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Spector NS5 RD

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Everything posted by Spector NS5 RD

  1. will the mod connect to escribe with or without batts? what are your cells reading in device monitor? pack voltage? well....if you can't get it straightened out, i know VS has a great warranty service. up to you whether or not to tell them your situation about the sudden death with the FW update. not sure if VS approves of the SP3 update. but it's basically the same board as the VS 200 just configured for 2S operation. i'm running SP3 on my VS 200. it's working just fine. so why it's not working is very strange.
  2. the original screens, pre exploding factory ones, had some variations in their colors as well. some were white, other were on the blueish side, supposedly due to varying phosphor lots between screen production runs.
  3. i think if you roll back the firmware to before the "SP" ones and it gets stuck on upload settings, i think you have to actually press "upload settings" in the older version of escribe (2-23-2016). i think that's what i did and it worked. but what's strange is why the SP3 didn't work. you're sure it was set for two cell AND UPLOADED TO YOUR FLASK? maybe it just said 2 cell in escribe and it accidentally got changed in the mod. i dunno, i'm grasping at straws here.
  4. are you getting correct readings from the balance wires going to the board? continuity across the fuse? correct voltage after fuse? i know wismec took a short cut and bridged the gnd and 3rd cell balance tap connections to the main -/+ with 0 ohm resistors to save on wiring. maybe make sure you have correctindividual cell readings at the tap. if you do have correct readings and there's no ejuice, burnt or missing components around that area of the board i would open a ticket with the vendor. then evolv if they do nothing.
  5. strange why you can't display different field options in power and tc screens. i can have completely different boxes for all and have them upload fine. maybe you think you're leaving tc mode and going into plain power but you're not. as for a list i'll list what i can remember..... dna 200 - 9v limit dna 75 - 6.2v limit usb current displayable no usb current displayable manual input of watt hours not able to input wh's manually no programmable LED's programmable LED watt hour based batt meter voltage based batt meter no reverse batt protection (fuse) reverse batt protection (mos) buck dc dc only buck - boost dc dc 97% efficient 85% efficient more options in device monitor less options in device monitor usb voltage displayable no usb voltage displayable usb power displayable no usb power displayable watt hour charge % displayable no wh charge % charge displayable there's more but those are the major differences i can think of for now.
  6. welcome djsilites. i do know the usb current being able to be displayed on the mod screen is not a feature of the dna 75. i'm not quite sure i understand your first part of your question. i can set opposite fields in temp and and power controlled settings and them displayed no problem. take a screen shot of the screen tab of what you're trying to upload to your 75 and post it here.
  7. for my dna 75 i lock the ohms of the atty i use most often in one of the profiles in escribe. that way it doesn't forget the reading when i swap batts. i also do what dwcraig1 does if my ohms aren't locked in a profile.
  8. here's a simple one i found......where you only need two balance wires going to the batteries, remaining ones are just bridged from the tap to the -/+ pads on the board, as u can see by the drawing.
  9. is the usb socket loose on your vt200? with 35,xxx puffs on the device i'm going to say your usb port has seen a lot of use. could be that the charging circuit isn't receiving the needed current from the usb cable due to a weak connection (usb port) or it's dirty. the lightening bolt will appear at .10 amps and up.
  10. welcome Isko2017. you see what firmware versionyour dna 75 is running by looking in the lower right hand corner of device monitor in the escribe software. Therion's come shipped with the latest RECOMMENDED firmware. 2016-05-02 the new TEST FW is 2016-06-05
  11. you can select "battery charge %" in "screen" tab of escribe. you cannot replace the batter bar icon with this option tho. it just adds the option you selected to one of your three fields.
  12. i'm pretty sure the dna 200/250/75/60 will "talk" with the usb port in some way if it senses data lines are present and current limit itself to .5 amps (to prevent a usb brown out). at least that's how it's supposed to work with usb 2.0 when the board is connected to a computer. not sure about later usb versions. i'm not sure how a loose ground in your mod would fry your MB. edit....oh ya BTW a couple months ago i found an ASUS laptop in a dumpster at new home construction site i was doing hvac at. it was all wet but i used a hairdryer and brought it back to life. only thing is i can't get past the previous owner's windows 7 password.
  13. no real solution unless you diffuse the light and spread it all around the entire button like hotcig did. it's hard with one led. the vaporshark boards use two set diagonally that look good. however there is only one dim red led for charging indication that looks........dim (this is the VS dna 200 board) .
