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Let's see your 200's!

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  blueridgedog said:

[QUOTE=FireBALL]After looking at xevape's Hammond 1590a mod,  I decided to make a face plate for it and also a oLED holder.  It will be available on shapeways in a day or so



Love a link as I am working on a rocker switch as well and could use a look at the back side.[/QUOTE]

model like has an interactive 3D view
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Finally have left my enclosure closed for a couple days, this 3d print copy of the reference case has very little room for error in depth.  The side walls of the back chassis snugly hold this fullymax 900, so it isn't likely to be jostled....although i'm not sure of the shock absorption rate of abs.
Many attempts at filing down the +/- buttons to not actuate when the back was screwed down.   I ended up tossing out my xt30 connector and soldering the fullymax directly to the board.  JST connector is still used for the taps.
Considering 3d print plastic likely will not take well to repeated screw fittings, I don't plan on battery swaps!!
Once someone gets the aluminum reference boxes up, I'm jumping in line to purchase.

Definitely not as refined as several that have been posted, but my first foray into a mod this small....

case: https://www.shapeways.com/product/6524725AS/evolv-dna200-case-with-buttons?li=search-results-1&optionId=57294605

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The orange buttons are already showing signs of color rub from the black. I may eventually paint them.   You may notice I mounted my +/- backwards...luckily escribe has the ability to swap function!

The same creator on shapeways lists only the chassis without buttons and buttons as a 3 piece for a few bucks.

I am liking the form factor in hand, but it just feels very light coming from using an aluminum mod before.

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Here's my DNA 200 build. I call it Thor's Brick. It's kinda large. It's my first custom box/build. Please let me know what you think!


Parts list I used:
Hammond 1590P1 Box - http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00HKISEJ4?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00

Turnigy 5000mAh 3S 20C Lipo Battery Pack http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005YRHMNC?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00

DNA200 Board from Protovapor - http://www.protovapor.com/product/evolv-dna-200d-retail-box/

Fatdaddyvapes 510 V4 - http://www.fatdaddyvapes.com/shop.html 

Steam Monkey 20Minute Mod Kits: DNA200 faceplate. http://www.steammonkey.com/20minute_Mod_Kit_DNA200_p/taba.htm

Video review if you really want to see it in action. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVeGTAaTJ8k

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Hi guys,

Here's my mod and - with 950 mah battery Turnigy. The box is a simple 3D Printing, unfortunately SLS (laser sintering) technology is quite expensive. Recast is little the original box for these connectors which I use. Now I again rehandle box like a little expand it (2 mm) and do another back cover for 1300 mah battery.  The back cover is extended by 7 mm. The idea is to be able to change only the back cover for the large battery. 

Two of my reviews for DNA200, did tests with load 200W, unfortunately speak Bulgarian language ...



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  David Campbell said:

A proof-of-concept device built by a friend after we wondered what would be involved in making a device with extreme battery life :D Hammond 1590P with a Gens ace 4000mAh 25C 3S battery. Battery life is spectacular, though the size and 1.6 pound weight make it less than pocket friendly :)



that's a weapon!
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Psyclone Evo - We have prototypes in the works, so hopefully we receive them soon. The color schemes have not been decided on yet, but on this render the enclosure is aluminum, with black inlays and faceplate. This mod will be highly customizable, with the option at a later time of buying upgraded doors (think stab wood inlays, copper inlays for custom patina, etc) and/or upgraded faceplate and buttons.

I hope you guys like it!


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