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Everything posted by blueridgedog

  1. escribe is...Windows 10 install in VMware Fusion...I have not setup a W10 install in Virtual Box. I may this week. Did you mean escribe or unity?
  2. Evolv has stated they will support all DNA200s, so you will have access to a US chip warranty if you are willing to remove it and send it in for repair/replacement.
  3. I use VirtualBox and there is a write up of how to do the connection under software called "Mac Support".
  4. I recommend you try it on another system to verify if it is computer related or board related. If you get "EEPROM read failed" on another computer...I would stop looking at the computer setup.
  5. When this occurs to me, it is typically atomizer resistance that has crept in (I start with a .23 coil, after time it reads .35 and vapes hot as can be). I typically have to adjust the atomizer screw so that it makes "perfect" contact with the 510 (i.e. enough pressure to take up the thread slop in the atomizer center post). As a rule (for me) I like to know what the coil should be, so if the chip starts displaying something off, then I can avoid the "boom" event of too much power because it things it has higher resistance to account for. A good atomizer and a solid high pressure 510 solves most of these resistance migration issues. I have one atomizer that works like a champ on the evolv 510, but can't be used on others. There is just not enough pressure on it.
  6. I use a virtual machine without issue.
  7. I would leave the on-board switches there. You may want to re-use the chip later. Personally I recommend using them vs putting in your own. They are really well designed and easy to work with now that they are the same height off the board. I think the era of off-board switches for regulated mods is passing.
  8. So what were you trying before? A wine variation? I used Ubuntu for a few years, but switched to macs when they went to Unity.
  9. Yes, but the dimensions are rather large...what is the advantage over a similar mAh rated 3s pack?
  10. What brand mod? Based on your questions, I assume the Hana. Nobody here can speak for them. I use a similar battery and can go a day and a half at that wattage.
  11. Make your window 23mm x 6.5 mm and position it centered and 8.5mm above the center of the lower buttons.
  12. If it is 13 it is not seeing it correctly as it should have the description. It is 13 as it has the right vendor and product ID. You could try and update your USB information file with:sudo update-usbids But it may be too new to have it. Even if corrected I am not 100% certain it would solve the issue. You may need to manually edit the USB information file: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2234649&s=3d89974b64f426c151e9646e7a4409b9&p=13090653#post13090653 However, I can't imagine that the escribe software is looking for the text string of Vendor and Device label rather than the hexadecimal reverence to the same.
  13. I would wager you solved it. Post your experience.
  14. So if they are using their own charging daughter board, are the escribe settings relating to max charge and other items moot on that particular implementation?
  15. Symptoms seem similar to mis-wired balance taps.
  16. Post 66 in this thread and those that follow give a correct diagram.
  17. Check one thing at at time...uncheck all other items. You are slowing down the data flow if you ask it to monitor several things. Test one at a time and verify if that works.
  18. I would look over this list: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1t0WrumfRjWbN-UTHu5VUemZQHjkO5gqH9_rFbJa0wXk/edit?pli=1 I doubt you will find a 2.2Ah pack that will go in a b box. You should reduced your desired Ah rating or go with a bigger box.
  19. There may be a bug in battery analyzer that looks for lipo full voltage vs lifepo4 full voltage.
  20. I would open a ticket and send the chip back unless the support folks at the ticket end have a solution.
  21. 2.2Ah pack at 20 will easily support the required amperage draw of the Chip. It will work fine as a DNA power source. The dimensions of the box is 103mm long by 52mm wide by 27mm tall. The pack is listed as 103 x 33 x 24mm. So with room for wires, I would say it is either a tight fit or won't fit. The 52mm width would leave only 19mm for chip mounting and 510.
  22. That was my thinking...the resistance has changed since you locked ohms, so when it comes on it triggers the prompt. Perhaps you can lock ohms after it has settled and avoid it.
  23. I would guess a gaming grade PC power supply.
  24. That should address the potential over torque issue too.
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