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Spector NS5 RD

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Everything posted by Spector NS5 RD

  1. case analyzer results will very slightly from test to test. the main variables that change the values are - the room temperature at the time of the test, if there was any air moving across the device while the test was in progress, how the device was positioned (if any vent holes where blocked. the amount of open space around the mod so it can dissipate the case heat). these variables will affect the end results. as for the room temp reading 10F higher in device monitor, it'll never be dead on. it has no sensor to measure room temp, just board temp and makes calculations (based off the case analyzer results) to approximate room temp. i'd say your fine with whatever results you choose to use, your's or lost vape's are better than the stock evolv default case thermal settings. as for the 400ma charging during the test, yes that's normal and works as intended with the dna 75's charging IC.
  2. I do know VS is offering an extended warranty for any early model VS DNA 200's (what constitutes an early model? I don't know. i'm guess pre january 2016????) i recently had mine sent in just for this reason. my case build date was 12-28-15 and since getting it back, it now has a case build date of 3-01-16. they replaced the case and fire button. here's an email directly from VS customer service regarding the extended warranty....... "The extended warranty is for any early model device. Once it is received, we rebuild the internals so that they match with current production as well as replace the outer casing of the device. Once this repair is completed, you will have an additional 4-month warranty for any item that was replaced."
  3. welcome to the forum Salvo. if i'm understanding you correctly, you want to turn off "TEMPERATURE PROTECTED" message so you can see your temp on the screen? go into escribe, go into the "themes" tab and look for the temperature protected screen. click "do not show message" then upload to your device. you can also control how many times the error flashes and for how long in the "screen" tab of escribe.
  4. my VS DNA 40's fire button (hard wired in LG HE4 one) lost the tactile click and sound. I'm positive i can find the same button they use at Digikey.com i found exact replacement buttons for my vapor flask clone fire button there. should have my flask 133 this thrs or fri, PhoneGuy..............
  5. i can tell you the dna 75 runs hot, especially at 65-75w on low ohm builds. i find if i vape at 75w (in testing the board only) on .1 or lower, i'm lucky if i don't get the "TOO HOT" message after the first 5 seconds. but i never run the 75 at max wattage. the board's 85% is the reason it generates a lot of heat. either lower your wattage, build higher ohm coils or switch to a dna 200/133 for any builds that require 75 w and above. runs much cooler and is 97% efficient. usb interrupt could be something else that is plugged into the computer's usb and tripping up the test or a cheap/loose usb cable.
  6. welcome to the forum chisposeti. there is no override when stealth mode is selected. once turned on, it's on until you turn it off. no quick sneek peeks of your screen.
  7. welcome to the forum Tread. if i were building a dna 250, i would use the recommended wire size for the output (14 awg silicone) that the 200 calls for and the maximum for the battery (16 awg silicone). 12 awg silicone can be difficult to work with when cut to short lengths and maneuvering in tight spaces but doable. 14 awg should work just fine with the 250. VS used 16 awg for the output on their dna 200, no problems there. you going to be running at a flat out wide open 250w a lot? most people, including myself, will just take advantage of the extra 50 watts available for preheat which won't last for more than a second when used. that's the main reason i'm not going to run very thick wire.
  8. with my LG HD2C batts i will not get the weak battery message until 2.9-3.0 volts vaping at 60w's with a 75w preheat on my sdna 75. takes about 5 hours to get from 4.20v to 3v.
  9. it's the same screen as reg dna 200. however VS add an extension ribbon cable to reach the board. just looked inside of mine. so you would have to get a 200 screen and add the extension. my guess is the average user cannot do this. /topic/68243-topic/?do=findComment&comment=913727 good find on the screens tho.....
  10. looks like the same problem that what was happening to the VS DNA 200 boards after the first and second SPx FW updates. jumping up and down in current draw from the usb. try a wall wart that has only 1 output that is 2 amps or over.
  11. good question.......maybe but prob not (depending if it's a jog wheel or a pot)? only way to find for sure is to try and hook one up and see. how many wires are being used for the jog wheel/pot? you could open a ticket with evolv if no one here helps.
  12. please post a link to a screen with the correct length ribbon cable that will be compatible with the VS DNA 200.
  13. VB is correct. something caused that inductor (a component responsible for charging the batteries) to overheat and short out. most likely it's supporting components are damaged as well. you could email evolv and ask what value the inductor is. you MIGHT get lucky and find a suitable replacement that will work, if nothing else is damaged. were you trying to charge a severely damaged battery or something like a loose screw, solder blob, or metal shavings inside the mod? i would email evolv either way.
  14. can you charge the lipo up with your lipo charger (make sure all 3 cells are fully charged and BALANCED), then take that fully charged lipo, reconnect it to your panzer mod and go into escribe - mod tab- input 16.65 for the watt hour (capacity). make sure it is set to 3 cell/lithium polymer with a cell soft cutoff of no less than 3 volts.....upload to your panzer. vape the mod for while then reconnect to escribe/device monitor and take another screenshot of the mod charging (or not charging). check all boxes under the battery section of DM for the screenshot.
  15. most likely the extended ribbon cable version of the screen is a VS specific product. VS will not sell pieces or parts to customers. you have to send the mod into them for repair. i asked for parts from them once and they wouldn't sell me anything. here's their repair service...... http://www.vaporshark.com/dna/dna-200-diagnostic
  16. a screenshot of device monitor would help in diagnosing your problem.
  17. you mean your first anarchist dna 200? it should be that mod's settings and not another manufacturers. for instance, don't put a VT200's manufacturers settings in an anarchists manufacturers settings .009 is a very high internal mod res. to give you an example none of my 200/75's are over .004 with the exception of my VS DNA 200 being the highest at .007 are you using the stock evolv 316SS material curve or 0.00092 TCR?
  18. not working, as in kicking you out of TC and dumping you into regular wattage mode? did you back up the ecig file from your previous anarchist? you could load that mods entire settings directly into your new one as long as it's the same mos, which it is. do yo remember what the mod res was? post a screen shot of device monitor while firing the device with the SS build in question. make sure all power, temp and ohm boxes are checked.
  19. are you "uploading" your custom screens to your mod once you load them in escribe? you can't load custom screens for materials, only custom screens for the 8 profiles, if that makes sense. press and hold -/+ to lock power/temp then double tap - or + to scroll through your 8 profiles. your custom screens will be in there.
  20. welcome to the forum jdedonato. you are using an escribe that is compatible with both the dna 75 and 200? first try and restart your computer and use a known good usb cable that works for your other dna's you know WILL connect. if the mod vapes and charges just fine, but will not connect to escribe, my guess is the usb port data pins are bad (bad usb port).
  21. a multi meter would help you out a lot in this situation. this is a sled/wiring problem not a board/wiring problem. since you already know the slot farthest from the board is the problem i would resolder and make sure both -/+ batt contacts are making a solid connection to that specific battery. make sure the mod will fire at the full 75 watts on each battery slot, one battery at a time, after you fix the connection issue.
  22. i understand the frustration level must be high but evolv does not work on sat or sunday. i would open a new ticket but make reference to the old one and give them a few days to respond. most likely you'll have to send it back in. thems the breaks. it's a lot faster of an rma process when you desolder the board and sens just that in, at least in all my cases. good luck with getting it straightened out.
  23. did you tell them the situation or just tell them it died. i'm curious.
  24. it seems the battery management ic or it's supporting components near the usb is extremely fragile/sensitive. at least this is the conclusion i've come to when the board fails to read the cells correctly with a battery change, FW update or just from normal use. sucks man, i feel for ya.
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