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Everything posted by retird

  1. retird


    If it's possible I've not seen it or do I recall any similar posts..... I really don't know much about those "exotic coils" so help may come from those who do..... only thought now is TCR, atty, or coil issue.... he might try a simple coil in the atty and see if it goes with that one....
  2. retird


    Maybe a hot spot, loose connection, and try spacing the coil...
  3. Try installing EScribe from here (scroll down) https://www.evolvapor.com/products/dna250
  4. Could be a loose connection at the battery contacts or maybe a loose ground somewhere.... could be other things also .... You might contact where you bought and let them address it since it should be in warranty and opening it up may void the warranty...
  5. Yep, The board needs to know the ohm's of the atty/coil..... good that you got Replay going.... if you look in EScribe now the "Saved Puff, Playing" is checked....
  6. What "stuff" did you mess with? Is "Support Replay on this profile" still checked?
  7. CSV files for the batteries are not Profile specific. CSV file uploaded is for one-size fits all profiles....
  8. Cabbage Evolv Light and Cabbage Evolv Dark theme (the newest versions), found in the Downloads Section has a Battery Screen that Shows Total Voltage, Voltage for Each Cell, and Current output Amps of last vape. It is real time in both Non-Charging and Charging State. Also when vaping you are at the Main Screen and while not charging you can select Battery and it will jump to the Battery Screen and you can see the state of all batteries, Select Back and you are back to the Main Screen.... One of the best themes I've used...... Works with 75C and 250C Screen shot from Theme Designer of Battery Screen ..
  9. Does your theme have a battery level icon and does it place a lightning bold in the battery level icon when charging. This pic shows the battery level on a lock screen and while charging one only needs to press the fire button to turn the screen on and check the charging state.
  10. DNA250C Datasheet... https://downloads.evolvapor.com/dna250color.pdf
  11. I edited previous posts as I gave incorrect info.... It now says this Previous posted info was incorrect.... sorry.... Edit: This is from the Datasheet Replay Replay is a new feature introduced on the DNA 250C. Replay is intended to capture the flavor and satisfaction of the “perfect puff” and provide the same level of performance and consistency on all subsequent puffs. The use of Nickel, Stainless, Titanium, or other material that increases in resistance when heated is required. In addition, Replay will also prevent dry hits when used with wattage control. To use Replay set the device to the desired power level and operate it normally. Once a satisfying puff is achieved, activate the feature to save and replay the saved puff each time the device is fired. Puff length is not a factor and the user will not be limited to the length of the previous puff. Disable Replay to resume normal operation or find a new puff to save. If Replay cannot be enabled the coil is not compatible.
  12. Also is that a spaced coil or contact coil.... spaced coils are best on DNA's.
  13. Previous posted info was incorrect.... sorry.... Edit: This is from the Datasheet Replay Replay is a new feature introduced on the DNA 250C. Replay is intended to capture the flavor and satisfaction of the “perfect puff” and provide the same level of performance and consistency on all subsequent puffs. The use of Nickel, Stainless, Titanium, or other material that increases in resistance when heated is required. In addition, Replay will also prevent dry hits when used with wattage control. To use Replay set the device to the desired power level and operate it normally. Once a satisfying puff is achieved, activate the feature to save and replay the saved puff each time the device is fired. Puff length is not a factor and the user will not be limited to the length of the previous puff. Disable Replay to resume normal operation or find a new puff to save. If Replay cannot be enabled the coil is not compatible.
  14. And if I recall correctly the Last Puff reading is the average ofthe puff ....
  15. Could it bee the coil doesn't get to full watts before you release the fire button? What does it show with the warmth set to 7, 9, or 11?
  16. Ok..... With Replay not playing when you vape it shows vaping at 75 watts in Device Monitor? You select Save Puff and while playing after that vape and it shows what in Device Monitor? Tick Voltage, Power, and Power Set in Device Monitor. Vape with Replay not playing and what do you get for P:ower? SavePuff and vape again and what do you get for Power?
  17. Are you in TC mode as you start replay? What wire material is your coil? What is punch or warmth set at?
  18. When you unlock the mod and then press the fire button do you get a "Check Atomizer" message when no atty is attached? Can you post a screenshot of Device Monitor with the device (with atty) connected and another screenshot while pressing the fire button? That may be helpful in trying to help you.... Also have you changed or modified the Theme?
  19. Yep, hot spots and dirty atty's don't play well with DNA's.... it's good the DNA lets you know tho.....
  20. Have you tried the coil mentioned on any other RDA's and did they Replay?
  21. Can you post the *.ecig file here so we can look at the theme and etc.?
  22. Too Hot: The DNA 75C has onboard temperature sensing. It will shut down and display this message if the internal board temperature becomes excessive.
  23. I wasn't aware that the Paranormal ships with an OTG cable. I thought it just shipped with a USB charging/data cable.
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