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Everything posted by retird

  1. I still would recommend you consider sending it back for warranty by the mod maker, however, you might check this one thing: In EScribe, in the Theme Tab, check the number of seconds that the Welcome Screen(s) are set to display.... Should be set above 0 in order to display. Other than that, without opening the device, that's about all that I would offer to resolve your issue. I checked and your device has a 6 month warranty and is void if the device is opened.
  2. If I recall that device has auxiliary fire and up/down buttons. From your description of what is going on I would return it to it's maker since opening it up will void the warranty. My guess there is something flaky with the wiring or there is e-liquid inside of the device. I seem to recall it having a 6 month warranty, I think....
  3. I think this is it... The vapor shark is a different animal than most dna75's . Noticed your post in another place... caution.... don't use this on a non VS75 device.... VS75.ecig
  4. In the Materials tab: Select the material on the device you want to move....Click the left facing green arrow (to the left of the Materials on device box)to move the material from the device. Upload the results to the device....
  5. Which device do you have? Can you post a picture of the screen showing this message?
  6. Any "QUALITY" USB DATA/CHARGE cable will be fine....some USB cables are charge only.... FROM this link: /topic/66731-topic/?do=findComment&comment=900119 [RECOMMENDED] *** EScribe 1.2 SP5a *** https://downloads.evolvapor.com/SetupES_1_2_SP5a_ServicePack.exe (11MB service pack) https://download-mirror.evolvapor.com/SetupES_1_2_SP5a_ServicePack.exe (slower, alternate download link) This service pack is mostly bug fixes. On the device side: - DNA 200 and DNA 250 no longer lose the battery meter on startup sometimes. - Calibration values have been improved slightly for newer DNA 200s and DNA 250s. (More accurate USB Voltage, mainly.) - Temperature Protected and other messages now show the correct number of flashes again. - Some VaporShark DNA 200s would reset charging when above 0.8A with 1.2 SP3 and 1.2 SP4. They now charge at full speed. On the EScribe side: - Device Monitor no longer shows Battery Cell 3 on 2-cell devices (except in debug mode). - Get Information shows test information in an easier-to-read form. - Production Utility's Battery Test is now more thorough. It also shows a progress bar. - Production Utility's Fire Test completes more quickly now. It also shows a progress bar. - This resolves some more scaling issues in Large Fonts mode and some crash bugs. - Minor bug and compatibility fixes. [SP5a fixes a few minor EScribe bugs in SP5.]
  7. You might take the batteries that are 3.45 volts or below and charge them in the Finder and the VT and see what they charge up to with the on board chargers. That may help determine if the xtar is overcharging.... note that meters are never 100% accurate....
  8. Submit a ticket to Evolv and explain and include pictures... they will respond back to you. https://helpdesk.evolvapor.com/index.php?a=add&category=1
  9. @Eli, the latest DNA's are even more Advanced Personal Vaporizers (APV's) and may be too advanced for you at this point in you vaping life. Maybe you should consider a DNA 20, 30 or even a DNA40 as they are legacy boards and not quite as complex...... Good luck.... hope you stay off the stinkies....
  10. A loose case ground or loose screw holding the board to the chassis (chassis ground) can cause the issue also...
  11. Greetings to you also, Display color is not user defined. It depends on the display used as displays can come from different sources. Any tinted display protectors used on the device can also effect the color.
  12. Have you contacted the maker of the mod to see if they can give you the .csv file you desire? Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/starsstech/
  13. All of mine do that.... (no atty attached) 0.5+ volts till it goes to sleep then it reads 0.05+ volts. Thinkin' it has to do with the monitoring processes of the DNA's.....
  14. This may answer your question.... DNA 133 is a 2 cell DNA200 as you know.... /topic/66731-topic/?do=findComment&comment=900119
  15. As you probably know in EScribe Device Monitor you see Board and Room Temperature in Celsius....but you want it on the device display..... so.... You could offer your thoughts under the "Suggestions" heading at Evolv Help Desk "ticket process".... here is a link.... https://helpdesk.evolvapor.com/index.php?a=add Also James from Evolv reads some posts here and he may well have read yours....
  16. You might try changing the Watt hours to about 9.0 watt/hours. This should help with the battery bar’s relative reading. Nothing to do with the battery bar but these thoughts may give better performance and accuracy. Noticed you have the Evolv default values for the rest of the settings. If you want you could run the Case Analyzer and also measure the mod’s internal resistance and set the Mod Resistance.
  17. Can you post a screenshot of the data from the Mod Tab of EScribe....?? May help reduce the number of questions that come to mind.... THX
  18. If nobody here has the .ecig file for you then you could contact Thinkvape and see if they could e-mail you the .ecig file..... http://www.thinkvap.com/
  19. Sounds like the screen may have gotten cracked or damaged thus the screen slowly goes to black. Replace the screen and yes the screens are available for sale at Evolv. Doubt it's warranty issue but you could fill out a ticket with Evolv and explain what happened and they should reply back to you....
  20. hum.... Vaporlips sports a lifetime warranty????? Looks like they are the go-to since you bought it from them...
  21. What FW version are you running..... See this in the Early Firmware (Post #1) Recommended....: [RECOMMENDED] *** EScribe 1.2 SP5a *** https://downloads.evolvapor.com/SetupES_1_2_SP5a_ServicePack.exe (11MB service pack) https://download-mirror.evolvapor.com/SetupES_1_2_SP5a_ServicePack.exe (slower, alternate download link) This service pack is mostly bug fixes. On the device side: - DNA 200 and DNA 250 no longer lose the battery meter on startup sometimes. - Calibration values have been improved slightly for newer DNA 200s and DNA 250s. (More accurate USB Voltage, mainly.) - Temperature Protected and other messages now show the correct number of flashes again. - Some VaporShark DNA 200s would reset charging when above 0.8A with 1.2 SP3 and 1.2 SP4. They now charge at full speed. On the EScribe side: - Device Monitor no longer shows Battery Cell 3 on 2-cell devices (except in debug mode). - Get Information shows test information in an easier-to-read form. - Production Utility's Battery Test is now more thorough. It also shows a progress bar. - Production Utility's Fire Test completes more quickly now. It also shows a progress bar. - This resolves some more scaling issues in Large Fonts mode and some crash bugs. - Minor bug and compatibility fixes. [SP5a fixes a few minor EScribe bugs in SP5.]
  22. Since they were DOA hopefully the vendor will replace them.... let us know how it shakes out...
  23. I see you plugged in a different device as it has very low battery cells also.. Set the Current to 1A as that is the max for the DNA200. If charging from a computer it may only charge at 0.5 A.... The charge time will take a while so be patient...
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