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Everything posted by retird

  1. I suggest again contacting Gearbest for warranty repair or replacement. You can also submit a ticket with Evolv at: https://helpdesk.evolvapor.com/index.php?a=add Explain your issue and they will reply back to you. I guess they could have you remove and send the DNA200 circuit board to them or send the device but that is their call.
  2. Note that the copper slug, as you call it, is used to determine "mod resistance". Running Case Analyzer analyzes the "thermal properties". The copper slug is not used to do the Case Analysis. The battery should be about half charge, or less, when starting the Case Analyzer. This analysis is very time consuming so be patient.... good luck....
  3. So, what were/are the settings for the LED in the Theme Tab in EScribe for your buddy's mod and what are the settings for your vt75?
  4. Mouse over "Returns and Warranty": https://support.gearbest.com/faq/index/index?st=1
  5. Post a screenshot of the LED settings of the Theme tab in Escribe. It may be a setting that needs to be changed. You say the LED flashes while on standby. Is it connected to EScribe during this standby?
  6. Yep I see your thought process and rational. I think the ohm's too high is better fitted. An example: 167 watts with a .4 ohm coil (using your device) gives 8.17 volts. Fully charged dual batteries can't get there thus the ohm's too high for the set wattage. They are not weak batteries. Good conversation for others to read I think and chime in if they want. I'm not a high wattage guy thus never get ohm's too high nor weak battery message so I'm waiting for the DNA60 as I love tiny devices. Can't wait to build one...
  7. From you post 77 watts @ 0.4 ohms gives 5.54 volts. Fully charged adequate batteries should work depending on battery sag level. As the battery level reduces the ohm's are too high for the wattage setting and the reduced battery voltage. Thus the ohm's too high message. Reduce the wattage and the battery still has adequate voltage for that reduced wattage. It is not weak batteries it is just reduced voltage of the batteries falling below the required voltage needed to support the wattage you set. Voltage sag plays a big part also. Firing voltage is different than resting voltage. At least these are my thoughts. I'm not saying anything you don't already know. I'm not familiar with the 30Q batteries but aren't they 15A batteries?
  8. Good news....... I'm jealous as I have no DNA60....
  9. OH, you are not using it in 250 watt configuration.... What does it show while using Device Monitor....? How about a screenshot while firing?
  10. From the DNA250 data sheet: Weak Battery: The battery needs to be charged, or a higher rate battery needs to be used. If this happens, the DNA 250 will continue to fire the atomizer, but will not be able to provide the desired wattage. The Weak Battery message will continue to flash for a few seconds after the end of puff. Ohms Too High: The resistance of the atomizer coil is too high for the current wattage setting. If this happens, the DNA 250 will continue to fire, but will not be able to provide the desired wattage. The Ohms Too High message will continue to flash for a few seconds after the end of puff. Output Voltage .5 Volt (min) 9.3 Volts(max) Input Voltage 9.0 Volts (min) 11.1 Volts (typical) 12.6 Volts (max)
  11. THX for the screenshots.... I see nothing that jumps out to me except the coils you are using should be good at between 55 and 65 watts at between 450 and 530 degrees F. You might raise the preheat up to 100 watts and see if that helps. The coils I use are different specs than yours thus I can vape at lower wattage and temp but they are Aspire coils. I assume you have good wicking of the juice (not too thick).
  12. You can get the materials from Evolv EScribe: (you may already have them in the available material list) Open EScribe with no device connected. Click on EvolvDNA200. (under Edit New Settings) Go to Materials. Click on the desired material from the Available List. Select the "Export Material" Icon (below the Available Materials). Save to computer. With device connected to EScribe, then use the Import Material Icon below Available Materials to import the saved material(s). Add the Available Material to the Materials on Device and then build your profile in the General Tab as usual.
  13. A DNA250 using just 2 cells just gives you a 167 watt device using the DNA250 board.
  14. I too use Aspire prebuilt coils (and prebuilt coils of other brands) and have used them for years. I have no issues as you are having. I never lock ohm's but always start off with a "cold" atty and "cold" device. Both atty and device are at what we call "room temperature". They usually refine down no more than about 0.02 ohms max after vaping the new coil. With the SS316L DNA profile (Evolv's provided profile) they work great. NOTE: Aspire SS316L coil setting for me is 25watts @ 420-430F with 75 watts preheat and premade SS316L Notch coils by Wismec use the same setting. What device do you have and can you post a screenshot of the device's Mod Settings from EScribe? Electrical and Thermal Settings are important.
  15. I have been vaping DNA stuff for years and have only locked the ohm's once and that was just to test that function. As VB said most who lock ohm's are locking resistance as they have come from using less advanced mods, DNAs with TC have always had refinement mode to get the most accurate cold resistance possible. Locking of ohm's feature was added later in development because some folks asked for that feature because their "other mod" had that feature.
  16. Locking the ohm's isn't essential for TC but is used for some to achieve what they desire. Refinement give the most accurate results when used properly with a solid coil/atty build. But if locking the ohm's works for you then that's all that matters...
  17. Only DNA 60 I've seen...... http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/threads/evolv-dna-60.756375/#post-18365503
  18. retird

    DNA 250

    Totally agree there should be a DNA250 sub-forum added and also a DNA60 one also.
  19. retird

    DNA 250

    Don't think it is in the doc's but here is a thread about it here: /topic/66415-topic/
  20. I had a similar thing with a DNA75 and I think it was the design of 510 connector used in the device. Only did this with one of my atty's and that atty had a slightly longer 510 post which pushed the 510 center pin further down on the device than it should. The same atty works just fine on all my other 200's and 75's except for this one 75. I just don't use this atty on that 75.
  21. There was a change in my DNA200's flashes with the latest firmware. This is known. It still flashes while firing the device but just does not continue to flash while not pressing the fire button. Try firing the device without vaping it until you see the flash then continue to hold the fire button and you will see periodic flashes until you release the fire button.
  22. When you contact them ask if they have a repair center closer to you than the one in the USA....
  23. Just use EScribe Device Monitor and set the device to no pre-heat and set the wattage to 70 watts @ the temp you desire and then you can see in real time what it produces. Nothing like hands on experience and you can answer your own question...
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