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Everything posted by blueridgedog

  1. I am going to test this week to see if the pulse disconnect in virtual box happens with various cables. I have not ruled out a USB 3 to USB n translation issue/period.
  2. How about a silicone mod skin made after the mod is completed with two part mold mix?
  3. I hate to add that I was using a Hana cable for my updates! The chip appears salvageable but as laadam pointed out, there is an issue with virtualbox connectivity that I need to figure out. It is fine for configuration, but it appears to drop the USB connection periodically (using USB3 ports). I am going to get it some more, but you can actually see it in device monitor...a periodic drop. My problem I think is that this happened in the flash process.
  4. I think the statement was that they will sell a reference kit...not an assembled mod (you will get a case, 510 connector, battery and chip). To that you would need some wire and the tools to assemble. Others may jump in and correct me if they read otherwise.
  5. The screw on button cap I like. The general design and assembly is pretty good. The 510 is brutal.
  6. Double posting this here: I tried it with several virtual box setups, booting each one with the AOSWKLLNXNSV device visible to the OS. In each case escribe would not recognize it and would not do a manual update. Today I dusted off an old laptop with XP on it and put on the latest escribe. It saw the device and put on the latest firmware and the device was then recognized as a DNA200. The device now lights up when connected to a USB power supply, but the battery voltage is displayed as 0.00, 2.05 and 3.7 volts respectively (though it was at about 75% when the event happened). So either the pack was damaged during the event or the charging circuitry/monitoring was damaged. I am at the office today and on the road so I don't have access to a volt meter to verify if it is the pack or the chip. I have my old telco tool kit somewhere here and will see if there is a multimeter in it. For now I think there is some issue with the virtualbox method or that this was just a fluke and the chip simply failed at the wrong point. I would need a sample size greater than one to really get anything meaningful. I did update the firmware from a Virtualbox again (same version) and it took...so no conclusions!
  7. I tried it with several virtual box setups, booting each one with the AOSWKLLNXNSV device visible to the OS. In each case escribe would not recognize it and would not do a manual update. Today I dusted off an old laptop with XP on it and put on the latest escribe. It saw the device and put on the latest firmware and the device was then recognized as a DNA200. The device now lights up when connected to a USB power supply, but the battery voltage is displayed as 0.00, 2.05 and 3.7 volts respectively (though it was at about 75% when the event happened). So either the pack was damaged during the event or the charging circuitry/monitoring was damaged. I am at the office today and on the road so I don't have access to a volt meter to verify if it is the pack or the chip. I have my old telco tool kit somewhere here and will see if there is a multimeter in it. For now I think there is some issue with the virtualbox method or that this was just a fluke and the chip simply failed at the wrong point. I would need a sample size greater than one to really get anything meaningful. I did update the firmware from a Virtualbox again (same version) and it took...so no conclusions!
  8. I am not certain that it is related to the firmware. I suspect it was more of an update gone wrong. Others are using the firmware just fine, but it was the first use of escribe 1.0.32 in a virtualbox setup. I don't have enough chips to test if it is a virtual box issue.
  9. Yea...tried it in XP, 7 and 10 and tried desoldering the battery to do a manual hard reboot.
  10. Curious if it changes if you ground your laptop.
  11. You will need to short your atomizer to get the value...a piece of solid coper wire that will fit in the atomizer holes will work...this will allow the chip to calculate the base resistance of your setup, without a coil.
  12. What coil material? the chips certainly thinks it is not TC wire. As Turbo indicated, if you are using TC wire it is likely a bad connection. Given that you have a Hana mod, the culprit is possibly the 510 ground or main.
  13. No. Folks with really large packs have mentioned that they are using dedicated RC industry chargers.
  14. Is the resistance reading the same on each? As pointed out above, have you checked your mod resistance and entered a value?
  15. Sadly this firmware bricked mine. I will try a hard reset this AM when I have enough coffee to desolder the battery. The process crashed mid way through update and now the USB device is seen as corrupted: AOSWKLLNXNSV: Product ID:0x8405 Vendor ID:0x268b Version:1.01 Serial Number:AOSWKLLNXNSV Speed:Up to 12 Mb/sec Manufacturer:AOSWKLLNXNSV Location ID:0x14500000 / 26 Current Available (mA):500 Current Required (mA):Unknown (Device has not been configured)
  16. The 8/21 firmware bricked mine as near as I can tell. After starting the update it lost connection to the chip. Trying to manually update the firmware fails as the system no longer sees the chip. Instead is an unknown USB device with the same vendor and device ID: AOSWKLLNXNSV: Product ID:0x8405 Vendor ID:0x268b Version:1.01 Serial Number:AOSWKLLNXNSV Speed:Up to 12 Mb/sec Manufacturer:AOSWKLLNXNSV Location ID:0x14500000 / 26 Current Available (mA):500 Current Required (mA):Unknown (Device has not been configured) Unit is non-responsive, though I will try a hard reboot, but that will need a soldering iron. Is a swap still possible or should I just return the board? This was on escrib 1.0.32 on Windows 10 (running in a virtualbox). I have updated the firmware twice before.
  17. I would be interested in rolling the innovations found in the DNA200 into a new chip such as a DNA50 or DNA60 that could be powered off of a single cell or two cells to open up more headroom.
  18. Vaping or not vaping during the leak?
  19. Ok...so why not set your threshold down to 5% while doing your building and experimenting?
  20. I am eager to see inside one then. Looking at the chip, I see no obvious way for it to communicate with a zip charging daughter board, but if escrib is setting charging limits for an off chip charger, that then lets the onboard balancer drain high cells it must be so in some capacity. It must be some simple way of feeding the 2A charge back to the chip and letting it take it from there.
  21. Add a jumper wire from pin 2 to pin 3 on the balance connector as the chip expects voltage on that pin.
  22. The increase in resistance (even on multiple atomizers) would lead me to think that the 510 has a resistance issue (poor solder join or poor outer contact with the case/ground). If you put a large solid wire in the atomizer post mounts and run "check atomizer" you will get an idea of the resistance it has. Do that and wiggle the 510 wire and see if it moves around.
  23. Help me understand the difference from it constantly reading the resistance and displaying it, to re-reading it? It is re-reading it constantly, so how would a manual re-read be used in the usage?
  24. To solve this or address it, I have a sled design that can be 3d printed and epoxied into the inside of the Hammond box, so that it creates a non-conductive mount for the chip. At only 1.5mm thick, it will not take up much room and also has screen alignment build in. I will give it a test to see how it goes. I have to get a box to get the button thickness correct.
  25. Ah...that unity...I was thinking the Ubuntu window manager that came out in verstion 12. No, I can not get Windows 10 to run in Unity mode in VM Fusion. It is not technically supported as of yet.
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