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Spector NS5 RD

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Everything posted by Spector NS5 RD

  1. if the device fires fine when nothing's plugged into it but won't allow to fire the device with the USB plugged in, i would try reinstalling the firmware (re-flash it). if that doesn't solve it, take a good look at the board and make sure there's nothing that's visibly wrong with your soldering or burnt/missing board components. you might of damaged the board when you connected the balance taps wrong, not sure if balance taps are reverse battery protected like the main +/-. if all else fails open a help ticket with evolv from their website. https://helpdesk.evolvapor.com/index.php?a=add
  2. it's hard to tell from pictures of a monitor. you couldn't screenshot it using the snippit tool? either way, that line that drops of sharply is the the "usb current". that and "usb power" will drop to 0 when the fire button is depressed (this is normal operation). the DNA 75/200/250 are designed to interrupt the charging process while the fire button is depressed. then slowly climb back up in current (soft start) to resume the charging cycle. answer this......will the device fire while connected to escribe or if it is plugged in via USB to charge? if so, you're good to go.
  3. oh........the mod fires???? then i wouldn't worry about the voltage cell 3 is reading. however, it won't fire while the mod is connected to escribe tho? it gives you a "check or weak battery" message on the board's screen? could you post a screenshot of device monitor while this is happening. have the important, useful battery options boxes ticked. we'll see what we can see.......
  4. okie dokie,here ya go........... THIS CURVE IS FOR 2 SONY VTC6 18650 CELLS THEIR CAPACITY (WATT HOURS) IS - 18.78 I USED A "CELL SOFT CUTOFF" OF - 2.6V. Sony VTC6 Battery Curve.csv you might have to remove the ".txt" extension and leave the "csv" part for it to be usable with the escribe program, i think.
  5. gotta ask the obvious..........do you have the 250 set for "2 cell" operation under the "mod" tab in escribe and UPLOADED to the board? you have the balance tap wired correctly and bridged in the right spot (cell 2 to cell 3)?
  6. welcome to forum Lpearce7. can't help you with the vtc6 curve. i do have the curve for 2 vtc6's but you need the curve for 3. as for nominal voltage, it should be listed on the batteries. i use 3.7v. most 18650 manufacturers test their cells down to the 2.5v mark. for a dna 200/133/250, i usually have the CSC set to around 2.7v - 2.8v.
  7. correct, the board will continuously try to refine the resistance, usually settling at the lowest resistance it can read after a while. refinement will take place regardless of your set wattage. it will not refine if you lock your ohms or if you're not in TC mode. think of it as, the board gets an initial accurate ohm reading then tries to get an even more accurate reading via "refinement".
  8. is the USB cable old and worn out? if the mod loses connection to the computer via the USB cable it will disrupt the test. try a different usb cable and make sure the connection is secure.
  9. welcome to the forum JamezC. just so you know, the "temp protect" message isn't an error. it purpose is to let you know that you've reached your set temp and the dna board is adjusting wattage to maintain and not go over that set temp. i have that message turned off. i find it quite annoying, however some find it helpful. while vaping, if i reach my set temp very quickly and the vape drops off sharply, it's usually a wicking issue. since you're using an rda, what i would do is raise the temp slightly until i got the vape i wanted. 450F is a cool vape for SS, IMO, i tend to vape SS in the 500F and up range. i find it needs to be bumped up a little further in temp than my other TC wires. if you want, you could post a screenshot of device monitor while firing your SS build. device monitor comes in handy when diagnosing problems.
  10. the ribbon cable could be loose inside the ZIF connector located on the board or the screen itself is damaged and needs to be replaced. you can purchase new OLED screens from evolv and a few other online stores.
  11. you might of gotten lucky and all that is needed is a set of new batts (not IMREN's, don't buy rewraps. stick actual battery manufacturers) and the sled contacts cleaned. with all 3 cells reading so close to each other, the second time around you swapped the batteries, does the mod fire? it should. cell 2 is only off by .01 volt. it appears the triade uses the same method of reverse battery protection as the wismec dna200 reauleux. your imrens might not be compatible with this method causing a weak battery connection. I would try samsung 30q's or sony vtc6's or samsung 25r's.
