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Spector NS5 RD

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Everything posted by Spector NS5 RD

  1. i've seen some very small size ex outs before. i don't think autozone or advance will have em that small tho. let me see if i can find the link to them....... edit.....nope smallest is 3/32nd's if you have a left handed tiny drill bit you could use that in a drill at low speed. since the bit is left hand turn it will dig into the screw CCW and should remove it. take a look around here to see if anything will work. https://www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=left-handed+drill+bit&tag=googhydr-20&index=industrial&hvadid=89224283054&hvpos=1t1&hvnetw=g&hvrand=5397190977103050167&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=e&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9006313&hvtargid=kwd-25369225675&ref=pd_sl_28v8ovi3jc_e
  2. the dna 200 should only charge at 1 amp MAXIMUM. can you take a good quality picture of the top half of the board? something might be wrong withe the charging circuit. maybe a bad or missing component. current sense amp might be bad, i don't know, but a picture might help.
  3. welcome rabidka! your dna 133 is not charging the batteries? is that your problem? you have everything set correctly in escribe and the wiring appears correct as well. one area that concerns me is, it says you're drawing over 3.082 amps from the USB. USB current when connected to escribe should not be over 0.5 - 1.0 amps. (depending on the type of USB port, i think) what does the dna 133 mod screen say the USB current is? if you select "USB current" under "screen" tab in escribe and "upload to device". what does mod screen say, how much USB current? i hope you can understand what i'm trying to say.
  4. the dna 75 was specifically marketed with that voltage limitation in mind. think of it like a trade off when comparing it to other evolv boards. "this for that"
  5. for "battery capacity" type in 33 watt hours if you're using the HG2's. it'll make your battery meter a little more accurate that's all. leave evertyhing else alone. formula for converting mah to watt hours - (mAh)*(V)/1000 = (Wh) 3000mah * 11.1v / 1000 = 33.3 wh's i honestly hope no one in this forum would take $20 from another member for helping them.
  6. welcome striknine. can you restart your computer and try a different usb cable, for the hell of it? make sure there is no debris inside of the usb port, on the 75, as well.
  7. welcome to forum kylewalter. VS is correct in telling you that you need the board to be replaced. there is nothing the end user can do to repair this. VS's repair service is reasonable. i think around $25 for a new board. http://www.vaporshark.com/dna/dna-200-diagnostic
  8. welcome apexifd. does the mod still connect to escribe? if not then start sending out the emails. if it does, could you post a screenshot of device monitor with all of the battery options checked. now, if you know for a fact the board is fried, contact your vendor first wait to see what they say. if they won't help, explain your situation in a help ticket from evolv.
  9. smd components that are coming out keep getting smaller and smaller, lol. evolv is great about helping people out with warranties and even if the damage is.........self inflicted. my guess is you'll be very happy with their response. i've sent back a few boards i managed kill. they've taken VERY good care of me.
  10. welcome to the forum Deftones161. you're missing a resistor. you would of had to of gotten the board extremely hot in order for a component to fall off. if you find it you can try and solder it back yourself. if you can't, open a help ticket with evolv from their website.
  11. one thing to do even without using atty analyzer is see if your coil is reading correctly on your lava box. if they're rated on the package as 0.25 (just an example) and your mod is reading it as .30 or above then you have a poor connection somewhere, whether it be the coil, where the coil screws in to the base or where the base screws into the 510 or even the 510 itself. what to look for in AA is basically the same thing, high ohms and/or if you see the "?" instead of a reading. "check atomizer" means the mod is losing connection to the atty, a complete disconnect. also, make sure the spring loaded 510 pin is......still "springy" and moves freely up and down. i have heard of one person here crushing their 510 connector pin permanently down on their lavabox from screwing down an atty that had a very long 510.
  12. welcome to the forum wolf_7. most likely something with your top tank or the tank itself is not making a good connection to the mod. try another tank. if the problem goes away, it's the top tank that's the problem. if the problem persists, there could be something wrong with mod's 510. possibly a stuck positive pin. make sure the coil is screwed in tight, and the tank tight to mod. you can also open atty analyzer in escribe and check your atty's stability. try slightly unscrewing the tank on and off a little while watching the ohms. also rock the tank back and forth while it's screwed tightly on the mod and see what the ohms do.
  13. turnigy 1300 will not fit in the VS DNA 200, too big as @yoseff states.
  14. you can try and place a very thin piece of rubber between the screw head and screwdriver tip. like a rubber band or sumthin.
  15. my VS DNA 200 has a board programmed by evolv on 12/30/15 and is running SP3 flawlessly so far. charging is around 1.95-1.99. no issues to report. SS316L smooth as glass. happy camper here
  16. no, that battery will not work. it's a 4S (15.2 volt LiHV) (4 cells in series) one too many cells. you need a 3S (11.1 volt) (3 cells in series) lipo if you want the full 200 watts. you need to look for a 11.1v 3S 20-30C lipo.
  17. evolv is great with honoring warranties. my guess is they will take good care of you. as in a new board.
  18. a 1300-1500 mah 3S 20C-30C lipo will extend your vape time quite a bit over a 900mah and still be somewhat small enough to fit in your hand and inside a hammond/alpine or whatever your plans are. they start getting longer the higher up you go in mah. you could go nuts and make a dna 200 with 5000mah 3s lipo but it would be uncomfortably large. very large in fact. think of an actual red colored brick in your hand. lol
  19. i found the the usb cable that comes with the shark to better than any of my portapow 3ft. 20awg charge only usb cables.and the portapowa's are fast cables. SP3 working great on my VS. charging at 1.95 to 1.99 consistently. same as before the update.
  20. vaporshark has a very reasonable repair service. good prices. here's a link. but wait and see what they email you first before doing anything. you get lucky and they might hook you up with some love for your busted mod. http://www.vaporshark.com/dna/dna-200-diagnostic
  21. to reply to your other post in the other thread.....my VS was still under warranty, 5 DAYS OLD! lol. so VS payed for everything. shipping both ways and a new board at no cost to me. you most likely shorted your usb out like i did with a crappy usb cable.
  22. i had my shark charging in my car once and nearly killed the board with a crappy car usb charger and damaged usb cable. starting spitting "warranty service" at me. bad idea to leave a shark on a car usb. check the usb cable you were using at the time, it might be damaged/shorted. throw it out.
  23. i'm sorry, both of my dna 75 boards are installed into mods. otherwise i would measure it for you. maybe search your carpet with a magnifying glass. you might get lucky.
  24. open a help ticket from Evolv's website. They should be able to help you, if your board is still under warranty.
  25. open a help ticket with Evolv. The board is most likely damaged beyond your ability to repair.
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