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Spector NS5 RD

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Everything posted by Spector NS5 RD

  1. question, since u have the preheat off and only running 42 watts.........how old are your hg2's and at wattage did you normally run them at before your 42 watt setting now? if you were hard on em before and they're up in age might be time to get a new pair. it all depends on how hard you beat on them and for how long.... might want to look into the LG HD2C 18650 very good high drain batt. slightly better than the vtc4 when vaping at the 75's max wattage. just my two cents. buy what works for you, obviously.
  2. this is from the FDV site. this looks good. no springs, you crank down on the batt - threaded cap till it's tight against the posi post. solid brass as well easy to solder than the SS version. kinda big but i like the idea....... only a little over 3 inches long when assembled.
  3. if the lipo has swelled that means it's on it's way out. garbage. you can buy replacement hcigar lipos. here's one vendor.... http://sweet-vapes.com/hcigar-vt200-replacement-lipo-battery.html
  4. here's how i would build a sled......because i doubt you'll find one that u would consider a good candidate. have as much surface area contact on each of the battery contacts to utilize all of the neg and pos surface area on the battery. and have a very taught spring for either the negative or positive contact. maybe cut some round circles out of some 22 gauge copper sheeting, use that for the actual contacts...solder a spring on one etc. etc. my two cents.
  5. try both, temp dominant and wattage dominant mode and see what you like best. as for preheat setting i think you're just fine with 140 watts as your preheat power setting. it's what you like and are comfortable with. escribe is there for you to tinker/play with. try a few different preheat settings - play around with the power and punch and see what works best for your build. it's a great program for dialing in a perfect vape experience. i would also recommend watching the escribe training video, lots of info on what the program can do. here's the link to the escribe interactive training course - http://www.evolvapor.com/dna200.php
  6. the temp protect message is nothing to be concerned about. all that message is doing is letting you know that you're not exceeding your set temp and the board is adjusting wattage accordingly to keep you from exceeding it. you can disable that message, if you so desire, in escribe under the theme tab. as for whether to be in temp dominant or not, that's a matter of preference. with temp dom, you adjust temp on the fly rather than wattage and vise versa when not in temp dom mode. for me personally, i like to run all my tc builds, wires, etc. in temperature dominant mode. i find it's easier to find the right temp for the build, juice and my liking when in TD mode. edit......dollar short and day late...bill's on the ball.
  7. nice. i like the mod and the band on the vape band. i noticed VS are making the screen cut outs without tinted plastic anymore. what's the build date inside the battery door? edit......get a shark skin if you want to keep that rubberized coating on the mod.
  8. you can buy an inline usb meter. it will effectively do the same thing. shows - charging current, mah, time and usb voltage. i use this one. http://www.banggood.com/KEWEISI-3V-9V-0-3A-USB-Charger-Power-Detector-Battery-Capacity-Tester-Voltage-Current-Meter-p-984613.html
  9. nice, an official dna 75 build thread. thanks dwcraig1! i hacked open a dead vt200. sent the dead board to evolv for replacement. rather than putting the replacement board back in i decided to put the 75 board inside. modifications required to install board are : chop off plastic oled screen stand offs (dna75 board components get in the way of it sitting flush), rewired/re-soldered stock 1300 mah 3s lipo for 1s 3p config (2898 mah according to battery analyzer). i'm bypassing the onboard usb charging ic for a higher (2) amp combo i put together. i dremeled/installed the usb socket on the side of the mod (limited space for it). my dremel skills are.........not great. that's about it. really enjoyed building this. plenty of current available to the board with this batt and the 3p lipo charges fast at 2 amps.
  10. unfortunately the dna 75 will not display usb charge current. that option was only for the 200. the selection you made is for the current your atty is drawing. only options for the charging screen are batt percent and voltage (that are useful for charging purposes.). if it's any consolation i thought the same thing till i dug a little deeper. would have been nice but the simple TI ic charger on the 75 doesn't have all the bells and whistles like the 200's balancing ic.
