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Everything posted by retird

  1. retird

    DNA 250

    Nice charge cable.... 20 guage wire..... gonna grab a few.... thx for the first hand user experience....
  2. There are a lot of folks that have/will run the "Cotton burn test". Mixed wires may require a trial and error approach (cotton burn test). I never had the need or desire as dry and burnt hits were not/are not even something I experience at all since TC came about. I don't use mixed wires. The cotton/water test came about as those using a "new wire", that being Ti, were needing a better TCR than Nickel TCR gave them. Nickel TCR was the only one available at the time as I recall. I too guess the cotton burn test is true and also seek some knowledgeable/scientific explanation. Just two quick questions come to mind. Cotton of any kind/quality all burn at the same degrees F? At what humidity level is that true/untrue, or put a different way, does humidity (moisture content of the cotton) effect the temperature at which cotton will burn?
  3. If there is no tears in the battery wrap that could contact the battery housing then I am thinking there is a connectivity issue... Since the battery is getting hot I think one would want to stop using that device and contact the supplier and/or HCigar....
  4. Heating in that area seems to say there is a connectivity issue. Is the battery hot if you immediately pull it out? The case/battery cap is the ground path... The design of the cap makes the contact screw the only connection point at the battery if the screw causes the battery to not contact the cap, but just the screw.
  5. Yep, sometimes (under certain conditions) it get a bit "crowded". Most times I don't see that but in all cases I can see (as we all know) the results in the data displayed in the left column (left of the Live View). You haven't overlook anything..... vape on...
  6. retird

    DNA 250

    LOL.... now I have my first cup of coffee... LOL Doing a quick search for amperage rating of usb cables..... looks like the lay person's answer is that "most USB cables should be able to handle 2.1 Amps". Ran across this comment made about the subject (I have no idea if this statement is valid but here it is): Data cables that allow the device to sync to the computer and transfer files also cause slow charging speed. if you get a cable that's wired just to charge, it will solve this problem.
  7. retird

    DNA 250

    Good point.... my bad..... but would still like a screen shot while charging from computer....will edit my previous post.... thx
  8. retird

    DNA 250

    Curious.... could you post screenshots from Device Monitor of it (while charging).
  9. http://www.kidneypuncher.com/kp-mod-guard-5-pack/ http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:526039
  10. Post a screenshot of the profile settings you are using for your SS316L... maybe something there....
  11. Lots of DNA stuff here.... http://www.shapeways.com/search?q=evolv+dna&type=
  12. The maintenance wattage on mine varies between 14 an 20 watts depending on vape length, juice thickness, airflow, etc.. Usually will average about 16+ watts. The notch coil has a lot of surface area.
  13. Legs.... if you are happy with how it vapes why change it.... an old saying..."if it ain't broke, don't fix it..... my SS316 notch coil (0.23 ohm) vape settings are at 25 watts, 400-420F (depending on juice), with a bit of preheat.....
  14. Yep... talking about temp protect.... the 200 changed with the latest firmware (minor coding issue I guess?) The latest firmware really improved SS316 "smoothness" more inline with the DNA75. I could revert back to a previous firmware for the 200 and probably get the flashes back but I would loose the SS316 improvement thus the flashes take a back seat to SS316 smoothing for me.... I wouldn't be surprised that Evolv is still making improvements in software/firmware but I've not heard what the FDA process is for updating software/firmware.
  15. The change post the latest firmware that I noticed is the DNA200 now only flashes while the fire button is activated. It used to flash 3 times (the setting I used). It use to flash 3 times total and a flash could occur with the fire button being released during the flash process. No updates have come since Aug. 8 (FDA regs.... yuck). This flash thing is a known change that came with the latest firmware. I guess the FDA is the only ones who can tell us how software/firmware updates are regulated by the FDA as it's a new ball game since August 8... again.... YUCK....
  16. Yep, temp protect message turned off is a possibility. Won't have thought it would come from Lavabox set that way.....
  17. In EScribe : Options> User Interface> then select Advanced Mod Tab should be there now...
  18. Yep they look very good. I too use SS316 but it is premade "Notch coils"... I don't build coils at all... I like it simple... You are really getting the hang of DNA's and EScribe, in a short period of time....
  19. One other thought..... When I first was using the DNA40 I spent alot of time "tuning the temp and wattage" so it would reach temp just to the point it met the temp but would not trigger the flash. The flash, tho not an error, bugged me. It would trigger when I chain vaped it (which I don't do normally). Now days I don't even look for the flash as long as it regulates...I can see in Device Monitor that it is doing what it should. I too would be interested in any info from those who can shed some more light on this....
  20. hum..... both are regulating very good with the temp of the Therion not fluctuating as much as the Lavabox... , cold ohm's slightly different.... I guess the vape is great with both. So you can watch the Lavabox display the whole time you vape and the temp doesn't flash even once? If I recall the later firmware versions tightened the temp regulation so the temp doesn't swing as much above and below the set temp and what I don't know is how far above the temp setting must the temp reach in order to trigger the temp protect flash.... Maybe others can shed some more light on this but adjusting the temp and wattage a bit on the Lavabox may cause the flash to trigger but it is clear it is reaching and maintaining the set temp. So with the Lavabox can you get the flash if you chain vape it? In other words the flash can occur.
  21. Yep, looks pretty good but what I also wanted to look at was the data on the left side of Device Monitor....the ohm's temp settings, wattage settings, board temp and etc. Kinda like this:
  22. Click "more reply options" first. Across the top of the box where you write your reply's here there is an icon to click to "insert photo" (just to the left of the "insert video" icon.
  23. I assume the coils used on all three devices are exactly the same ohm's? I assume all devices have the "mod resistance" properly set for that device? All devices with Evolv boards are not built the same and manufacturers configure them differently. With Yihi a SX Mini Q is a SX Mini Q.... every Q is the same whereas there are many devices with the only thing common to them is they have an Evolv board in them.. they can have different guage of wire, different 510 connector, different battery sleds, and etc. A minor adjustment in temp and wattage on the one device that is not reaching temp (to the point of flashing the message) should give you the flash... In Device Monitor you can check the boxes for power, power set, temperature, and temperature set and then see how close to the temp you are for each device. Probably not the best explanation and could write much more but that's the short version.... If you want to post a screenshot of each device from Device Monitor while firing the devices (with the boxes checked that was mentioned earlier), we can certainly look at them and see what they are doing....
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