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Spector NS5 RD

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Everything posted by Spector NS5 RD

  1. in my first post, if i turn off the usb charging and watch in device monitor, it will slowly drop in wh's. that is normal drain to run the necessary functions of the board. technically the charging cycle isn't finished until it's drawing 0 current. the one percent drop while sitting is most likely the pack voltage settling. which is normal. the lipo could be not the greatest as well. just keep an eye on the pack. if you wake up to a dead lipo i would contact the vendor for a replacement/refund.
  2. hi Ramer.... i run into the same issue while at work. constantly putting my mod in my pocket and taking it out there's always junk/lint/dirt down inside the drip tip. i'm sure they make silicone caps or covers for drip tips. all i can find is those ones used in vape shops when you try a juice out. maybe someone will chime in and post a link for us.
  3. you will get random readings like that with no batteries in the mod with the usb plugged in, watching device monitor. this is normal. does the mod fire with charged batteries?
  4. you're saying you measured the cell's individually and got those numbers? i would definitely contact the vendor and ask for a replacement or refund. the board or something else inside the mod is draining your batteries below a safe point.
  5. hi rintinshinn..... sounds like a battery contact issue to me. if you open device monitor and spin each battery while watching the individual voltages, do they jump around? could also be bad wiring/soldering. i'd suggest contacting the vendor about a return.
  6. hi mikode.... if the dna does not sense a rise in resistance, while firing, within a set amount of time (1 second) it will kick you out of temp control. make sure you have 316L selected as the coil material in the mod. make sure your connections are secure (atomizer, coil wires, spaced coils). what brand of SS316L? what atomizer? "mod resistance" set correctly? post a screenshot of device monitor while firing the atomizer in temp mode (SS316L). make sure these boxes are selected
  7. this sounds like an RMA issue to me. "board not waking up unless USB inserted" it's been quite a while since i've seen a post with this problem. how old is this board? i would open a help ticket with evolv. in the meantime, you could try re-flashing the firmware etc. here's the help ticket link...... https://helpdesk.evolvapor.com/index.php?a=add
  8. welcome to the forum bluessyy. are both of your batteries discharging, evenly? try using a single battery in each slot of the sled (one slot with a battery, one slot empty, got it?), then press the fire button. if the mod turns on with the battery in one slot but not the other, there's a battery connection issue somewhere. if you CAN run a single battery in either slot at a time, then your batteries aren't that great. you can also use the mod for a bit then check both batts with a DMM to see if they're close in charge. keep in mind the dna 75 is 85% efficient.
  9. it most likely is a hardware issue, maybe. super hard to diagnose a mod over the internet, lol. since it's second hand and has no warranty (i am correct in thinking this?) open her up (only if you're comfortable doing so) and post some pics of both sides of the board. BTW, you're not the first person to post a problem of this nature. there's one other thread in here with a mod that had the same symptoms....... /topic/66546-topic/
  10. hi badass05gto. you're saying, in escribe's device monitor, the usb current while plugged into the computer is 3.08a's? somethings seriously wrong. the dna 200 should never draw more than .5 a when connected to a comp and 1.0 a when using a wall wart. what are the individual cell voltages? also what is the pack voltage? post a screenshot of DM with all of the battery options ticked and post it here.
  11. depends on the type of enclosure you're looking to use. obviously it needs to fit a dual 18650 sled. as for soldering, that's pretty straight forward. atty out (+) and atty gnd (-) / the battery main +/- and then the balance taps. you have to bridge cell 2 and 3 together when in 2S mode. (diagram below). you also need to determine if you're going to use the onboard buttons or choose to use external ones. there's few sites out there that have prebuilt/predrilled enclosures for the dna 200. just use your google-fu. i would leave the hotcig intact since you can buy the dual 18650 adapter for it. (edit...never mind, i can't find the dual 18650 sled anywhere. seems they discontinued it?) i would just buy a new board and the necessary parts to build a new mod. that's me tho.
  12. what are the individual cell voltages? post a screenshot of device monitor with the battery options ticked. you might have a bum lipo......
  13. same happens to my VF dna 133. i would consider this amount of drain normal when hooked up to escribe and the charge disabled. as for your lipo draining completely, that is not normal. the dna 200 should go into a deep after an hour or so. how old is this lipo?
