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Spector NS5 RD

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Everything posted by Spector NS5 RD

  1. this is most likely a problem with the board. anytime the cells are reading all over the place, it's usually the analog front end that has died. depending on where he bought the triade, if there is still a warranty on the entire mod, i would ask about a return. evolv does warranty the board for 1 year after after purchase. there is also a lost vape repair center here in the U.S. link for both evolv and repair center are located in my signature.
  2. i don't think they'll be able to raise the temp limit of a specific wire material. because the 200-600F spectrum is generically used for all TC wires. singling out just 316 isn't really a viable option. you can tweak the CSV or TCR (whichever you use) to dial in your specific SS. this is actually why 600F feels like 500F with some SS. just because it says "SS316" on the spool doesn't mean one size fits all or CSV curve/TCR fits all 316. if i wasn't so lazy, i would tweak my 316 curve in escribe to my liking. locking in the first read res reading is just easier for me. just some ideas for ya.
  3. my guess @gigxy, something on the DNA board has failed. is it possible somewhere in between those 25,000 puffs ejuice has gotten into the mod internals? before you say no, just know, no matter how good you are at keeping your mod clean juice free, some juice always finds it's way into the mod . you could have some liquid damage around the USB section of the board. this area is responsible for controlling and measuring the charge in each cell. only way to find is to open up the mod and closely inspect the board for - juice, missing components, burnt components stuff like that. this is of course if you have no warranty to void by opening it.
  4. since i've been vaping SS316L, i have noticed i always have to ramp my temps up, way up, sometimes reaching close to the 600F mark. so you're not alone @sdmf74. i find i have to crank my temps after refinement has had time to refine the res. funny thing is, after refinement if i set any of DNA's to the 550F mark, the temp is actually more around 460-490 avg. this was measured with a DMM thermocouple. also, 600F barley browns dry new cotton, take from that what you will. super accurate thermocouple? probably not but i do know what a 550F vape should feel like with the same mass (gauge and wraps) coil setup of a different material. and all of my DNA's are dialed in - case analyzer, copper plug for mod res, spaced coils, tight connections, clean 510's, stock 316 curve etc etc etc. my workaround, lock the resistance as soon as the atty with SS is installed. don't give refinement a chance to lower the base resistance. this is my preference. some see locking the res as the anti christ. i see it as another tool to get the vape i want.
  5. v3ll3ry post a screenshot of device monitor and a shot of your settings under the mod tab of escribe.
  6. it might be possible. You would have to probe the end of the screen ribbon flex connector on the board to find Vcc and Vss (pos and neg). Solder on tiny wires to the corresponding spots and run them to the LED. Just know the voltage that powers the screen is variable. This is voltage depends on your screen brightness level and fade in-out settings. This might also void your warranty, soldering to points in the board that aren't supposed to be soldered to.
  7. to back up my boy dwcraig1, this is the absolute lowest, in voltage, any one cell can go before the "weak battery" message is triggered, regardless how low your CSC is set. this is for the DNA 200 and more than likely the DNA 250 as well. the DNA 75 has a hard cutoff of 2.5v.
  8. have you turned up the "charging brightness" in the "screen" tab of EScribe? you won't see anything unless you do that first.
  9. you got it right when you said volt meter, otherwise known as a digital multi meter. RMA means return merchandise authorization. just means your sending back the product to the vendor/manufacturer. what i'm getting at is you should rule out your soldering and wiring being the cause before sending back the board. how do you know for sure you're getting the correct voltage to board? you can't really unless you can verify that with some sort of voltage measuring equipment like a DMM (voltmeter).
  10. don't know anyone that has one that you could borrow for 10 min? it's always best to double check your connections and soldering joints with a DMM when experiencing problems like this one. you could still RMA the board but what's to say the same problem you're having with this board won't happen again with the replacement? chances are small the board left evolv in a non functioning condition, it can happen but QC is pretty tight over there.
  11. you double checked the voltages at the balance taps on the board and the main -/+ at the board? (with fully charged cells - 4.20v) you should get 8.4v at the main -/+ 4.2v between GND and cell 1 at the tap and 8.4v between GND and 2+3 at the tap.
