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Everything posted by retird

  1. Can you use Device Monitor and fire the device for 5 seconds and take a screenshot of the Device Monitor data and post it here?
  2. Lowes has hundreds of different sized screws including metric...might find something there that could work...
  3. You will find this information included in the DNA200 datasheet: If you are manufacturing a device that is designed to be used with three individual replaceable 18650 cells, an accessory board is available from Evolv to adapt from three individual cells to a pack and tap connector pinout, as well as provide cell-by-cell protection against incorrectly installed or reversed cells.
  4. Been following this conversation and from the picture of the 510 it seems there may be a cold solder at the 510 to chassis. I know pictures may deceive.... firmware seems unlikely to me at this point...
  5. Options > User Interface then click on Manufacturer..... Flip buttons under the Mod tab Mechanical....
  6. Yep, some mods come/came out with Evolv's generic settings unfortunately. The generic settings will allow the device to function, but just not as accurate at that point. It is really nice that EScribe gives one the tools to correct that but one needs to know how to use the tools.... Also good that others have used the tools and can just give ya the settings...
  7. Yep not much info.... but board programmed in December of 2015... I deleted your double post as it was redundant.... hope ya don't mind....
  8. Are the balancing connectors properly wired for 3 cell operation? The V1 was converted for 2 cell operation....
  9. You can click on "Get Information" In the General tab under "My DNA" of EScribe. There is info about your DNA board there that may help in when the board was programmed and etc. Example:
  10. Everybody does things differently I guess. When I get a new DNA device the first thing I usually do is hook it to EScribe and after it downloads the settings into EScribe I immediately save the .ecig file to my computer using the File/Save As command in EScribe. This creates a saved .ecig file so I can reload it as needed. Also after I set up profiles and etc. and after uploading them to the device I save that .ecig file also so it can be reloaded as needed. Others may just let EScribe download the settings into EScribe and then they make changes and upload them into the device without saving an .ecig file to the computer.
  11. Don't think you have a choice for 2 cells with the DNA75....
  12. Is Temp turned off in your profile? I guess you have Temp Dominate checked in the profile...
  13. hum.... 3 days old...... might just contact vendor where you got it.....
  14. It's normal that the 60, 75,200, 250 vapes differently from the DNA40. I noticed it in TP mode and one reason is the preheat feature of the newer boards. Just adjust the 60 to your liking and enjoy.... I kinda relate it this way: My 2010 vehicle and my 2016 vehicle are the same manufacturer and have same similar equipment but drive differently and gas mileage is different.... EDIT: A very well known "modder" spent some time comparing the DNA40 vape to the 200. She came up with a setting on the 200 that closely mimics the 40. Here is what she came up with: For a DNA40 vape:Set Preheat at 45WSet Punch at 5
  15. How about a screenshot in Device Monitor while firing the 60..... showing relevant data on the graph..... thx
  16. There are 6 pins. 2 are for the fire button, 2 are for the up button, and 2 for the down button. If the fire button works then those 2 pins are correct. If the up button raises the setting then those 2 pins are correct. That leaves 2 pins which would be for the down button. If one has no connection the down function won't work. You need to trace each wire down and see where they connect to pins 1 thru 6. It is also possible, since you haven't opened it up that pin 6 is connected and you could have a bad button also.
  17. If the up button raises the setting then it is working thus the pins are correct. Since pin 6 has no connection that explains why the down button doesn't change a setting.
  18. Auxiliary buttons require 2 wires thus if pin 6 has no wire connected one can suggest that is your issue since the up button works and the down button does not.
  19. So on your device there is two wires at the down button. Where do they connect (what pin numbers)??
  20. Glad you fixed it..... so it was the ribbon cable placement...
  21. The "reboot command issued" means the reboot occurred.... Without knowing what is causing your issue is it's hard to say what is at fault.... could be a loose connection of the ribbon cable, a ribbon cable damaged by the fire button presses (ribbon improperly positioned), a damaged display, and etc. etc. Most issues are not chip related I think.... Might contact the vendor where you got it.....
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