  14. have you guys checked the individual cells voltage with a DMM? are they actually imbalanced or just read as imbalanced by the 250? Frogmod, do you have it set to max RECHARGES or max PUFFS?
  15. you would think that the 75 would be more efficient in buck mode rather than boost. you would be correct that buck tends to be more efficient between the two. but i don't think that applies to this board. actually the opposite applies when dealing with this board. never get the too hot error when output is above battery voltage. with anything .1 and below running at 75w, i get the too hot message on all of my 75 boards, usually after one vape. so if i have a build that requires that type of wattage, and built at a low ohm, i throw it on a dna 200.
  16. glad to hear you got it working again. who knows, you could of had a piece of metallic "something" caught between that battery/board divider shorting the board and when you took it out it dislodged and allowed the board to work properly. why would you reduce the current to 100ma's? i would leave it at 1 amp and let the pack charge. you're not really helping anything by lowering the usb current available for charging. you have to figure you're boosting 5v*1a (usb) = 5w up to 12.6v (pack voltage) 5w/12.6v = 0.396825397 amps the battery sees for charging. (it's actually even less. you have to account at least 1w for losses.). make sure your watt hours is set correctly. my vt200 3s pack came to 11.27 wh's. if your battery bar doesn't come back try a soft reboot.
  17. no backlight? oled's don't have a back light like lcd's do. post a pic. i'm curious as to what the screen looks like. i do know someone else in this forum said his dna 250 would not turn with just the usb inserted. he needed to have the battery connected for it to function.
  18. the only thing i can think what happened is the usb cable you were using shorted out somewhere ( i would ditch that usb cable) shorting something out on the board. i had the warranty service message appear while my VS DNA 200 was charging. turns out the usb cable was damaged and internally shorting out. i caught it in time though and no damage was done to the mod. i would contact the vendor you bought the mod from and start the RMA process rolling.
  19. i have a spool of 24 and 26 awg nife48 from zivipf.com as well. i like it because you can glow your coils and not have to worry about nasty oxides like Ti produce when heATED.
  20. restart your computer. only open escribe. use a new/different usb cable than the one you have been using to connect to escribe (make sure it has charge and DATA capabilities). how i direct you to escribe's diagnostics features depends on the version of the program you are using. but basically when you connect to escribe, at the top left hand corner of the window, you'll see "TOOLS". under tools there is an option for diagnostics >reboot device>hard reboot. this is how escribe 1.2 SP3 is navigated to those features.
  21. hi TSTOUT. this is the lost vape dna 200 where you cannot get at the lipo, right? have you tried a hard reboot? reflash the firmware you're running?
  22. welcome markof1981. the board needs to be replaced most likely. the warranty service message means it's failing self checks during start up and it's running out of spec. as to what caused it, who knows. any number of variables. you can check the fuse with a DMM to see if it's still good. i had a couple boards display that message i managed to kill. all is fine with just usb but as soon as i connected the battery the warranty service message would pop up. if the fuse is good, open a help ticket with evolv.... https://helpdesk.evolvapor.com/index.php?a=add
  23. i think the rx 2/3 when in 2s, the battery back cover for that config has contacts that bridge taps 2 and 3 built into it. like a dummy battery. not 100% sure though. double check.
  24. hi diagonal. sounds to me like the 26650 battery you are using is not strong enough. there is a lot of voltage sag with 26650's. you can see this if you watch in device monitor. either buy a better 26650 or a good 18650 if the sbody legend is designed to be used with both. 26650's are not the best for vaping at 50w or above.
  25. the problem with ditching the daughter board is the regulatory buttons are soldered onto it (FIRE, UP and DOWN buttons). the daughter board runs from the bottom of the mod to the top with the dna board soldered to it around the middle. since it's already broken, take it apart and you'll see what i'm talking about. no interest in fixing the existing dnA 40 that's already inside? if you know for sure none of the buttons are stuck, the next likely suspect is flux residue shorting the dna 40 board external button pinouts. it happened to a dna 40 of mine. it had the symptom of a stuck DOWN button (flashing between 1 watt and the serial #)but the actual button was in perfect working order. i had to clean/scrape away the flux residue between the 2 DOWN button pinouts, works fine now.
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