well. nickel legs are widely popular with premade coil heads etc. they weld nickel legs onto the kanthal, SS, etc. if the entire coil was nickel the resistance would change during the vape in rip's video. i haven't watched that video in a while (i refuse to watch him now. i can't stand him.) and iirc he's using a dna 30 and the res stayed the same. i'm telling you, i bet it's kanthal or tungsten inside.
  18. the ceramic itself has no tcr. ceramic is non conductive. it's an insulator. it's the heating element inside of the ceramic that heats up. it's either tungsten or kanthal (as far as i know). if it's kanthal you're not going to be able to vape the donut in tc mode. if they're made of tungsten, steam engine has a csv for it, in the wire wizard section. click and d/l it to escribe. then upload to your device. if you feel like it, you can delete that gigantic youtube vid of rip in your post.
  19. what the heck is that contraption? is it for dabbing? or is for vaping? what are you trying to figure out? the tcr of whatever heating element is used in the 'donut'? isn't the material usually injected tungsten? you must first find out the coil material first within the donut before being able to set up a csv.
  20. no the device will not fire if the fuse is blown. (you don't for sure yet your fuse is blown, it may not be.) in device monitor what is your 'pack voltage' (all 3 cells)? is it 0? just to be clear you were vaping and mid puff the device died? are you running the latest firmware [RECOMMENDED]*** 2015-10-21 EScribe ***? try to re-flash (re-install) the firmware. then do a 'hard reboot' after.
  21. you 100% sure your fuse is good? don't go by color alone. there have been at least couple that have posted their fuse was still green in color but 100% blown. do you have access to a digital/analog mutlimeter? it will still try and charge the batteries even with a blown fuse. a transient voltage diode soaks up the power being produced by the charger when it doesn't reach your batts. just because you think it's charging, it may not actually be charging anything.
  22. i like 26 awg. not too thin not too thick. 8 slightly spaced wraps for a dual coil. 5-6 for single. titanium is my fave out of the bunch i have.
  23. you blew the fuse? is that what you mean by 'the same exact thing'? if you just bought the mod see if you can exchange it for a new one. you've got few options.
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