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Spector NS5 RD

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Everything posted by Spector NS5 RD

  1. here comes the obvious question, do you have 2 cell operation selected in EScribe AND uploaded to your mod? can you post a screenshot of device monitor?
  2. the phantom 1.75 volts on cell 3 looks strange, not sure if that's the problem or not. i noticed your running SP3 firmware on your device. there has been an update in the past week. SP5 is out now, why do you give that a try and get back to me. https://downloads.evolvapor.com/SetupES_1_2_SP5_ServicePack.exe
  3. can you post a couple screenshots of device monitor, one trying to fire the device, another the mod sitting idle. make sure cell 1-2, pack, usb current and voltage boxes are ticked.
  4. the vendor being the company or person you purchased your triade from. that would be who you contact first. the second course of action, if the vendor fails you, is to contact lost vape's warranty service center. contacting evolv would be the last resort, if the previous two options don't work out. you would be responsible for removing the board from your triade (de-solder the board from the mod) and sending it, the board, to evolv for repair or replacement.
  5. 14% of 28.05 watt hours is 3.927 watt hours. that is very close to your remaining 3.814 charge estimate in device monitor, so that seems correct. can't say why at 3.63v it doesn't reflect 35.8%. however, 14% sounds more accurate than 35.8%, looking at your charge estimate. i'm not even positive if my math is correct.
  6. welcome to forum smanaekp28. i would contact the vendor you purchased the triade from and ask about a return. lost vape also has a warranty service center located here in the U.S. if all else fails, if you are able to desolder the board from the triade you can open a help ticket with Evolv from their website. lost vape warranty center http://www.lostvaperepaircenter.com/ evolv help desk https://helpdesk.evolvapor.com/index.php?a=add
  7. if you want a more accurate battery meter you can tweak the watt hour (capacity) to reflect the batteries you are using. in your case the watt hour capacity of 3 VTC5's would 27.75, you would input that value for the "capacity" in the wh field. i would leave all other settings alone if the device is working good for you.
  8. for strictly testing limits, oddly, EScribe will let me input and "appear" to upload 2 volts as a "cell soft cutoff" setting for a DNA 200, i tried to input 1 volt and upload it but EScribe changed it 2. i know for a fact the board cannot operate at 2 volts, more likely closer to the dna 75 (Hrd Ctff 2.5v). with the 2 volt CSC uploaded to the device, when i press download settings immediately after the upload, the CSC field does not change to a different value, it stays at 2 v. for lipo's i use 3 volts as a CSC and for 18650's i use 2.65 and 2.8 volts on the DNA 75 and DNA 133/200/250, respectively.
  9. what are your battery settings in EScribe? post a screenshot of them. 3 lg hg2's would be 33.3 watt hours (closer to 28-30 watt hours in reality). obviously, make sure you have the fields set to "lithium polymer" for battery type. "3 cell" (because it's 3S). for your "cell soft cutoff" i would input a cutoff of 3 volts. i would also set the charging mode to "maximize puffs", this option charges your batts to 4.2v. here's my curve for a set of 3 LG HG2's >>>>>> LG HG2 28.39 WH.csv.txt (remove the "txt" part to use with EScribe.)
  10. do you have the reuleaux with the DNA 200 or the cheaper rx 200? If you have the reuleaux with the DNA 200 board, the DNA 250 would be a simple drop in, transplant. The 200 and the 250 have the same dimensions and wiring hookup. Rx not so easy.
  11. Strange, but it definitely has me interested. I'm going buy a spool of 22g and 24g. If you want to wait for my results, I'll be glad to let you know how the wire works out for me. I use Ti and SS pretty much exclusively. I'm wondering if it's just Ti coated Ni or the other way around. Or if they actually made am alloy.
  12. titanium and nickle manufactured into one wire or one of each wrapped around each other? i have experience with them separately.
  13. hi si_yadi. what kind of batteries are you using? if the batteries have a low current rating they will become warm or hot when pushed past their maximum Continous Discharge Rating. post a screenshot of Device monitor while firing the Triade. in device monitor, make sure "board temp" and "cell 1-3" boxes are checked. to add, if the RDA sits right on top of the mod the heat from the RDA will transfer into the mod. this can fool you into thinking the mod is getting hot when in reality it's the RDA. they do make heat sink adapters to go between the RDA and mod that you can buy. https://www.fasttech.com/products/0/10027265/5952801-authentic-vapesoon-510-heat-sink-for-atomizer
  14. can you you post a screen shot of Device Monitor with the battery options ticked? make sure good charged/balanced batteries are installed.
  15. you can do a search here in the forum and and see if anything pops up. yes, battery analyzer will create a discharge curve after the test is done. this page might be of some interest to you..... https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1EAh8CnV9zBUSY1UgOWLCY96Ei5f12Aou08xYtcYGeuE/edit#gid=1364592447
  16. hi Myrddraal1. if you go into escribe and click "help" at the top left of the screen and click "about escribe", when the window comes up, click the Evolv logo 7 times it should open a debug menu in "device monitor". you'll see a field labeled "screen disconnect" in the debug area. a normal working screen will be at 0, a loose screen connection or damaged ribbon cable will have an increasing number. it's possible the fire button of your mod is pinching the screen's ribbon cable damaging it.
  17. to add to what @retird is suggesting. two tricks that work for me when the kanthal preheat csv won't work for me........ take note of base resistance and lower it a smidgen in atomizer analyzer, then lock it in (i keep lowering till it works, little by little). turn the punch up to 11. fwiw, this isn't real TC for Kanthal/nichrome. it's intended use is just for a preheat spike at the beginning of your vape.
  18. open a ticket, be patient in waiting for a response and they should help you out........ attach a couple pics of the lifted traces in the help ticket. https://helpdesk.evolvapor.com/index.php?a=add
  19. @mui have you ran "Case Analyzer" on your mod? if not i suggest you run this function. this feature will calibrate your mod to read ambient/room temp better. it will never be dead on accurate but close. be sure your battery is a quarter to half empty before running.
  20. what you might be hearing is the actual switching frequency of the board. i can hear it, if i put my ear to the mod, on my 40's, 75's, and 200's.
  21. welcome to the forum crazirvd. the DNA 75 is the only board released from Evolv that has a multi color LED. the DNA 200/133 does not have this feature. if that specific feature is listed for the Therion 133 it is a misprint. my guess is Lost Vape is just reusing the same enclosure they used when they made the Therion DNA 75 and forgot to remove the LED hole underneath the fire button.
  22. please trust me when i say, the FSK hohmtech board is nowhere near as advanced as the DNA board. it's good board though. that's all i will comment on the FSK board.
  23. i hear ya and sorry to hear it. i hope you get your mod back fixed and with a quickness.
  24. welcome to the forum DC_VAPER. sounds like the board needs to be replaced. what mod is this? is the mod new? can you contact the vendor you purchased it from and ask for a return? if you built it yourself you can open a help ticket through evolv. https://helpdesk.evolvapor.com/index.php?a=add
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