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Spector NS5 RD

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Everything posted by Spector NS5 RD

  1. what tcr/curve are u using for the ni/ss clapton build? you said you had it working in tc mode, then when you plugged into escribe it became non working? escribe shouldn't change anything on your device unless you connect and upload old/different settings that were for another atty setup. in atty analyzer your cold ohms is what is carried over to device mon. and is also shown on your mod's screen. cold ohms = base/resting resistance. what kinda atty? you're positive your connections are solid ie 510, post screws etc? maybe a screen shot of DV monitor will help out in determining what's going wrong.
  2. it's kool lace. it's a lazy sunday. i'm just watching "The Judge" on HBO etc. i don't mind kicking around ideas for an actual or theoretical mod that will or will not be built.
  3. problem with diodes in the output circuit is 1.) there aren't any diodes of necessary amperage that would be practical for a small enclosure mod. 2.) there will be some voltage drop across the diode, which is no good. 3.)dna has to read resistance, even more so in tc mode, which a diode has and could booger up accuracy. most of these, except for #1 also apply to a FET. but hey if you got diodes and fets laying around, and dna board i'd try some things at low wattage and feel it out.
  4. individual cell voltages, pack voltages? all in device mon. hard reboot, reflash newest firmware.
  5. that's an idea. just a simple nfet inline with the pos output of the board????? using the actual voltage from the board to close the gate?? i dunno if this would work, especially with variations in voltage from the output ie different wattage settings.
  6. mine says something similar with no batteries and plugged into device monitor. pack voltage is around 3 volts. i think it's just measuring some voltage from being plugged into the usb port. normal. what does device monitor say with your batts in the device? have you checked the gold plated ground screw located in the battery sled, behind the little foam plug? is it tight/snug, for a battery ground to the board?
  7. i'm tempted to say just try what your original design/idea calls for and see what happens. i just don't want you to release the magic smoke from your dna board, or worse, from your lipo. evolv is very understanding when it comes to RMA's. that has been my experience when dealing with their return service. john did say in one of these threads, (i'm paraphrasing) "if you booger up a board doing something out of the normal, ie removing the onboard buttons, we'll take mercy on you. do the same thing twice and well......we might not be as understanding" anyways, see what they say in response to your email you sent. they are in the process of moving into a new facility, so be patient on a response.
  8. i'm not positive but i think battery pack voltage is present at the fire button. now the question on sharing the battery i don't see why not. as for problems with the dna board when using the pwm i dunno. i don't know if compounding extra components onto the fire button circuit would cause problems. i would not join them. i'd completely isolated one circuit from the other, which i'm sure you can figure out. this would be a question to ask one of the engineers at evolv, ie john, james etc. open a ticket with evolv or maybe one them will see your post here and chime in.
  9. when you plug into escribe, what is your pack voltage and cell voltages?
  10. so this is what you want to wire in conjunction with a dna 200 board? it appears this circuit runs off 2 18650's series batts. are you planning to limit your dna to 133 watts so you can use this configuration? i guess it would work as long as you have dedicated wiring to each circuit (dna, pwm ic) and a respective switch. edit......i just read your first post, lol, sorry. i'm not sure you want to share any of the output wiring of the dna with your pwm generator. that could be bad news for both. one would essentially backfeed voltage into the other when one is working and the other is not. i would have a switch in the positive portion of the 510 circuit that would open the circuit to whatever circuit is not being used while vaping ie. have a switch open the output circuit of the dna when you're vaping with the pwm and vise versa.
  11. if you have a baseline resistance of .31 in atty analyzer your baseline res should be .334 in device mon. your cold ohms in atty analyzer should match what you see in device monitor for a baseline reading. do you have a loose connection somewhere atty, 510? try locking your ohms at.31 in atty analyzer (override and lock ohms). see what happens.
  12. since you don't want to void your warranty, i can't think of anything to do without having to open up the device. i would bite the bullet and contact your vendor for an rma.
  13. what happens when you input a TCR of .00138? that's the TCR for SS 430. your problem sounds to me, either your resting resistance is too high or too high of a TCR value. try the manual tcr number rather than a curve. it seems to be more accurate. also make sure your coils are spaced, not compressed/micro coils. make sure there are no hot spots by dry burning the coil.
