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Everything posted by retird

  1. Could it be the Profile Number?
  2. This video is for the 75C but may be helpful....
  3. What happens when you unlock it and then momentarily touch the fire button (don't hold it in as if normally firing it)? Does it still lock? Maybe a dirty contact in the fire button?
  4. Are you vaping in TC or Replay mode, or wattage mode? Can you post a screenshot of Device Monitor (while vaping) so Live readings can bwe seen?
  5. From what I see that is a HCigar VT250S DNA 250 device with a DNA250 board in it... There is a place in this forum for the DNA 250... You can post there....
  6. Where did you download the EScribe software from? Was it here? https://www.evolvapor.com/escribe Try uninstalling EScribe and then install the INT version from the link given..... Also you might want to view this video if it still is crapping out. It may or may not help........
  7. Try a spaced coil instead of a contact coil....
  8. I don't do code so if there is a line of code then somebody may jump in to help.... I've not heard of anybody doing that tho.....😊
  9. I guess anything is possible depending on how much modifications are needed in that device.... may not look too pretty however.... here is a datasheet that shows dimensions and etc.... https://downloads.evolvapor.com/dna250color.pdf Your duplicate post has been deleted.... not necessary here to post duplicate posts as it only can confuse.... welcome to the forum....
  10. Total Puffs since Reset is the only one you can reset... Total Puffs is the total puffs since new and remains....
  11. There are a lot of themes designed by others in this forum.... here is a link to 75C and 250C themes you can download. https://forum.evolvapor.com/files/category/6-dna-75-color-250-color/
  12. Have you tried setting Power to 40 watts in TC Mode? Device will use only the power needed to reach set temperature...??
  13. Great news..... Great customer service.... The link I posted earlier has the Datasheet.... clink where it says datasheet to see it....
  14. If you don't get it worked out how about the option to order new board from Evolv... 3.00 shipping to everywhere. Evolv web site: https://www.evolvapor.com/products/dna250
  15. Cell number should agree with the number of cells you have in the device.
  16. No correction needed. The 18650 setting is what is needed from the choices in the settings...
  17. Sometimes if the board has been hot and has quit charging it will not connect to EScribe. That is why I asked if you could connect a battery. I remember reading where this happened to an Hcigar 75. Let us know what you get with a battery attached.
  18. Which device did it come out of. Excessive heat while removing the board is but one of many things that can cause it not to connect. You might try to just connect it to a battery and see if the led goes off and if it will connect to EScribe then....
  19. Replay and TC mode doesn't like Kanthal at all.... never has....
  20. The charge rate is defined by the on board charging circuitry. Charger The DNA 250C has a built in 2A USB charger. It automatically detects the type of USB power supply it is connected to, so it can be plugged into standard PC USB ports or higher power chargers. The max charge current is based on the cell capacity as programmed in EScribe.
  21. Check in the profiles of EScribe and see if Replay can be turned on/off in EScribe. Check a profile that uses TC wire (not Kanthal). If you can Replay you are probable good but my preference is to use International only. Kanthal won't replay.....
  22. International version necessary to run Replay.... the update it did was probably to the device and not the computer.... Are you using windows 10
  23. Connect device to EScribe and it is recognized by EScribe.... click on File / Save As.... then save file to your desktop...... post the file here....
  24. THX.... that is a theme I have used, and still use, on a couple 75C devices. Have had no issues with it. I use another of his themes on my 250 C 4 cell device. We actually worked together on the theme used on my 250C... he did the design, built the theme, and I helped test and offer suggestions on what features I would like to see in a theme.
  25. GREAT.... please post your *.ecig file as I want to look at the theme.... THX
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