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Spector NS5 RD

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Everything posted by Spector NS5 RD

  1. what problems are you experiencing? weak vape - turn up the power. too hot vape - turn down power. find the sweet spot.
  2. battery looks balanced. you're charging at 1 amp.....that looks ok. you're running current firmware....so that's not it. what do you mean when you say power is being drained? does the battery slowly drain itself when not firing the device or plugged in to charge? describe the problem with your device in detail.
  3. here is a complete list of accurate TCR's............ https://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/threads/the-ultimate-tcr-list.721201/
  4. welcome standamantx. the tcr for 316L is 0.00092. also a .017 ohm build is quite low. that low of a build won't rise in resistance by much causing the dna to to think it's not a TC build. try building a little higher in ohms when using SS.
  5. welcome to the forum omc-opie. can you post screen shot of device monitor with all of the battery boxes checked. that could help us alot. you could have an imbalanced battery or running extremely old firmware. more info is needed.
  6. here's what i do regarding refinement, locking or not to lock ohm................ i build my TC coil or coils throw it on a dna 40,75,200 and vape it a few times. i take notice of the base res on the screen. then i set the mod down for about 20-30 min giving the dna time to refine the ohm reading. after refinement, as long as the ohm reading has gone down a tiny bit or stays the same i lock the ohms. if it starts to go the opposite direction or wildly fluctuates in atty analyzer then i know there is a poor connection adding resistance to the circuit somewhere between the 510 and coil. most common culprits are: dirty 510, loose post connections or just a poor atty for TC. atty analyzer is a great tool, use it. this is always what works for me. i use SS 316L 24 gauge. preheat- 120w punch- 11 time limit- 1 sec. rocking a dual SS 316, 24 gauge .22 ohm in a 25mm VCMT 60w, 575 °F. the vape is nice and dense. i only run BFB straight outta the toaster. love it. my go to vape.
  7. welcome to the forum txmonkey214! there are no stupid questions here. we all had to learn something new at some point in our lives. here is a simple theme generator /topic/65710-topic/ here's one of many screen sharing sites out there https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B0uqr_CFVmx6NEVZMXZ6SXRHdGs&usp=sharing&tid=0B0uqr_CFVmx6dzJZN3paazFzUkU here's the ones we built up here /topic/65591-topic/
  8. careful with charging mods in the car. sometimes those cheap gas station car usb adapters have a dirty output signal and the dna 200 doesn't like it. i had the same thing happen to me with my VS dna 200. however, the reason mine flashed the warranty service message was because the usb cable i had inside the car was damaged/shorted. use a new or different usb cable. throw out the one that gave you that error. ambient air temp will not cause the warranty service message.
  9. hold up and down buttons to lock the power. then press either the up or down button twice to scroll through different materials. or you could just go past 600°F or 300°C to turn off TC. however, it is not necessary to turn off TC on any dna board. it will default to power mode automatically if it senses a kanthal or nichrome coil while firing the device.
  10. share? if you bought it from an authorized reseller that deals with vaporshark you should have a 4 month warranty. right? correct me if i'm wrong.
  11. that sucks. if it's only 2 days old you're still under warranty. call vaporshark on the phone, faster response than email. they'll pay for shipping both ways and any repairs that are needed. that's what they did for me. they have a great warranty and their customer service is great.
  12. here is Vaporshark's repair service...... http://www.vaporshark.com/dna/dna-200-diagnostic or you could order the same battery here. however you will need to take the main connectors from the old battery and place them on the new one. http://evolvapor.com/dna200.php
  13. my best guess SERUM........you have a bad/dead battery. all three cells are way under an acceptable voltage. you could try USB RECOVERY in DIAGNOSTICS - DEVICE MONITOR however, i doubt usb recovery will work. only works with cells above 1 volt, i think. USB charging will not work with a dead battery.
  14. welcome to the forum SERUM. i'm going to say english isn't your first language but that is fine. i will try to help you. are you saying your battery will not charge through the usb?
  15. My VS DNA 200 is back in Miami Florida for the second time. first time the board went out. this time the finish was peeling off of the device and the fire button was auto locking, exactly like your problem. dealing with VS's customer service has been nothing short of top notch. as retird said they have very reasonable repair costs. who knows, you could get lucky and pay nothing. they might give you the hook up. i would say If you're having trouble finding out how to open the VS DNA 200, i would say bite the bullet and let an experienced tech do all the hard work. edit....unfortunately since this board is made specifically for VS by evolv and is a proprietary board, evolv will not warranty the board. your only shot at a new board is through VS themselves and they won't send you a board or ANY parts. you have to send the device in. i found all this out first hand.......
  16. vapordna has the OEM battery listed as a 1300 mah. why do you think your battery is only 900 mah? i'm pretty sure the s200 uses the hcigar 1300 mah lipo http://www.vapordna.com/Project-Sub-Ohm-S200-DNA-200-200W-Box-Mod-p/pss200.htm
  17. welcome to the forum Cincikid! i see you're rocking the project sub ohm s200. nice mod!
  18. WELCOME badeentje! sweet setup! do you love gold, like gold member from the austin powers movie? lol, i joke. any questions feel free to ask. there are a lot of smart people on this forum that can help with whatever.
  19. from what i've gathered the dna 75 was purposefully designed the way it is. they designed the dna 75 to be a more affordable board than dna 200. albeit the dna 75 doesn't have all the bells whistles like the dna 200, that's where the trade off comes into play. the dna 75 was not built to compete with it's big brother. still a great board tho with features that are plenty useful. as for the dna 75 being the last product they release............don't be so sure
  20. if you're confident in your vendor honoring the warranty i'd say contact them first before opening up your mod. if not, then open her up and take a close look around the balance tap area for any eliquid or metal shavings, like my boy dwcraig1 asked about. also check for burnt or any board components that may have fallen off. my guess is the analog font end went out (square black chip above usb port on circuit board) or even a small capacitor or resistor got knocked off or fried itself and you need a new board, but i could be wrong.
  21. did the device ever work/vape? can you post a screen shot of device monitor with cell 1-3, pack voltage, and usb current checked. cell 1 voltage worries me. also make sure both your batts are fully charged and at the same voltage. honestly i'm thinking this might be a board issue which means a RMA situation. but let's try some things first..who knows, you might get it working.
  22. if you go into escribe and click on "manufacturers settings", are your battery settings at "2 cell" ?
  23. the simple charging IC on the dna 75 board considers 4.15v "good enough" sometimes when charging. if you want it to charge to exactly 100% (4.18v) you can unplug then plug back in the usb cable. not necessary tho, it's close enough in voltage at 98% to be considered fully charged. you won't really notice the difference in vape time between 4.15 and 4.18v.
  24. welcome mash..... there is no need to have a battery specific curve for the dna 75. the 75 doesn't "fuel gauge" the battery like the dna 200 does. the battery meter works off the battery voltage, that's it. the only reason battery analyzer is on the dna 75's escribe is to test different batteries capacities. just there as a testing tool that is not actually used by the dna 75. i leave the continuous and pulse rating at evolv's default - 28 continuous, 32 pulse. you should be fine us those numbers with the LG HG2 batts. i use them sometimes with the 75 at higher end of the wattage spectrum with no ill effects. i guess if you have a battery you know for sure can't provide the necessary current for the board, you could adjust the CDR and pulse accordingly.
  25. i myself don't foresee any problems with that setup as long as you have the balance tap wired correctly. start at low amp charge the first few times to make sure you're not stressing or confusing the analog front end (square black chip above usb port).
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