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Everything posted by retird

  1. The board info picture you posted show the board was programmed by Evolv September 27, 2018 which is before October. Being programmed in late September by Evolv means the board was made prior to October. Of all the Go Boards to date here are the current stats: https://www.evolvapor.com/info/dna-go-stats Just because the board was made before October doesn't meal it will have a problem (note failure rates of the above link).
  2. hum..... When Evolv manufactures the board they program it.... lets call this EVOLV's default program. Then the board can be installed by the mod maker into the mod. At this point the mod maker can, if they choose, make a limited number of changes (within limits and by using the Production Utility). When they configure the mod that is the Mod Configured date. Some mod makers make changes and some don't. EDIT: If you are referring to this portion of Brandon's original post:: Current production DNA Go devices shouldn’t be affected. If your board was made in October 2018 or later, it shouldn’t be at risk of ever exhibiting this issue. "Current production DNA Go devices shouldn’t be affected. If your board was made in October 2018 or later, it shouldn’t be at risk of ever exhibiting this issue."
  3. Evolv programs the board before shipping them to the mod makers and the mod makers configure the mod..... look here for the history you seek on your mod....
  4. As you know as batteries age from use and charging they degrade. Thus they no longer will fully charge. It may be that cell 1 has degraded more, or faster, than cells 2 and 3. Try replacing the battery pack with a new one....
  5. and instructions for those new to modding....... wish I would have had access to instructions when I started modding back in the day..... !!!! https://www.protovapor.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/XPV75C-Instructions-V1.1.pdf
  6. "Total Puffs" doesn't reset.... "Since Reset" Puffs does reset...... as seen in Device Monitor
  7. Can you take that atty and do Replay/Play on your 250C and see what results you get?
  8. Maybe I can lower the elevation a bit..... As long as you get the vape you desire what else matters or even how you got there? Replay was designed to take the "Fiddle" out of getting to the "perfect vape" and you have seen how it can work with not much "fiddling".. Before Replay came along I spent many hours, heck, many days adjusting the PH, Punch, Temp setting, wattage, and etc. to get the "Perfect Vape" . Temp Protect was, and is, a great thing in many ways so I achieved the "Perfect Vape for me" using the same settings, the same atty, the same coils, all DNA devices were calibrated using Case Analyzer, and etc. Thus my vapes were as consistent as I could get them using the same massed produced coils in several identical MTL RTA's. The vape was always the same over my "herd" of devices so the days and days of fine tuning was worth it.... Fast forward to Replay and so what did I do..... I took the same settings I had in my TP Profile and made a Profile I would use in the Replay Profile. mode and took a vape, and a second vape, and then set Replay to play. .... The key, no matter how you get there is to first find that perfect vape (either in TP or Power mode) and set that puff to Play in Replay. Now my vape from my devices, except the Orion, use the same coils, same RTA, same e-liquids, same DNA technology, and etc. All using Replay and "fiddle free" . Since beginning to vape 8 years ago I always wanted as "fiddle free" as I could get with the latest technology. The Orion has pre-sets for DL and MTL coils in the pods. Simple to just start with the lowest preset and move up till you get the vape you desire and press Replay.... There is more adjustments that one can do using EScribe but that is another subject.... Sorry for the long-winded post but hopefully this brings the elevation a bit lower for you, and others.... Enjoy the vape..... 😊
  9. Many things can cause this... more information is needed to try to troubleshoot via long distance without having access to the device, charger, computer, usb cable, and etc. To start with a screenshot of Device Monitor with the device connected is a good place to start...
  10. I only read a few lines of your rant..... you are really frustrated (sad)......my DNA background for 8 years speaks for itself (good or bad)..... sorry I have not been able to help you.........hopefully . somebody else with more knowledge, or a better way to explain Replay, may pop in and help.... The video I posted where Brandon was interviews included a simple explanation from Brandon about Replay.... oh well..... hope you find what you seek..... Again, spend some time using the Replay Profile I mentioned....
  11. Sorry I misunderstood your posts...... There are many ways to adjust the settings to get the results you want. I may do it one way and somebody else may do it another. Some, of the settings you mention should be adjusted to get the vape you desire. When you find that then do Replay. If your coil doesn't heat fast enough then adjust preheat, boost, warmth, or whichever function you need to to get the coil heated quicker. Adjust the Temp and/or wattage, depending on whether you are using TC or Watts. Replay is activated (saved) only after you get that great hit. You may need to vape once, twice, or more using the settings you set to achieve the hit you want to save (Play). Folks have different ways they set the settings to get the results they want to Replay. Only after you get that great hit do you press Replay to (Play). Also there is a lot of posts in this forum where folks talk about replay so you might google Replay in the 250C and 75C sub-forums. Using EScribe Profile named Replay (if your Theme has that Profile) you will notice different settings are available depending on the Material you select. Adjust till you get the hit you want then "(Play) Replay. You night spend some time in this Profile to find the hit you desire from the coil you use.
  13. Apparently it got resolved as the poster has not posted since August 31.... Welcome to the forum. @Ez-Vaper
  14. Complete the ticket... they will guide you....
  15. https://helpdesk.evolvapor.com/index.php?a=add&category=1
  16. Can you post a screenshot of Device Monitor while device is connected to EScribe?
  17. Open Theme Designer and click on Space Used.... what does it say?
  18. Hopefully you have more than 1 pod..... hope you find your happy place....
  19. I vape for flavor so clouds is not what I hope to achieve. My device is a beta version of the Orion and has functioned well. Clouds is what I would call average for the wattage used.
  20. hum, kinda sounds like the wire....... so you have set the wire material to SS316 in the profile settings and it runs in TC Mode and achieves the desired Temperature but won't run Replay even when in TC mode using the material setting of SS316?
  21. So the coil works in Power Mode? So the coil works in TC Mode? But not in Replay? What are the settings of the Profile you are using?
  22. What are the battery pack voltage readings?
  23. Setting it to maximum everything may overdrive the coils in the pods..... may put a bad taste in your mouth.... 😊 I'm running the DL pod (0.25) at 15 watts and the MTL pod (0.50) at 12 watts...
  24. This datasheet may be helpful ..... https://downloads.evolvapor.com/dna250color.pdf
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