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Everything posted by retird

  1. Fill out a ticket with the Help Desk..... they will guide you... Link...... https://helpdesk.evolvapor.com/index.php?a=add&category=1
  2. According to Evolv's 2 cell chart in the Datasheet 0.50 Kanthal should fire at a bit below 150 watts which would be somewhat lower than 8.6 volts... much higher than the 6.0 volt limit of a 250 discussed here. Wish I had a 2 cell 250C so I could give more specific real time results but I don't so only going on spec's given by Evolv....
  3. As I posted earlier.... "hum. using your 2 batteries. build a 0.50 ohm coil and fire it at 200 watts..... what output voltage do you show in Device Monitor? " OHM's Law...... 200 watts @ 0.50 ohm coil = 10 volts.......... so fire this coil and see what the output voltage reads in Device Monitor.... (fire it but don't vape it...YUCK) @strikeiii..... from the posts here and Evolv's reply I think you got your answer that " you are not limited to a 6v output like the previous 250 ".
  4. Vendors selling them have different values above 6.2 volts in their ads..... so You probably should ask your question at the Evolv Help Desk to get the correct answer from the board makers..... here is the link.....and let us know what you find out... https://helpdesk.evolvapor.com/index.php?a=add&category=1
  5. hum. using your 2 batteries. build a 0.50 ohm coil and fire it at 200 watts..... what output voltage do you show in Device Monitor?
  6. Yep, need to start with cold atty on each device. Select New Atty.....
  7. hum,.... are the profiles exactly the same except for the temp setting? Are the ohm's locked?
  8. Could it be that the 230f you list is 230C... which e-square are you using?
  9. Have you checked to see if it is locked..... (5 clicks of the fire button to lock/unlock).... You can open a ticket with Evolv and they will guide you..... here is the link... https://helpdesk.evolvapor.com/index.php?a=add&category=1 Also, I think any patch or firmware update would require EScribe.... just for your information....
  10. No.......... here is a Datasheet for the DNA250. It has minimum, typical, and max values specs' and much more info you might read.... https://downloads.evolvapor.com/dna250.pdf
  11. Is your USB cable a data capable cable or just a charge cable? As far as the blue light I can look at the led from different angles and it looks green at one angle and blue-green at another angle and blue at another angle....may just be the way the led is designed....
  12. Can you save your *.ecig file to your computer and post the file here?
  13. Here is a link to the DNA200 data sheet..... https://downloads.evolvapor.com/dna200.pdf There is much information for you in the data sheet.... You can fire the device with an external (off board) fire button.... Only use batteries powerful enough for the device.... AA batteries no good.... rechargeable only..... there are many posts on this forum about batteries....
  14. When the Blue Light is showing it is telling you the battery is 95% to 100% charged. While plugged into EScribe the Blue Light will remain on until the device "goes to sleep" at which time the led will go out. When unplugged from EScribe (after fully charged) the blue light tells you the charge status when you want to see it and Blue is but one of the charge level lights. This also is true when using a wall charger to charge the battery.
  15. You would think logically it would read 0V but it may be reading voltage due to the wiring of the balancing circuit for 3 cells where the T4 pin is bridged to T3. Here is the Data Sheet which has wiring diagrams. https://downloads.evolvapor.com/dna250color.pdf
  16. The 250C is capable of 400 watts using 4 cells. You are using 3 cells @ 250 watts. My guess is what you are seeing may be due to the different configurations possible with the DNA250C board.
  17. All I can add is that all of my 9 devices are DNA's also except for 1 and it is an 8 year old Evolv Darwin which still looks new and functions the same as when new. 😁
  18. You can save the Mirage 75C *.ecig file (which includes the theme) to your computer before changing to another theme. You can also just save the Theme to your computer. Then you can load them back as you desire . This is done in EScribe.
  19. The screenshot for the DNA200 shows 0.00 Volts at battery 1..... Check for loose or disconnection in the battery tray or wiring.... or damage to the battery.... my best guess with the info provided...
  20. The maximum charge rate is determined by the 1 amp charger of the board.
  21. I would snip B- (main ground) and the ground balance wire first. Tape both ground wires so the battery ground can't short out anything if it comes in contact with the board as you are snipping the positive wires...
  22. What exactly happens when you start EScribe and after it starts up and is running you then plug in the device to EScribe?
  23. Which device do you have and what version of EScribe are you running? Also which version of EScribe, the US or the INT version?
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