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Spector NS5 RD

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Everything posted by Spector NS5 RD

  1. what is you CSC set to in EScribe? if it's 3.09v, knock it down to 2.7v and upload to device. does the issue of wattage decreasing improve (even a little improvement will tell me if it's the battery door) if you put a good amount of pressure on the battery door while firing? also your cells need to be charged, they're almost at the end.
  2. honestly, what i would do, since it's an expensive mod, is contact the vendor and ask about a replacement. what does the battery door/compartment look like? i can not find any pictures of where the cells live.
  3. i'm guessing your "cell soft cutoff" is set to 3.09? your not getting the power you requested because the board can not draw the necessary power from the cells. therefore it reduces the power it can draw down to the point of your CSC value. it will not go past your CSC value. i would use 2.75v for 18650's. what kind of cells are you using? is this sporadic rebooting or every time you press the fire button? reboots even with freshly charged cells or charge level doesn't matter, reboots no matter what?
  4. sounds like a classic intermittent connection. the board is receiving just enough power to boot up but when the fire button is pressed, the load is to great and breaks the connection or is asking too much from a weak connection, causing the board to reset. open Escribe's device monitor and look at the pack and each one of the cell voltages. what do they do when firing an atty? post the screenshot of DM while firing a build or at least trying to.
  5. ginger's boxer brand 18650's (30a 2600mah) are Sony VTC5A's. i would just buy Sony. cheaper.
  6. 1. and 2. - latest versions of EScribe and firmware can be found through the link in my signature at bottom of this post. 3. - bad board or lipo. hard to diagnose over the internet. swap lipos between mods to find out.
  7. could be a production error, can't say for sure. i would contact Mini ECIG. explain your situation. let us know how they handle it, how their CS is.
  8. i would contact the mod maker. explain to him what you're experiencing with the board draining your cell while idle. if they have good CS, they should take care of it. but if not, judging from the fact that you're able to use a DMM competently, you're most likely handy with a soldering iron and will be able to remove the board for RMA. evolv warranties all boards for 1 year.
  9. the early board that doesn't wake up, no. the board that isn't charging your lipo correctly, yes. you would need to open the mod and inspect the board carefully for any ejuice or missing components. if no ejuice on board, all components are in place, then you know you need to buy a new fullymax 900 mah lipo. or.... if you have 2 lavabox's (or the same lipo), you can switch the bad lipo with the good one and see if that fixes the issue. either way you're opening up the mod(s).
  10. i have heard of one other case like this. it was an early board. what is the build / program date of your board?
  11. ya, you most likely could use a new lipo. but more importantly, a new board. you said it will NOT wake up after it goes to sleep? you need to insert a USB cable to wake it? that's an early issue that affected some early boards. (2015 boards). now since fixed.
  12. sorry to it miiscbox. you're going to have to send in the board for an RMA. no fix for that. you're soldering connections are neat and tidy? only thing i can think of is stray solder playing around where it shouldn't.
  13. you need to be in device monitor, not the battery section of the mod tab. throw a build on you know can handle 100w for 1 -2 seconds. tick cells 1-2 boxes in escribe. hit the fire button a few times. take a screenshot of DM, post it here. i'm interested in battery sag. you can lower you CSC to 2.75v lower the wh's to 18 and load the correct curve for your cells (which you can find here by a little searching around) if you don't want to run BA.
  14. as for the battery percentage changing after a while of sitting idle, that's the mod re-adjusting to reflect actual capacity. the watt hour calc is there for a rough estimate. you will definitely not get 22.2 wh's from two 3000 mah cells. more like 17-18 (i get about 14-15 on my VS DNA133). the best way to obtain an accurate batt meter is to run batt analyzer for you r cells. as for the boxer eating through batts, can you post a screenshot of device monitor while firing the device at about 100w's? i have been seeing some dodgy contacts coming from boxer and want to see if this is the case with your mod. for the CSC when using 18650's i use 2.7 - 2.75v this is better. a little more run time and 18650's have no problem with that cutoff voltage. 3.0v is for lipos. ....deleted duplicate post.....
  15. none that i know of, sorry. it's an actual component on the board that is causing the problem. here's what to do........ at the bottom of my signature there is a link to the Evolv help desk. open a help ticket, explain your situation about the board not powering up unless USB is inserted and they may take in the entire mod for repair. then again, they may just want the board only. i would also contact Volcano customer service and see if there is anything they can do for you.
  16. you need a new board. if the board does wake up without having the USB inserted, the board needs to be replaced. you must have a very early board. this issue was fixed a long time ago, a couple years ago.
  17. since the DNA 200/250 only does balance discharging, you may have to just vape the mod down to the "weak" or "imbalanced battery" message then put back on USB charge. the lipo could be on it's way out or you have some ejuice near the balance resistors/USB area. i'm not sure how well the "USB recovery" will work with cell voltages above 2v..... the thought is, drain the cells as much as possible then let balancing circuit try and do it's thing with plenty of head room before reaching the 4.2v cutoff point.
  18. hi, rredefynd. what version firmware are you running? FW version is located at bottom right hand portion of Device Monitor. if the cause isn't from using very old FW, you may have juice on the board or a board component that is failing.
  19. hi, mertozyurt. can post a screenshot of device monitor and your battery settings. that will help us.
  20. if there is a warranty that is still in effect from flawless, i would contact them first. if you know the warranty is out, you can take out the board and try cleaning the affected button(s), with some iso alc. the top of the buttons do pop off. they're latched on both sides. make sure to not let the actuators spring across the room when removing. make sure there's no ejuice laying on the board, inside or around the buttons. another option is to de-solder the board from the mod and send it to evolv for replacement. one year warranty on the board from evolv.
  21. i see you have 5.33 Wh's for your capacity. but in DM it show's over 18Wh's. i'm not sure if it will cause your device to not work, but i would correct the Wh field in the mod tab to start. also, what does the mod do if plugged into escribe and you try and fire an atty? a screenshot of DM while trying to fire would be great. another thing, what does the mod do if you hold down the fire button when not plugged into escribe? does it power on fully, then turn off as soon as you release the fire button?
  22. post a screenshot of your battery settings under the mod tab.
  23. are you using the lipo or 18650's? in the "mod" tab of EScribe, under the battery section, you have to select and upload the proper battery config. lipo = 3cell / 18650 = 2cell. make sure to upload to your device after selection.
  24. hey steveo666, can you post a screenshot of DEvice Monitor with the battery option boxes ticked? i'm interested in cells 1-3 voltages.
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