  14. honestly, to me, that button looks like the led is brightest in the bottom quarter of that fire button and fades out to the remaining top three surrounding quarters. don't forget, some colors will be brighter than others making it appear as if the button is fully lit with brighter colors and dimmer with other colors. i bet if you switch your led to white it'll light up a good portion of your fire button like in daniel's video.
  15. that's how mine looks when the led is on....the bottom quarter of the button. you think that's a fully illuminated button? or am i misunderstanding you? do you mean fully lit as in always on? you can set all that in escribe.
  16. welcome to forum inej0901. are you looking for a replacement small screen for your dna board or a wismec board? if you need one for an evolv board you could open a help ticket and request to purchase just the small screen, which requires you to do the desoldering and soldering of new screen, or you could send your board in and they will replace it for you. i have no idea the kind of screen or manufacturer that makes for the wismec boards. best bet is to contact wismec or look up the part number of the bad screen and see if you can cross reference the part number to a compatible screen.
  17. welcome to the forum Kiev252. mine is the same way, only about a quarter of the lower button. it's poorly implemented. the hotcig dx 75 has the best idea going for the dna 75 led.
  18. no prob. i have a 1590a 200. i just bit the bullet and let the test run for the 4 or so hours.
  19. @retird....i'm surprised MVS gave up the sale. i thought for sure a little bit of complaining or reluctance on the customers part would be enough for them to just push the sale through. interesting. somewhat unrelated to your experience but still relevant to the new FDA regs, i won a giveaway on youtube and just a couple days ago i was contacted by email from the company (innokin) that would be shipping my items (tshirt and axiom tank) and they asked for $10 dollars to "satisfy" the FDA's "no free samples" clause. i was excited to win this particular contest because i was told i had to pay for NOTHING, not shipping, NADA, ZILCH. anyway i wrote back asking why Innokin would care about the FDA regs since they're based out of china. got a crappy response of " innokin is also based out of california (one of their shipping centers). don't tell me it's completely free only to ask for $10 later in an email. i do not think the tank and shirt are worth $10 combined. i mainly wanted the shirt. i have no vape related clothes so i thought it would be nice.
  20. there are no right settings for a specific box. your best bet is to run case analyzer yourself, as there will be different variables that come into play when running the program. such as, temp of the room you have the mod in while you're running the program and if there is any airflow moving across the device during the test. lastly, how the internals where arranged also play a role. each device, regardless of similarities, will have differences in results. don't get me wrong, you absolutely could get by by uploading someone else's thermal properties of the same box you own but it won't be accurate. give me a few min and i'll search around for something......take a look through these threads, you might get lucky and find something that is close to your box size and vent holes or lack there of. (vent holes play a role in case analyzer results). http://evolvapor.forumchitchat.com/search?keywords=case+analyzer&searchin=message&member=&do=findposts&id=&replies=atleast&numreplies=0&daterange=0&custdatefrom=&custdateto=&sort=&order=desc&radio_showas=threads&btnSearch=Search&action=doSearch
  21. SS has such a crappy small temp curve, i find just using a simple TCR works best for my needs. i find little advantage using a csv. curve over a TCR for SS. i usually run all my SS 316L at a TCR of 0.00097-0.00099. i like a warm vape tho.
  22. what bunch of crap, honeztly. is it really that hard to steal one of your parent's I D's and use it. this "age verification" solves nor prevents anything.
  23. poor dna 40 breathing in all those moth balls! i've been playing bass since i was 13. i'm 33 now. i find i love the warmth a 12ax7 tube preamp gives you over the solid state technology of today.
  24. it'll run and charge normal since each buck circuit (2 mosfets & inductor x 2) run independent of each other then joined together at each of their outputs. the "usb power block" jurdanas has labeled is the 1 amp battery charger. think of it like two engines sharing the load. you just blew the head gasket on one engine, leaving you one engine still running......make sense? just open a help ticket with evolv if hana ignores you. as for the battery touching the board, the dna 200 is 97% (with non damaged board) efficient. buck converter circuits tend to be more efficient than boost dc-dc ones. so not much heat is generated when in use.
  25. welcome to the forum clark"toban"robbins. nice therion, i'm sure you'll love it. you should leave the soft cutoff where it is. that's 2.75v when under load not resting voltage. you could run into premature "weak battery" issues raising the cutoff. keep in mind, most 18650/26650 battery manufacturers test their batts down to 2.5v so 2.75v is perfectly safe.
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