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Everything posted by retird

  1. It first came named as "Early" software but I think when you download EScribe now from Evolv's web site that is what you will get... 1.2SP3. Just keep on using it.....no need to change right now IMO
  2. A DNA200 using 2 cells will give you 133 watts version of the DNA200. Thus 133 watts and 2 batteries...
  3. hum.... more folks chiming in with this issue on the Droid.... might want to contact the Droid modder as it may have something to do with how he is configuring his board/device... just a thought....
  4. It maybe that the DNA75 is an "economical" less expensive/technology chipset and for the lesser expensive device market whereas the others are more tech rich (more features such as real time battery monitoring) thus more expensive devices as compared to the 75's. DNA 200, 250, and 60 boards retail for $60 to $80 bucks each and the 75 is @ $50 bucks.
  5. Another chip to consider..... Variable Voltage using the PTR08100W regulator I built this one in 2011...... size of a Zippo Lighter... http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/threads/wood-box-mod.199079/
  6. http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/threads/easy-okr-t-vv-mod.191607/#post-3302009
  7. USPS always ask here too. I have sent devices with batteries installed (and received devices with batteries installed) and when asked by USPS I tell them that batteries are inside the device and not "loose batteries". They tell me that is OK and they ship them with no issue.
  8. Yep one could implement an ecig file is steps or all it once. If you suspected the ecig file as subject to have caused your issue then it's your call whether to implement all at once or not. I think I would first save the ecig file currently in the device so it might be reloaded should it be needed. Good luck and let us know.
  9. Understand wanting to not fry a new coil... when I start using or testing a new coil, material, or new coil technology I usually start with a low temp and wattage and migrate upwards... Ti was too "touchy" for me so I don't use it...
  10. Googled this.... http://www.venompower.com/products/venom-fly-30c-3s-1300mah-11-1v-lipo-battery-with-uni-2-0-plug-x4-packs-1
  11. Are you going to fire it and check it out before changing the ecig file? Let us know how it goes... I would probably maker sure I had a properly functioning device before making any changes, but that's just me...
  12. [video]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PADfYtvR6Ug[/video] [video]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DegosUc8UGY[/video] [video]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixYOyUZYPQY[/video]
  13. @Karsten so, I guess you got your device back that you sent about 9 days ago to Evolv by now.... How's it working? Still loosing the display???
  14. Just contact Evolv (submit a ticket) and explain and attach your picture. They will advise you further. https://helpdesk.evolvapor.com/index.php?a=add
  15. So it now sleeps when not plugged into USB? That's good.... Hum...... some of that process puzzles me as my understanding of USB ports conflicts with what the process is doing (step # 3, step #4, step #6, step #9). #3. Closing the screen (closing EScribe) does not sleep the computer or the computer ports. The ports on the computer are still active. If they weren't active then you couldn't charge the device unless EScribe was running. #4. With EScribe closed and the device plugged in to charge the device should still charge (bolt showing) until the battery is charged (bolt goes off). Closing EScribe should not cause the charge bolt to go off if the battery needs charging. #6. The device should show no bolt because the mod is not connected to charge. How is it determined that the mod is acting as if in charge mode? When in charging mode the bolt should show. #9. After step #8 with the usb connected again the mod should charge (charge screen showing w/ bolt) if the battery calls for it. Maybe I'm not understanding the process you post, so I post only for clarification and ask for correction of my conflicted understanding of the steps I mentioned.... THX Your issue is quite rare.... never seen this one up until now...
  16. Board was then isolated from the enclosure.....should have worked fine...
  17. NICE SOLDER WORK..... Maybe the chip "went south"... mass produced chips can have a few bad ones in the bunch I guess....
  18. Post a picture of the board... front and back...
  19. RMA.... https://helpdesk.evolvapor.com/index.php?a=add
  20. Disconnect the battery and then plug it back... hard boot worth a try....
  21. You say it won't charge nor will EScribe recognize it. First place to start is to make sure you have a good usb data cable. Many things could cause not charging and recognition issues. What device do you have and is it new and under warranty?
  22. http://www.ti.com/lit/an/slua619/slua619.pdf http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/bq76925.pdf
  23. Do keep us updated.... it is also possible for ecig files to get corrupted.... I agree the Mod Tab settings shouldn't go to the root cause of your issue but I only sought to view them as I have not seen a screenshot of the Droid Device results after the Case was Analyzed.
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