  12. post a screenshot WITH batteries installed. there will always be nonsense voltage readings on any of the cells with no batteries and just the usb powering the board. all of the DNA 200/250 boards do this. this normal behavior. what isn't normal is wrong cell readings when fully charged/balanced cells are installed.
  13. if you know for a fact the board is receiving the necessary voltage through the balance tap wires and main -/+ and you're in 2 cell mode, i would open a help ticket with evolv and ask for a replacement. the board has a 1 year warranty. can you post one more screenshot of device monitor with batteries installed? with the new firmware (SP5a).
  14. make sure your sled contacts are making connection to the ends of the cells. use a DMM. did you press "upload to device" after you selected "2 cell"? your mod is still running in 3 cell operation. the third cell field will disappear when in 2 cell mode (on SP5 and up firmware). you should upgrade to to the newest firmware as well SP5a link is in my signature.
  15. just look at the puff count in device monitor. was it at 0 when you received it? that means new board (most likely the case. easier to replace the whole board than troubleshoot.) device monitor will always keep track of puffs regardless of resets.
  16. you could have ejuice around the USB portion of the board causing a slight short to ground. I would inspect the board carefully for ejuice.
  17. an over estimated WH input would not cause your cells to become imbalanced. The dna boards have vast amount of battery safety And hard limits that can not be overrode. What would most likely cause your cells to become imbalanced is a defective or old lipo.
  18. do you have any way of checking the each cell in the pack to verify the voltages the DNA is reading? this honestly the first time i have seen an evolv board charge a cell past the 4.20v cutoff. i would double check each cell voltage in the pack. if they match up to EScribe's readings, you may have to RMA the board to evolv.
  19. what mod is this? One of the cells is reading 0 volts. Could be a sled/contact or broken solder joint/wire going to the Batt contacts. Does the mod vape if you select Power Supply in the mod tab of EScribe? Dont run it for too long in that mode, more so a test. If it does vape in PS mode, the board is bad or the balance tap wire isn't connected.
  20. sorry lugh23, there is no way to upgrade the DNA 200 to a DNA 250. the DNA 250 has a few different physical components compared to the DNA 200.
  21. to add, the reason for the battery chemistry drop down menu is so the board knows at what voltage to stop charging at and the maximum hard cutoff point. there would be no real immediate reason to add Li-ion. both Li-ion and Lipo chemistry batts/cells require a constant current / constant voltage charging procedure, both usually have an end charge voltage of around 4.20v (4.20v is not required but is considered the fully charged voltage). the difference between the two, in terms of "different charging methods" would be negligible. you're splitting hairs trying to differentiate between the two chemistries when it comes to how the DNA 200/250 charges. there would be no real benefit or drawback, that you would notice, to your cells if there was a specific Li-ion option. you CAN choose between 4.10v and 4.20v for a cutoff voltage. i've been running and charging 18650's on my replaceable DNA 200/250 devices using the lipo option with no ill effects to my 18650 cells, some are over two years old. besides, what other board on the market offers as much or ANY battery settings customization as the DNA series? like, @retird stated before and was only trying to help, ask in the suggestion thread or write an email expressing your concerns for a Li-ion option in EScribe for the DNA 200/250.
  22. there's two main causes for the way the cells inside of the therion 75 discharge unevenly or one does not discharge at all. 1) broken solder negative or postive solder bridge that joins both neg's of cells. 2) cells that don't make the positive connection to the sled because the positive part of the cell is slightly sunken. the post i was responding to sounds like #2 because each cell bay does work just not when two cells are inserted, indicating a problem with the cell making poor connection to the sled contact.
  23. it has been tested out to 14.49 wh's in Mike Petro's place to share battery analyzer results.. If you want the CSV I would PM @antyac2108.
  24. large screen 60 is programmed for the large screen. small screen for the small screen 60 board. each size screen has it's own specific driver. also, the difference in pixel quantity and fields (less fields on small screen), using escribe to customize the screen goes out the window......
  25. temperature protected is just a message letting you know that you have reached your set temp. are you not getting the vape you want? too weak?
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