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Early Firmware and EScribe Suite Discussion Thread

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  James said:

I've posted up a new version for yall to try. The changes are smaller this time around, but I think the improvement to power adjust speed will be welcome. Let me know what you think! :)

Have a good night,



Thank You James, I already updated all of my mods . After installing the update I noticed a Temp Locked Hold Up Down screen was added. Really nice for those of us who are using custom themes. I asked and you delivered. Very Much Appreciated!!!  :thumb::thumb::thumb:

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Updated to the latest test firmware of yesterday.  When I downloaded the .exe file my Norton Internet Security said the .exe file was safe.  When I clicked on the .exe file to install EScribe I get the following (using Windows 10, 64 bit). I click "Run Anyway" and install EScribe without issue.  The firmware update from within EScribe works just fine.  All is good but just wanted to post the Windows warning I got each time I ran the .exe file.  

CLICK on "More info" and you get this screen:


Picture from Windows Control Panel shows settings for Windows SmartScreen: ( Control Panel/System and Security/Security and Maintenance/Security/ Windows SmartScreen/Change Settings)


Easy to change setting you want to use for unrecognized apps....  :)


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retird: We reissued our code signing certificate to SHA-2 so Windows 10 would recognize it post-2016. (The earlier 'corrupt or invalid signature' people were experiencing is Microsoft... stretching the truth... to force developers off SHA-1 certificates.)

It's a new certificate, so SmartScreen should recognize it as "safe" in a day or two. If we had paid extra for an "extended validation" code signing certificate, of course, we would have gotten "immediate reputation". Protecting YOU... from people who don't pay them enough. :P Good times.

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  Kresell said:

Stop using Norton you have Win 10 use the built in antivirus it works better anyway.Gave up on Norton years ago on all my machines ,waste of money.IMHO


If you have Comcast/Xfinity then Norton comes free (it's included at no extra charge). Another thing that comes to mind, if Win 10 is giving you an erroneous warning, wouldn't the antivirus program that comes with it give you the same warning. One last thing since Win 10 is new and you gave up on Norton years ago, how do you know the Win 10 antivirus is superior to the newest version of Norton? Just curious.
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the protection is the same. pretty much all companies use nearly identical antivirus definitions. the real benefit is because of OS integration. your system will use less resources and scan the files quicker in real-time use with windows defender rather than any 3rd party application. 

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It would be really nice if the 3 configurable screens could be set per profile rather than global, because I don't need to see my temp while in Kanthal, and having to plug into escribe every time I switch between TC and PWR is very tedious.


Also I could have several profiles with the same wire and have more info available without plugging in.


The other thing that would be nice would be to be able to swap the big number with say the top little number, so you could have voltage or anything on the large screen, without losing wattage or Temp.


Or just give us a pull down for the big area and we can figure it out ourselves :)  Maybe just a popup alert if none of the screens are set for Wattage.  (Might be kinda weird adjusting wattage blind, perhaps even unsafe).

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  Wingsfan0310 said:

If you have Comcast/Xfinity then Norton comes free (it's included at no extra charge). Another thing that comes to mind, if Win 10 is giving you an erroneous warning, wouldn't the antivirus program that comes with it give you the same warning. One last thing since Win 10 is new and you gave up on Norton years ago, how do you know the Win 10 antivirus is superior to the newest version of Norton? Just curious.


Been using windows defender for years no problem. Yes the ISP gives it to people mine does the same mcafee. All these do is give you false positives. The window built in updates daily with less problems as 3rd party programs. 
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Noticed a few things today. Bandgap has fallen from 1.037-1.045 to 1.030 to 1.042. Modeled temp is not holding like it would on 10-21-2015 update. Modeled temp is rising at the same with board temp while vaping and after refinment it will not hold steady. Escribe will not allow me to roll back to 10-21-2015. Current mod settings are the settings I got from evolv.

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What it is doing when it goes into refinment the modeled temp and resistance would lower until it reaches the true cold resistance. What it is doing with the test firmware is that the cold resistance is climbing in refinment and modeled temp wants to stay near the board temp. Then on wake up an .15 ni200 crown coil will read .161 to .178 ohms. I have seen this on two different vt200 so far

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  MikeA&P said:

What it is doing when it goes into refinment the modeled temp and resistance would lower until it reaches the true cold resistance. What it is doing with the test firmware is that the cold resistance is climbing in refinment and modeled temp wants to stay near the board temp. Then on wake up an .15 ni200 crown coil will read .161 to .178 ohms. I have seen this on two different vt200 so far


That's not happening on any of my 5 DNA200's. I'm running the newest test firmware (2016-02-23). I saw your post yesterday so I put an atty that was warm on one of my mods. The resistance was .02 higher, like I would expect. Let it sit overnight and it dropped back down to where it was supposed to be.

Is this happening on your two VT200's with the same atomizer? If it is, might be a connection issue (510 or head to atomizer), bad coil, etc (just guessing). I actually tested it on a VT200, so I'm not sure what's going on with yours. You're the only person that seems to be having this issue, so it would seem to me it's probably an atomizer problem.

I'm using Billow V2's and UD Bellus's. I build my own coils using SS430 and they always come out to .28-.29 ohms. My resistances have been steady on all my DNA200's (VT200, DX200, Reuleaux, and 2 Lavaboxs (all updated). Good Luck,

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I have not used the mod for 4 hrs now and it is reading .170 on a .15 coil. I am looking at escribe now. Resistance has changed to .173 in the pulse of refinment. Now a brand new coil reads .188. Mod resistance is .0045. Measured at .005 set to 80%. Case thermals are right from Brandon at evolv. The mod itself is reading .0033 off and it worked flawlessly on the 10-21-2015 update. This issue is happening on 2 vt200 built almost 6 months apart.

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  Wingsfan0310 said:

That's not happening on any of my 5 DNA200's. I'm running the newest test firmware (2016-02-23). I saw your post yesterday so I put an atty that was warm on one of my mods. The resistance was .02 higher, like I would expect. Let it sit overnight and it dropped back down to where it was supposed to be.

Is this happening on your two VT200's with the same atomizer? If it is, might be a connection issue (510 or head to atomizer), bad coil, etc (just guessing). I actually tested it on a VT200, so I'm not sure what's going on with yours. You're the only person that seems to be having this issue, so it would seem to me it's probably an atomizer problem.

I'm using Billow V2's and UD Bellus's. I build my own coils using SS430 and they always come out to .28-.29 ohms. My resistances have been steady on all my DNA200's (VT200, DX200, Reuleaux, and 2 Lavaboxs (all updated). Good Luck,


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  MikeA&P said:

Sorry bout that my phone went dumb. Wingsfan0310 what are your case thermals?


Here you go Mike:
Case Cooling Time Constant             479.05s
Case Heating Time Constant            372.64s
Case USB Charge Temperature Rise  10.98F  15.13 F/A
Minimum Ambient Temperature        -20F
Maximum Ambient Temperature          110F


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