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Spector NS5 RD

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Everything posted by Spector NS5 RD

  1. both are original if you bought them from an authorized evolv retailer or evolv themselves. looks like they switched manufacturers regarding the inductors. just like when the screen shortage happened. they had to source another screen manufacturer to keep up with production.
  2. the brass bullet connectors in my VS DNA 200 measure about 1/4 inch (including heat shrink tubing). so i guess you could get by using 3.5mm - 4mm brass bullet connectors. http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_odkw=4.5mm+bullet+connector&_osacat=0&_from=R40&_trksid=p2045573.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.H0.Xbrass+bullet+connector.TRS0&_nkw=brass+bullet+connector&_sacat=0
  3. you can use whatever wattage you want. since i'm not a fan of any of the available 26650's i would run them at 40w or below. i ran BA at 70 watts on my SDNA 75 and even though the weak battery message was flashing towards the end of the test, it was still able to perform the test. even tho the battery can't provide the set wattage it will continue the test at a wattage it can fire at.
  4. Hi Bradderz......what do you mean brass battery connectors? for what mod? you need some xt 30 connectors? here's those..... http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/322025400528?lpid=82&chn=ps&ul_noapp=true
  5. the VS dna 200 uses the same screen as the regular dna 200 but has a ribbon extension so it can reach the board. my guess is evolv will not be able to help you. you'll need to contact VS. everyone i've talked to that contacted evolv about a VS product was told to contact VS. this is because the VS DNA 200 board is a proprietary board.
  6. post a screenshot of device monitor while firing your coil. take note of the cold ohm reading first. if it is .66 you can start with a low number TCR and slowly work your way up to what the dna will regulate and is a good vape. maybe start with SS TCR (0.00092) and keep increasing that number. this is what i do when a csv curve doesn't fit the wire i'm using because there so many variations of Ti, SS, and even Ni. i guess i should ask these questions first.......Your mod resistance isn't some crazy number or 0, right? is the atty you're using stable enough for TC? you're absolutely sure you have nickel wire? spaced coils, right? clean 510 and 510 connector on mod?
  7. lol, ok i got ya. but still, from what you've posted, it took 5 weeks for the device to charge properly/fully. meaning it took that long to balance out the lipo. i'm curious, what is your lipo "capacity" set to in the "mod" tab of escribe? (Vaporshark has a default of 10.22 watt hours for all VS DNA 200's).
  8. lol you left it on a charger for a MONTH?????? you need a new lipo battery. the cells (cell 1) may become imbalanced again and keep giving you problems. if it's not giving you problems now, i guess use it until it does. please consider replacing the lipo tho....... cell 1 was the culprit with a .35 volt difference from the other 2 cells. just goes to show the board can handle/balance normal SMALL variations in cell voltages. but when any of the cells vary greatly from each other it's just too much of a task for the tiny balance circuit to handle effectively. time to invest in a new battery. but glad to hear it's working again!
  9. welcome to the forum Aphonic. a couple of facts to know about the dna 75 board is..... the max output voltage is 6.2 volts. so any build over .5X ohms and you will not get the full 75 watts. if the battery is making a poor connection to the board this will trigger the weak battery message. this will also happen if your batteries can not supply the current the board demands at any set wattage. the max the board will draw is 28 continuous, 32 pulse, instantaneous. here is the spec sheet https://downloads.evolvapor.com/dna75.pdf i have the SMY SDNA 75 myself as well. i find i only get the weak battery message at around 3.1-3.2 volts (remaining battery voltage). this running it with a 75 watt preheat and 60-65 watts to maintain temp. i am using some good batteries for this mod, LG HD2C, they are perfect for the high current demand from the board when running at the dna 75's upper wattage limits. post a screenshot of device monitor while firing the mod and make sure all of the battery/wattage options are ticked so we can see what the device is doing. i suspect a lot of sag but post it and lets take a look. edit.......i should note, SMY SDNA 75 has one of the better battery sled contacts out there. they hold the batt pretty tight for a solid connection. you could have a faulty unit (poor battery wiring soldering),this if you know for a fact your batteries are in a healthy condition and have a CDR that meets the dna 75's current requirements.
  10. you should be close with that number. i got 11.275 wh's when i ran the battery analyzer on my vt200.
  11. all of your outgoing mail is for sure going into the trash now George! blackballed by USPS, yikers!
