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Spector NS5 RD

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Everything posted by Spector NS5 RD

  1. true....just enough room for the JST-XH balance plug. other than that....i doubt you'll even get a Xt30 to fit.
  2. in regular wattage mode, the new/old coil won't be asked. that message is only asked when in TC mode. not much of difference between 0.002 and 0.004, unless you're using TC with VERY low base res (0.08 and below). ideally, you would test your mod's internal resistance yourself, with the help of a copper threaded plug. this isn't super necessary, most DNA's will still function OK with a mod res not set, set to 0. however, if you want a super accurate ohm reading and super accurate TC, you would use this tool to find the resistance of your 510 wiring and the 510 itself. if you're interested in the mod res calibration tool.... http://smokefreemods.webs.com/apps/webstore/products/show/6619269
  3. if you're using the latest version of EScribe (SP5), you'll first have to be in the correct user interface. inside the "options" menu, at the top left of EScribe, select "manufacturer" UI. a couple more options/tabs will appear; "mod" and "research". inside the "mod" tab you'll find what your device's internal resistance or "mod resistance" is set to. i don't recall what Hcigar input for that field, i'm thinking around 0.004. i'll see if i can find it and update this post. edit...common mod res settings seem to be around 0.002 - 0.004 for both the nano and reg Vt75.
  4. welcome to forum robbysock. kanger subtanks/mini subtanks have been known for creeping resistance issues. i personally had 2, that over time, became unusable because the resistance was all over the place. do you have any other tanks/RDA/RTA's that you can check res readings using the Vt75? if you know for sure it's the mod and not the tank, you might want to check a few things. internal mod resistance setting (EScribe) (0.004 as an example) anode screw at the bottom of the mod (make sure it's snug) unscrew and clean the round 510 plate threads and center pin with some iso alc
  5. i can think of one mod manufacturer that uses the t plug, VapeCige VTBox200. it's good connector, should do the job fine.
  6. if you consistently use the same atty and build you can create a profile with a certain resistance locked. but here's what i do......when it's time to change the battery in a dna 75, i don't hit the fire button heating up the coil before removing the battery. my base res stays put during a cell swap, maybe you have a build/connection issue.
  7. have you tired swapping the batteries around inside the sled or using different batteries? could be a poor connection.
  8. capacity/watt hours is the same from either parallel or series configured cells. 3 cells is series have the exact same capacity/watt hours as 3 cells, of the same voltage and mah, wired in parallel. FACT - law of physics what DOES come into play is the efficiency of the voltage conversion. some DC DC converters are more/less efficient than others. see for yourself........this is a handy watt hour calculator i use https://milliamps-watts.appspot.com/
  9. strange. maybe something lost vape is doing incorrectly during the manufacturing process. you did say the Vt167 connected no problem.
  10. sorry dolye4, there is not. you can turn off the battery icon for every screen but the main screen.
  11. you'll never get the calculated 22.2 watt hours from 2 LG HG2's. even if they are REAL, brand new, high quality HG2's, the real world watt hour/capacity would be closer to 18-19 watt hours. "check battery" means one of your cells is hitting your "cell soft cutoff" limit (2.8v in your case). if i have time tomorrow, i will run "battery anlayzer" for you with 2 LG HG2 cells and post the CSV/watt hour/Cell Soft Cutoff.
  12. it's strange to say the least about all these DNA boards dying you. all i use are DNA devices. i did have a couple VS DNA 200 boards die on me but VS's customer service is excellent. they replaced the faulty boards quickly. a lot of the times the DNA board is damaged during the manufacturing process, on the mod maker's end, not evolv's. stick it out. there great boards.....
  13. welcome to the forum hawk256. do you still have the option of returning the device in for warranty? maybe contact the vendor you purchased the mod from and go from there. last option is to open a help with Evolv from their webpage. just know, they might ask you to send in just the board and not the whole mod, requiring you to de-solder the board.
  14. welcome Alvon. your cells are imbalanced. cell 1- 4.10 / cell 2- 3.50. i would double check their voltage, individually, with a DMM or standalone charger or you can swap the cells around, in the therion, and see if the corresponding voltages follow the cells in device monitor and report back. if the cells are in fact imbalanced from each other, you need to charge them separately, out of the therion. if the cells are not imbalanced, something is getting in the way of the DNA board reading the correct cell voltage. could be a poor/dirty battery contact.
  15. AMDTrucking - i made a mistake, it's actually 6.2v (corrected first post). and MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU!
  16. from my experience, i found the Sony VTC5A to perform a little better, in terms of holding their voltage under load, when compared to running the Sony VTC6 in my VS VF DNA 133's.
  17. 6.2v 53 amps (obviously you can't push 6.2v and 53 amps at the same time that would be over 318 watts,lol. whichever limit you reach first.)
  18. sweet looking device. If it's A DNA 200 It's 1 amp max, adjustable from 0 to 1 amp. If it's A DNA 250 it's 2 amps max, adjustable from 0 to 2 amps.
  19. evolv doesn't even bother to replace components on the boards if they're bad, they just ship out a new board. if the balancing circuit is kaput you have a couple choices. you can go through volcano ecigs or open a help ticket with evolv. evolv will most likely ask you to de-solder the board and send just the board in for replacement.
  20. welcome to the forum bandog23. are you able to check the individual cell voltages with DMM? i would check each cell and make sure they're imbalanced. if they are, there are tricks to charging each cell separately to get them equal. there's a chance your board is bad tho. only way i can think to see is get all cells balanced, throw the lipo back in the lavabox and see if the cells become imbalanced again. what do you have your cell soft cutoff set to in EScribe?
  21. 26-27 watt hours/capacity should get your batter meter very close.
  22. check battery means one or more of the individual cell voltages has reached or dropped below your cell soft cutoff voltage. cells become imbalanced from each other the lower their voltage becomes. you can see this in device monitor. most likely you have a cell that is discharging more than the others. charge your lipo/cells. your watt hour setting is most likely too high. lower your watt hour value. use the watt hour calculator to estimate your cells capacity. this in the "mod" tab of EScribe. or tell me what cells you are using and i can give you an estimated watt hour/capacity for you to use.
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