  11. thanks awsum. with my 75 and the hcigar 3s lipo i rewired for parallel, the most sag i see is 3.8 volts at 75 watts preheat. if i find a sled that looks solid i'll let you know.
  12. i like it awsum140! quick question for you. how bad is the voltage sag at 75 watts with that 18650 sled? reason i'm asking is, i'm looking for a single 18650 sled with something more substantial than "bent metal tabs" and heavy springs inside the batt contacts for rock solid connection.
  13. that charging chip on the 75 is the same chip on the 1 amp evolv usb charging board you sell separately on the evolv website? i think it is. just curious.
  14. wow, whatever that is, it's just plain horrible. worst repair i've seen yet on a dna 200 board. bare wire, bad soldering...........etc. glad to hear you have skills to repair it.
  15. i'm partial to the 0.004 ohm mod res setting myself. that number has been working just fine on all my 200's except my VS's 0.007 setting, which is what VS put in. left it alone.
  16. i use 90% iso when cleaning a pcb. sparingly. just enough on a q tip.
  17. what mod is this? is everything set correctly in escribe, mainly under the mod tab? can you take and post a screenshot of what you have everything set to in under "manufacturers settings"? also a shot of device monitor while firing the device at 80 watts.
  18. it's the flux. clean all and every bit of flux off of the board where you soldered. also make sure your solder joints aren't touching anything they aren't supposed to. it's happened to a few people in this forum.
  19. here are a few members and admins you could PM about your situation: vapingbad, nick, billw50, james and dwcraig1 they should be able to help out a lot more. they are computer savvy, where i am not.
  20. you have your watt hours at 9.25. two lg he2's at 7.4v, 2500mah would be 18.5 watt hours (calculated not actual) not 9.25. dunno if that will help, but worth a try. also try a hard and soft reboot with and without batteries in. also if you know you batteries are fully charged, in device monitor under diagnostics there is "set charge estimate" you can type in 18.5 to reset the charge back to full, 100%. just make sure you correct the watt hours in the "mod" tab first, then upload settings to the vt133, then reset the est.
  21. are running escribe through a mac by using virtual box or something similar? that has caused a lot people problems when updating their FW. if you are running it through a mac, if you can, try a FW update with an actual windows PC. other than that i'm not familiar with macs and parallels. i do know the dna 75/200 boards are un brickable.
  22. the VS vape ok? just doesn't connect to escribe. try using a few different usb cables and restart your computer. and welcome! edit...i swear i have selective reading. i didn't see you already tried different comps and usb cables. i would give up on trying different usb cables. you still have the one that comes with the VS dna 200? try that one.
  23. you could use that lipo. the 90c rating is fine, overkill, but fine. the board only draws 30 amps max. a 30c will even do. but yes the lipo you asking about WILL work.
  24. i'm going to open up my homemade vt75 and test the current going to the battery with my klein mutli meter and get this figured out. will post back. edit......the multi meter inline with the battery-to-board circuit confuses the board/charger. i could not get the usb current above .17 amps. at .17 amps i was at about 0.163 amps on the battery side/MM side (if the numbers are even accurate). oh well, i'm not complaining. this 3000 mah charges decently fast with the on board charger. although, i do have some tiny 1 amp micro usb lithium battery charging board. there's room inside for them. maybe i'll put them inside somewhere. you can stack these charging boards (parallel the outputs) to double the charge rate from 1 to 2 amps.
  25. never bothered to figure the math. figured it was the cheap usb meter i bought off ebay. thanks spiro! help me out here....... so when i figure for my VS dna 200 that has a 2 amp charge rate..... so 12.6v x 2a = 25.2w, 25.2w /5.0v = 5.04 amps usb? usb meter is only reading between 2.00 - 2.14 amps when the shark is charging. am i doing the math wrong?
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