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Everything posted by giz_60

  1. Have you checked your resistance stability using the 'Atomizer Analyzer' in Escribe? Resistance instability will cause all kinds of problems....
  2. Did you upload you settings to the device after your changes? It appears that the board is still trying to find 3 cells, but only seeing 2 cells, hence the 'Check Battery' message...The soft cell cutoff setting is not going to cause this error
  3. Yes...You can either create a new material profile using the TCR value, or modify the .csv by inputting the TCR value, or create a profile for each, which was @Wayneo was referring to above...
  4. It is not actually applying the same value to all materials, but rather showing you the last TCR value that you input. After having input the .00092 for 316L & then going to 430, it is showing you the same value that you input for 316L..if you click ok..THEN it will apply the same value. If you input the value for 430 & click ok, it will apply that value to your 430 material profile. If you will check the curve of the different materials, you will see the difference...
  5. It is connected to Escribe...If you look on the 'Display' tab in Escribe, you will see that you can add & delete the different fields that you can show on the Device Monitor on the device...
  6. Run the battery analyzer to get a more accurate profile for your cells... Edit: The % indicator is an estimation of the remaining % of the battery left...being off by 1 or 2 % in no way hinders the operation of the device
  7. Most of the colors of the graphs in Device Monitor on the device match the colors of the graphs in Device Monitor in Escribe...they cant be changed...
  8. On my devices, after unlocking, no field (item) is highlighted until one of the selection ( up/down/select) buttons are pressed. Afterwards, the 'initially highlighted' field (item) is highlighted first... as well as after changing from one screen to another...even pressing the fire button after unlocking doesn't highlight any fields...
  9. You have to allow Escribe to fully charge the cell before the analyzer will start...
  10. The Therion takes 2 cells & the BF, 1 cell...the number of cells is in the file name...
  11. LG_HG2 (2)_18650_3000 mah_18.75 Wh.csv LG_HG2 (1)_18650_3000 mah_10 Wh.csv
  12. Try loading the following .csv file into Escribe on the 'Mod' tab...and then upload to device...see if that helps... Sony_VTC5a (1)_18650_9.24Wh.csv
  13. The .csv file is relevant to the battery...not the device...what battery are you using?
  14. The battery level indicator is an estimation of the remaining battery level...having the correct discharge profile (.csv file) for the particular cells you are using will help to make this estimation a bit more accurate...
  15. I would change the 'Cell Soft Cutoff' to 2.75....
  16. In Escribe...'Options > User Interface > Manufacturer'
  17. Weak battery = The battery needs to charged or a higher rate battery needs to be used. If this error message happens, the DNA will continue to fire the atomizer, but will not be able to provide the desired wattage (throttling). Check battery = The battery is deeply discharged & needs to be charged or is damaged. If this error message happens, the DNA will not fire the atomizer. User should recharge or remove & replace the battery.
  18. Sony_VTC5a (3)_18650_26.219 Wh.csv
  19. Sounds like a manufacture warranty issue.....try contacting the vendor you bought it from...
  20. The 75's never have had the Wh field for them in Escribe...
  21. You can, but there is a slight amount of resistance in the wire as well....
  22. On the 'Mod' tab in Escribe, you need to change it from 2 cell to 3 cell...then upload settings to device
  23. IMHO, the 75c boards are a bit of battery hogs...I have found using the 'Stealth' feature helps to prolong run time...
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