  12. welcome to the forum fryjc. what TCR or Coil CSV are you using for your kanthal wrapped nickel coil? you might have to go to wire wizard's coil builder and input your coil's properties to come up with a correct temp curve/TCR. if you don't know how, tell me how many wraps, inner diameter, and if it's a single or dual coil setup. i might be able to come up with a coil csv for you. here's the link to wire wizard. use the "coil setup" and "wire builder" just input all of your coil's properties and click on dna 200 (where it says "temp control results"). that will provide with a temp curve is csv format that you can use in escribe. http://www.steam-engine.org/wirewiz.asp#
  13. the VS VF DNA 133 is a removable dual 18650 device so it will be leaving my possession "sans batteries".
  14. I also updated my VS VF DNA 133 to SP3 successfully. Also charging at 2a. However i will most likely be returning this flask due to it sounding like a baby rattle when i shake it (no, it's not the buttons). there are multiple "somethings" that are loose/broken off and free to move inside the mod.
  15. not necessarily, there have been a few revisions to the VS DNA 200 board. each time fixing things as they go. my guess is you'll send it in this last time.
  16. what you described happened to my VS DNA 200. the usb port shorted out causing the fuse to blow. after the fuse blew no blue led lights and no connection to escribe. had to send it a second time for a new enclosure. the rubberized paint was peeling at the top of the mod. this was within a 3 month period but it's working great now, no problems. stick with it. VS's customer service is great to deal with. ya it's a major bummer and inconvenience when the mod dies and you have to send it back but still a great device when working properly.
  17. thanks for helping out Spiro...... you won't see me making nice, legible diagrams. my microsoft paint skills are just terrible, lol.
  18. to add......in escribe, under the "mod" tab make sure "3 cell" is still selected and uploaded to your mod. just to point out, the dna 200 balance charger works just fine. no need to pull the lipo out and charge it on a separate charger. if you're leaving it to charge over night anyways, might as well leave it in the mod to charge. how abouta screenshot of DM with all of the battery options ticked.
  19. battery analyzer makes your battery meter more accurate. this is more so needed when owning a dna 200. the 75's meter works just fine without using BA.
  20. i'm the type of guy who pulls the car over if something "electronically worth while" catches my eye on the side of the road, lol. can never have enough circuit boards/power supplies from.....anything! some important info was brought to my attention regarding your setup. you realize if you're going to have 3 - 510 connectors connected to 1 dna board, you'll have an issue if you intend to use temp control builds. as in, switching from one to the next, hot and cold atty's, different wire types...... there is a work around tho.
  21. that's a fine diagram. i can understand it just fine. so all these components will be inside of one enclosure? if so, yes, looks good and i don't see why that wouldn't function. if you're looking for a wiring diagram just PM me and we'll see what we can whip up!
  22. welcome to the forum shawngibson. so ultimately you want to be able to toggle between three different atty's from a single dna 75/200 board, correct? would all 3 510's be in the same box as the dna board? or are you thinking on having the board and toggle in one box with umbilical cords going to 3 separate boxes that contain the 510 and fire button? keep in mind 3 separate boxes mean a long length of 510 +/- wires. that will increase the mod resistance the longer the wires are. if you were able to keep almost everything in one box (board, 3 510's, toggle and fire button) leaving out the battery (gives you more room to work with and the batt can be in a separate box as long as the wire gauge is thick enough between board and batt holder.) i'd say that would be the best route. less of a chance with resistance reading problems. depending how low you build and whether it's a series or 3.7v setup, the switch and toggle for your mech version would need to be able to handle high current demands or you would need to add mosfets in the circuit,
  23. i'm not sure about overseas shipping costs, who pays it. VS paid for shipping both ways when i sent mine in. all i had to do was print out a shipping label they emailed me and tape it to the package. just know the VS DNA 200 board is different from the one you can buy. side mounted ZIF connector (screen connector) and different onboard buttons. a dna 250 would require some serious modifications in order for it work in the VS DNA 200 enclosure.
  24. same here, only flashes "temp protect" message during fire button press and hold. no error flashes, regardless of the number i set for "error flashes", after i release the fire button. possibly a bug? if it is a bug i'm not sure how evolv will fix it since firmware changes/fixes are not allowed after Aug 8th. not really sure what else i can say other than send evolv an email explaining the problem and see what they say. i will say this is a non issue for me. i don't want to see that message. i have it turned off. IMO it gets in the way of important info displayed on the screen. I run all my TC wires in Temperature Dominant mode and set my wattage very high then adjust the temp to my liking.
  25. SMY has a US based warranty repair center........ customerservice@e-cigarette.cc is there email http://www.simeiyuerepaircenter.com/ is the warranty repair center (website is temporarily down).
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