  14. it'd be great if you can get this issue resolved without having to RMA your reuleaux. are you 100% certain your batteries are making good connection on the positive ends? have you tried different batteries? if you plug into escribe, in device monitor, spin the batteries while watching cell 1-3 (make sure all three boxes are checked for real time readings.) do the voltages fluctuate or a stay steady, for most part? also, the reuleaux can be picky when it comes to the positive portion of the battery sled making good electrical contact with the batts. if you haven't already, try some different batteries. lg's, vtc's, and samsung's seem to be what work well the reuleaux.
  15. most of the chrome on all my vaporsharks fire buttons is worn off. other than that, the devices look mint from being in silicone sleeves. just be happy your finish isn't peeling! lol
  16. Will this fit the VT200? Is this the correct one? http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__9272__Turnigy_1300mAh_3S_20C_Lipo_Pack.html [/QUOTE]the stock hcigar vt200 lipo isDimensions: 68mm*30mm*20mmread through these threads, you'll find your answer. http://evolvapor.forumchitchat.com/search?keywords=vt200+battery+options&searchin=message&member=&do=findposts&id=&replies=atleast&numreplies=0&daterange=0&custdatefrom=&custdateto=&sort=&order=desc&radio_showas=threads&btnSearch=Search&action=doSearch
  17. try a hard reboot. and/or disconnect then reconnect the battery.also try reflashing the newest firmware.
  18. only when plugged into escribe the charge indicator blinks? does it blink steadily or is it random? how about when plugged into a wall outlet adapter? what happens when you put the usb charge current to zero, in device monitor? does it stop charging completely? then click the reset usb current box. what does escribe say (what's the graph look like) when you reset the current, with usb current box checked? can you take a screenshot of DM with usb voltage, current, pack v, cell 1 2 3 checked and post back? you have access to a windows pc?
  19. your best bet is open a ticket with evolv and RMA the board. if for some reason that's out of the question or shipping is too expensive, you could try some sort of tape or a putty that will harden over the zif socket to keep the ribbon from moving/pulling out. or maybe somehow secure the ribbon with a good tape at the base of the ribbon right where it meets the zif socket. just know if you use a glue product you're most likely not going to be able to change the screen if something happens to this one. keep in mind, the zif socket latch not only holds it place, it's also responsible for making a solid connection from socket to cable. maybe someone who had this happen to them could add some info on what they used as fix.
  20. when you change the watt hours to show 94% does it charge to 100% when you plug it back in to charge? when some of my dna 200's stop charging at the 96% or i'll either unplug and plug it back in to get it to charge the final percent or i'll take a vape while it's plugged in and it'll restart itself after a few seconds. i think it doesn't fully charge to 100% sometimes because the watt hours are slightly off, even after running batt analyzer. you can knock it down a few watt hours to it to charge all the way or do my suggestions.
  21. Thank for your reply!On mine it says LAIB.Do you think they will RMA it after some soldering?you should have no problem resolving your board problem with evolv. open a ticket, be patient, they will get back to you.
  22. i'm thinking what you have circled is a high speed LDO voltage regulator. the microcontroller is the black square ic that says 'ATMEL' on it. you'll have to find the maker whether it be mouser, TI, toshiba, torex etc. then you have to get the exact specs for that ic. how do you know for sure you damaged that component? do you have the correct equipment to test it? that being said, i would not attempt to repair this board yourself. your best is to open a service ticket with evolv from their website and tell them your problem. most likely they'll have you RMA the board. they're great when it comes to helping people with board problems.
  23. the thing is when you click the 'reset the usb current' option , it should do just that. go ahead and type in 1 for the usb current setting. once again don't know if this was mentioned further back........have you tried a hard reboot, reflash the newest firmware, or different batteries? could it be your usb cable? have a bunch more to try out with a 1 amp wall wart? what kind of batts are you using that are coming out to over 34 watt hours? if they're 3000 mah batts try 28 watt hours. see if that does something. you should run batt analyzer, (if u haven't already.)
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