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Spector NS5 RD

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Everything posted by Spector NS5 RD

  1. when you put the freshly charged cells inside the mod you can either wait for the device to go to sleep. the device will recognize that it needs to adjust the batter meter and will only due this when the device has been idle for a while. next option is, perform a "soft reboot" or "hard reboot" under the "diagnostics" drop down menu, through EScribe. this should reset your battery meter to reflect the actual charge level.
  2. welcome to the forum badrudin. i am having trouble understanding your question. maybe post the question in your native language and we'll give that a try.
  3. glad it's working good for you. the reason the vape was weak when you came back to it after letting the device sit idle for 20 min is something Evolv calls refinement. the base res will constantly be polled when idle to see if can be lowered or "refined". this makes TC more accurate. just up your temp to heat you were used to before refinement happened. this is normal operation.
  4. 100% not an easy task. i doubt it's even doable do to differences in the pinout arrangement/quantity vs. the existing micro USB that's already on the DNA boards. not worth destroying a board to find out, IMO. USB c =10 connections micro USB 2.0 = 4 connections
  5. great! we're getting somewhere! lol. it seems the USB charging is interfering with normal device operation, possibly. it's so hard to diagnose stuff like this over the internet. ok, you go to bed while i get something to eat from Pizza Hut.
  6. it looks like the 60 needs some tweaking in the SS TC regulation area. it's a fairly new board and with a little time evolv will have FW updates to remedy any issues. thanks for sharing this with me jaygee. unfortunately i can't offer a solution, as of right now, to help you with SS TC on the 60. i will say it performs great with Ti and most likely Ni due to their higher TCR. if you find a workaround for SS TC until this issue is sorted out on the 60, post it so others can try it.
  7. that actually looks pretty good. i think the problem comes about at a high wattage setting. basically running the 60 at it's limits BUT still within it's capabilities. can you set your time scale to 10 seconds for me? located in device monitor "graph options" "appearance" "set time scale". keep your wattage at 60w and let the board do the regulation. thanks for contributing jaygee. of course, take a few puffs with a wet wick and post the screenshot.
  8. "set USB current" is located in Device Monitor. under "diagnostics". set to 0 and enter. then try and fire the device a few times, see if you still get the check batt message. when you're done testing. don't forget to "reset USB current".
  9. if you want to try another material you can but i'm mainly interested in SS regulation on the 60. i don't think the res of your coil is the problem. are you getting the "ohms too high" message on your epetite screen at anytime? i honestly think it's an intermittent issue with the SS regulation on the 60's firmware. i have the same gaps occur in DM once in a great while but not as severe as what you're experiencing. i am using a windows PC though. is there any way you can get access to a PC to try it out? if not, that's ok. do you have any other DNA devices you can connect to vitualbox to see if the gapping continues or stops?
  10. i'm not quite sure you're doing anything wrong, yet. is SS316 the only material that is giving you a problem on the 60? i ask because i too am having a problem with SS TC on the 60 and i am trying to gather other people's SS TC experiences. there might be some tweaking of the SS regulation on the 60 that is needed. another question for you, does Device monitor's graph periodically drop out (large gaps in the parameter lines) on you when firing the devices? i'm assuming yes, judging from your screenshot.
  11. you device will still work with out that in place. except, you're putting more strain on the one next to it. both inductors work together to share the load and provide power to the atomizer. i would RMA the board or device.
  12. not without seriously modifying the body, no. you're stuck with 900mah. the stock 900mah lipo is snug as a bug inside the body.
  13. i've seen this only once before here. i forget what the guy did to fix it or even if he was able to fix it. i can't find his post anywhere. i think he ended up RMA'ing the board. maybe try re-installing the firmware. re-installing the factory lost vape therion 166 settings as well. you also get the check batt message while plugged in to charge, if you try and vape it? if yes, there could be a problem with the charging circuitry. if you set your USB current to 0 in device monitor, does the error still display while connection to EScribe?
  14. it's the board. That problem cannot be fixed on your own. I live in PA as well. I would open a help ticket with Evolv and ask about an RMA for the board. Link is in my signature.
  15. the reason it will eventually fire is because after so many times of pressing the fire button, the board actually does fire atty for a split second before triggering the weak batt message. it has to do it this way to determine whether or not to display the error. you're basically warming up the coil to a point where the board doesn't need to draw much current to maintain your set temp, if that makes sense. it sounds to me like there is a poor connection somewhere between the cells and the board. whether it's contacts or wiring or soldering related, can't say. the nitty gritty - the board is asking for certain amount of power from the cells. it's not getting it, something's in the way.
  16. that's 21 amps atomizer side. the board is 97% efficient at converting battery voltage to usable atty voltage. without doing much math (because i ain't the greatest at it!) let's say the board is asking for 73w from the battery (7.4V nominal batt). that would be roughly 10 amps required from the battery or around 5 amps per cell. at 100w (103w batt side) you would be drawing about 14 amps from the battery or 7 amps per cell. also, the DNA boards have an over abundance of built in safety features. the board will never ask for more than what the cells can provide. i also use hg2's in my Vt167 and usually have my preheat at 167w. the hg's handle the load just fine. your hands are safe.
  17. that's what I thought. Check battery, in this case, means one of your cells is hitting your cell soft value. (What do you have input for your CSC?) Also, what brand/mah cells are using? Post a screenshot of device monitor. Firing the device with only cell 1 and cell 2 boxes ticked.
  18. Quick question, what are your cell voltages when you see the "check battery" message?
  19. will the device power on if you press and hold in the fire button for while? what are your 3 cell voltages in Device Monitor?
  20. no harm, no foul, yoseff. i know you meant well and wanted to share your workaround with other vapers that have a dead lipo but all it takes is that one person to accidentally get it wrong and......... oooooops!
  21. i understand what you're trying to do, that should work fine.
  22. 20-50w should be doable for most 26650 cells. just don't expect great performance above those wattages. if i were you, i would have a read through of Battery Mooch's recommended 26650 cells. there are many garbage/fake 26650 cells out there. as for a device, i think the hotcig DX75, Lost Vape Skar, Think Vape Box 75, Vapedroid DNA 75 are good candidates.
  23. before you consider a 26650 powered DNA 75 mod, what wattage do you normally vape at?
  24. how about when charging? the cell that is discharging when idle, does it reach an equal level of charge (voltage) compared to the other two?
  25. it appears from looking your photos, the device is trying to fire your build. i doubt you are actually using a .01 or even .02 coil. could be your 510 and/or 510 wiring. if this is happening with any atomizer installed, i would contact Thinkvap and ask what their warranty repair process is like. evolv warranties the board for one year. you can open a help ticket with them and explain your situation. other than those two suggestions, i would have you open up the mod and post pics.
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