  12. i was hoping that the pva DOESN'T use the onboard buttons, external buttons would be easier. the dna 60 has different onboard buttons than the 40. the fire button is slightly taller as are the up and down buttons. this can pose a problem regarding clearance between the actuator and the button. as for the charger the evolv charge/data one should fit. i don't own a pva so i don't want to tell you it's going to be easy then it turns out "this doesn't line up with that and yada yada yada". it very hard to answer questions like this over the internet. i will say this, if i owned a pva and i thought i would like the pva better with 20 more watts and escribe, i would put a 60 in it. i would find a way, but i'm pretty resourceful if i run into problems building things. you're good with soldering and figuring something out if something doesn't fit or go as planned?
  13. you can lock the resistance from the mod. lock the mod (5x or however many you have it set), then hold fire and +. just be sure to lock in a COLD base resistance. i use this feature sometimes on less then great atty's i use for TC.
  14. welcome to the forum rineshm. here's what i want you to do..... put the batteries in the mod (make sure they're charged and balanced), open up escribe, go into device monitor and tick all 3 boxes for each of the 3 cells. my guess is one of cells is reading 0 volts. take note of each of the cell's voltage's. post a screenshot of device monitor here with the battery boxes i mentioned ticked. this is a Triade, i'm assuming? if one of the cells is failing to register the battery voltage, as a safety measure, the board will not stay powered on. no fix for that issue, that i know of. you would need to contact the vendor you purchased the mod from and return/ exchange it. FYI, lostvape also has a US based repair center in Ohio. http://www.lostvaperepaircenter.com/
  15. i use whatever looks the cleanest on the DNA screen. i forget what it's called. "IMPACT" maybe?
  16. will the mod stay powered on with no batteries and just the usb inserted? it should.
  17. i remember the fundraiser for that mod that Peg was doing. i also remember a chinese company almost ran off with the money, lol. at least it he made it happen. depending on the available space inside the mod and how it's set up, you most likely could convert it to a dna 60 with relatively little modifications. does the PVA use the dna 40 on board buttons?
  18. welcome the forum jeprut. sorry to hear about your therion. you sure you're getting battery voltage to the board? got a digital multi meter? check the main battery inputs to the board as well as each individual tap connection (cell 1 and cell 2 ). can you contact the vendor you purchased the mod from and return it for another? i would do that before getting too deep into the device. if it doesn't even connect to Escribe, it sounds like the board was damaged somehow (shipping and or rough handling?)
  19. stick to a dedicated charger. they'll charge faster than they would if they were being charged by the DNA 200 board.
  20. when the temp on the screen goes into the "crazy" numbers, as i call it, there's a connection issue somewhere between the coil and the board - dirty or poor 510 connection (on the mod or atty), atty is poor for TC, coil legs loose in the posts. even the "short" message is related to connections, most of the time. what i would do - clean mod's 510 threads out with iso alc on a cloth, make sure no metal shavings down in 510. clean atty's 510 threads and pin, make sure coil legs are secure in posts.
  21. welcome to the forum kidzee. try contacting their repair center. however, it's located in the U.S. i see no easy solution with you being located in indonesia. http://www.lostvaperepaircenter.com/home.html
  22. this is with an atomizer screwed on? de-solder the 510 wires from the board and see if you still get the "shorted" message. if goes from "shorted" to "check atomizer" the problem is in your soldering, wiring or 510. if it still says "shorted" even with the 510 wires de-soldered then somethings wrong with the board or something conductive on the board shorting it.
  23. welcome to forum Shadowfall. the phyer dna 200 was not a popular device. it never really caught on like vt200, reuleaux, vtbox200, dx200 etc. what kind of settings are you looking for?
  24. the device, most likely, cannot be repaired by using Escribe. i would contact the vendor you purchased the mod from first and see what they say. if their response is poor or you receive no response, then yes, open a help ticket with Evolv from their webpage.
  25. post a screenshot of device monitor while firing the device a few times at 200w with your .22 ohm coil. have these boxes ticked in device monitor.........cells 1-2-3 / pack / power / power set / current / voltage.
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