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Spector NS5 RD

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Everything posted by Spector NS5 RD

  1. i have it figured to .04 - .05 watt hours per puff for me. that's the energy needed for me to get a satisfying hit.
  2. it still catches me off guard me today. wondering why the hell my vape just up and vanished, lol. better than the alternative to the tank letting you know it's empty! nothing lets you know faster than a good old fashioned burnt hit. yum!
  3. here ya go........ http://smokefreemods.webs.com/apps/webstore/
  4. i can see if it was a poor casting and it was the ole china zinc/aluminum alloy then there might be a slight difference in resistance reading. what really counts is what you stated @cobalt327, proper sized wire and good connections/grounds. i don't own dna mods that use the board to body ground method, so can not really confirm.
  5. 208 watt hours divided by 14 = 14.8 watt hours per day. that's normal. that would be about the average for me as well.
  6. correct, easiest way to fix your problem would be to replace the lipo. vt200 lipos are still available. here's some links..... http://sweet-vapes.com/hcigar-vt200-replacement-lipo-battery.html https://www.fasttech.com/product/5088900-authentic-hcigar-vt200-replacement-1300mah-li-po when you left the mod on charge overnight was there USB current still being drawn? even if it was 0.09 it was trying to balance. you could drain the battery all the way down by vaping then put it back on usb to charge. i have seen that work to correct discrepancies in cell voltages. it could take a few discharges and recharges to get it balanced again, just know that.
  7. I just downloaded my own link for the VTC5 CSV and it loaded just fine in escribe SP3 with no changes to the file extension. i'm using windows 7 "something" vista maybe?
  8. i know sometimes you it downloads as a "txt" file. all you have to do is remove the txt and replace it with .csv that should make it usable with escribe.
  9. lol, I just posted a CSV for the same cell as in your pic. Doesn't matter where the cell was made. Same brand, same model. Use a Windows pc. Mac's are picky on what they will and won't do with escribe. TBH, I wouldn't even worry about the battery meter on a DNA 75. GET it close and call it good.
  10. this is a discharge curve obtained from a Sony VTC5 that is about 1 year old with about 6 months worth of use. SONY VTC5 DISCHARGE CURVE FOR DNA 75 (CELL SOFT CUTOFF - 2.66V) Sony VTC5 Battery Curve (8.100).csv
  11. left is VTC5A / right is regular VTC5 if you really want a CSV file for the VTC5 i can run it myself and post the curve later. just know it only makes the battery bar/meter more accurate with any given CSV curve that pertains to the corresponding cell. it will NOT improve your battery life.
  12. if you got them in march of 2015, most likely they are not the new VTC5A. both are 2600mah, the VTC5A has a little bit better chemistry that translates into a slightly better performing cell.
  13. you mean the usb current ramps up then restarts at 0 over and over again? this problem should of been fixed with the latest firmware. what versoins are you running (firmware and escribe)? try a different usb wall wart and usb cable. *** 2016-08-08 EScribe 1.2 SP3 *** https://downloads.evolvapor.com/SetupES250.exe (57MB standardalone installer)
  14. you could leave it on the USB charger and just wait it out. the dna 200 can handle small differences in voltages but it takes quite a while when 1 or 2 cells are far apart, like yours. another option is to just charge the cell that is falling behind. this involves removing the lipo and some "MacGyvering" with an 18650 charger. not sure about your level of understanding when it comes to electronics so i'm hesitant to explain further, lol.
  15. that's all the curve does. makes the battery meter more accurate.
  16. this is a curve for the Sony VTC5A 18650's i use in my sdna 75. not sure how much of a difference there would be between the VTC5A and VTC5. SONY VTC5A DISCHARGE CURVE FOR DNA 75 Sony VTC5A Battery Curve (8.228).csv
  17. it may take evolv up to 1 week to respond. they will get back to you. can't say why the board went bad.
  18. you most likely need a new board. do not run the finder 133 in "power supply" mode. there is no battery monitoring. contact the vendor you purchased the mod from.
  19. the reason it's saying shorted is because the board sees NO battery connected. the board is being powered strictly from the USB cable. make sure your battery connections/taps are secure and making good contact. you could try "USB recovery charge" from escribe. doubt it will work though. i open a ticket with gear best.
  20. you can try "USB recovery charge" from escribe but most likely it will not work because cell #3 is 0 volts. i would double check the lipo pack with DMM (digital multi meter) just to make sure the lipo is bad and not the board. be sure to check each of the three cells individually, one at time. if you do not know how or can not check the lipo pack, i would contact the vendor you purchased the mod from. last resort, open a help ticket with evolv.
  21. Your cell voltages are very low and unbalanced. Are using the recovery charge function in escribe? You could have a bad Lipo battery. How many puffs are on the mod?
  22. you accidentally lifted the trace? if you look really close the resistor is still there. you could solder a very small gauge wire the end of the resistor that the trace was connected to. that small black resistor is connected to the trace you destroyed , i'm pretty sure. double check with a DMM. make sure you have a voltage, when the fire button is depressed, between your blue wire and that resistor. that voltage should power your LED.
  23. i'm pretty sure restoring it to factory settings will reset the board to evolv's settings, not vaporshark's, which you do not want to do. vaporshark actually took the time to set the battery curve, mod resistance and run case analyzer. so you can't connect to escribe? if you can go into escribe......under the "MOD" tab make sure you're settings are at these are my battery settings for my VS DNA 200 they will work just fine for yours. maybe cut the watt hours down to an even 10 watt hours to be on the conservative side.
  24. i would follow dwcraig1's advise. i'm just curious as to what escribe says your "pack and individual cell voltages are." might be a fuse if you have cells 1-3 reading something but no pack voltage. what you're describing fits a bad fuse scenario.
  25. sounds like the fuse to me. usually when you have individual cell reading but no pack reading that indicates an open fuse. the reason it tries to fire when the usb is plugged in is because the charging circuit is powering the board but just enough for basic functions, not enough power to actually fire.
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