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Spector NS5 RD

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Everything posted by Spector NS5 RD

  1. i don't really see that as being that hard or a pain to do. I pick a material for the profile selected, done. unless you're taking a few vapes at a time from multiple atty's with different wires and constantly switching them on and off the mod, then ya that could be a pain. in that case, buy more dna 75/200's.
  2. just different ways of abbreviating stainless steel. SUS is a typical japanese abbr.
  3. ok good. back to the issue at hand........you're losing power somewhere between the batteries and the board. whether it be the the sled terminals, wires soldered to the terminals or where the wires are soldered to the board. does the voltage change in device monitor if you spin or wiggle the batteries while they're in the sled? figure that out and your problem should be solved.
  4. i would check your battery sled leads with a volt meter. escribe is saying you only have 0.90v's going to the board, no where near enough. recheck what kind of voltage you have at the board. you have a poor connection somewhere. how do you have your 510 wired? looks like only one wire and in the wrong place. as VB said, it's hard to tell from the photo. the 510 positive (spring loaded pin part) goes to the "out" of the board. do you have a ground wire from the 510 to the board?
  5. yes. it has escribe to customize......whatever.
  6. if you set the cell soft cut off to anything 2.55v and below (max allowable limit is 2.5v, the board can't function below that voltage) the dna 75 gets screwy and starts spitting out all kinds of error messages. this mainly happens when your battery is at 3.6v and below, when firing the device. i have my cell soft cut off set to 2.66v. that way i get the most out of my batteries without bouncing off the dna 75 hard limit. some will say "that's too low, you'll damage your batteries." when in fact most manufacturers test their batts down to 2.5v. also that 2.66v cut off is when under load not a resting voltage cut off. to each his own, i say. this setup works great for my needs.
  7. welcome to the forum kristian jose. as vapingbad stated above the dna 75 was not designed to run with lifepo batteries. you could run them in the mod but i would charge them externally. the onboard charger will charge your lifepo past 3.65 volts to 4.20. i'm not sure lifepo batteries like that. you will not need a battery csv file for dna 75. the battery meter works off of straight battery voltage. battery analyzer is only there to test your battery's capacity. it's curve is not used by the 75.
  8. you have a dna 75 right? that board does not have balance taps. the dna 200 does. disregard awsum140's comment (sorry awsum140!). i dont want you to get confused. could post some pics of your wiring and board; front and back.
  9. welcome to the forum darthvaper13. does the board stay powered on with a usb charger plugged in? also, will the mod connect to escribe? if it does, can you post a screen shot of device monitor with batteries installed and "pack voltage" checked?
  10. you can throw in any set of 3 married 18650's into the triade and it should work accordingly to your batteries CDR. the only thing that will be off is the battery meter. you would have to go into escribe and input the correct watt hours for your batteries or run battery analyzer.
  11. could be a dirty 510. try cleaning her out with some iso alc. however, usually when a 510 is making a poor/weak connection to your atty the ohms will be higher, not lower. maybe there is a tiny piece of something metallic inside of the 510 slightly shorting it. you also have to make sure you're using the correct csv material curve/TCR for the wire you're using. keep in mind not all wire is created equal. there are varying grades of all TC wires. make sure you know what you have. i find i have to tweak the SS 316L TCR of .00092 to .00096-.00098 to get the vape i like. using .00092 at 600°F doesn't quite do it for me so i bump the TCR up a smidge.
  12. you should be getting more than 15.5 wh's. i'd check the authenticity of your lg's. i run all my battery analyzers at 75-90w with an atty i have set up with four 22g kanthal loops ohming out to .29. 40w going into a 1 ohm coil comes to around 6.3v. the voltage limit on a dual battery dna 200/133 is 6v. so you need to build lower or run lower watts. edit.....oh ya almost forgot........welcome to the forum LeeWB3
  13. welcome to forum justinenlow. hard to say. depends on the mosfet he used. if it's amp rating is hefty, then ya. he used 18 gauge for the 510 wiring as well? that could be a little thicker. however, you don't need thick wire to just switch the mosfet on tho (switch to mosfet wiring). kind of hard to say by looking at a picture if someone's works is safe or not.
  14. i could be wrong but i don't think it comes with them like the 40. would be nice to have them for added mounting options tho.
  15. i seen people change the color of their screens by adding screen sized pieces of lighting gels.
  16. this would be a question to ask evolv directly through their help ticket.
  17. i'm using god know what from from fasttech. 316L. works as expected tho. good.
  18. put the same SS notch coil on a DNA 75 and look at the difference between how the 75 handles SS temp regulation and how the 200 doez it. the 75 uses a softer TC control system/algorithm whereas the 200 is crazy punchy. i tend to run all my SS builds on my 75's and all other wires on my 200's. dna 200 ss 316L (no, cell 1 isn't really higher than 2 and 3. just appears that way.) dna 75 ss 316L
  19. welcome to the forum rb25uk. if the board only wakes up upon plugging in the usb or replacing the batteries you most likely need a new board. i have not seen a fix for this that the user can do. contact your vendor see what they say about a return. you could also open a ticket with evolv again.
  20. how long did you leave it charge for? how old is this battery? the balance process is extremely slow with the dna 200 when a cell is unbalanced like yours. if it was my mod, i would leave it on usb charge for a few hours keeping an eye on cell one's voltage. if after a few hours it never increases or stays at 3.87v i would contact VS's customer service. very helpful people. they always treated me great. (cell one did go up .02v so maybe there is a slight chance of it catching up with the other two cells with more time on a usb charger.) edit.....swabbing just the outside of the mod won't remove any eliquid that is inside of the mod on the board. you would have to take the device apart and use iso alcohol. however, you could void your warranty if you don't know what you're doing or possibly ruin your board.
  21. how about another screen shot of device monitor with all the battery cells checked, pack voltage, and usb current checked.
  22. you could try and let the board balance the lipo. just leave it plugged into a usb charger. the dna 200 is fully capable of balancing a pack, it just takes a long time depending on how far apart, in voltage, any cells are. the more a cell is unbalanced the longer the process. FYI, the 200 balance discharges. if any cell becomes higher than the rest it is slowly discharged to bring it back into balance with the others. second option: if the device is still under warranty you could contact VS customer service. they also have a repair program available through their website for out of warranty devices at very reasonable cost, IMO. dwcraig1 has a good point if you have gotten juice inside the mod, specifically the usb area, that could interfere with charging. are circled in red where to look for ejuice on the shark board.
  23. welcome vapinjenn. shorted or damaged usb cables will cause the warranty service message to pop up while charging. try a different usb cable and see if that helps.
  24. ok i understand now. sounds like a problem with the board. whether it be eliquid on the board around the usb section or damaged components. is the device still under warranty? i would contact the vendor first. if they fail to help you then open a help ticket with evolv from their website. did your panzer always charge at 1 one amp when connected to escribe? the dna is supposed to limit its current draw to .5 amps when connected to a computer. first time i've seen that.
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