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Spector NS5 RD

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Everything posted by Spector NS5 RD

  1. what i meant was, when device acts up, move the cursor to see the lowest point of any of the 2 cells. your earlier screenshots showed some heavy voltage sag on cell 2. you need to measure the voltage when the device isn't working properly. i thought the kanthal limit carried carried over to TC, it apparently doesn't.
  2. you have your kanthal limit set to 100w. but you have your set wattage at 167? why? what is lowest voltage of cell when the fire button is first pressed? seems your cells are bottoming out. put the curve at the lowest point in cell1/2's "valley" in device monitor and report back the lowest volatge seen.
  3. you appear to be hitting your "cell soft cutoff" value. that is the reason for cutting in and out of the vape. cell 1 takes a dive and cuts your vape (safety feature to keep all cells balanced and draining evenly when fired). what is the value you have set for the cutoff voltage? too high, and this is the behavior you can expect. if you're using 18650's, i would try 2.85v.
  4. open a help ticket with evolv. they will most likely have you send in just the board for replacement. the link for the help ticket is at the bottom, in my signature.
  5. the Triade 250 needs all 3 cells to operate correctly. when only 2 cells, not operate correctly (this is normal). 3- 18650's
  6. VS designed the box around the battery. this question has been asked multiple times. basically, you're stuck with the 900mah fullymax. there just isn't ANY extra space at all for an increased capacity lipo. if you find something that is bigger, that will be a simple drop-in replacement, let me know.
  7. if the onboard switch is good, it could be a glitch in the firmware. try re-flashing the current firmware your are using. i would still pop the button apart and clean it. there are 2 tracks that are used to make connection (total of 4 contact points inside of switch that will need to be cleaned) if that doesn't clear it up, locate the pinouts for external up/down/fire buttons. they're on the upper right hand side of the board (6 holes). short the 2 pinouts for the "fire" button and see if you get the check atomizer message. if still no luck, contact evolv and ask if you can send in the board.
  8. halcyon is the sqounker no? my guess is there is juice on a portion of the board where one of the temp sensors is located and it's being shorted by the eliquid, causing a false reading. only way to check is to open up the device and check both sides of the board for any eliquid. if there is, clean it off. i would contact lost vape's warranty center, link is in my signature.
  9. sounds like an RMA situation. you need to contact the vendoryou purchased the mod from or lost vape's warranty center. http://www.lostvaperepaircenter.com/
  10. the board is coated, from Evolv, with what is known as conformal coating. it's protective electronics safe lacquer.
  11. what happens if you re-flash the firmware you are currently running? or go back a version? i'm curious, what version firmware were you running when this happened?
  12. if you leave the cells out of the mod and reflash the firmware. try that ( firmware version - 1.2 SP5 then try 5.2).EScribe and FW link are inside of my sig. can you contact the vendor for a return? sounds like you just received the mod. OR lost vape does have a warranty repair center..... http://www.lostvaperepaircenter.com/
  13. post a screenshot of Escribe's Device monitor with ALL of the battery boxes ticked.
  14. you can actually buy very thin round, plastic 510 scratch protectors for your mod. if i find a site that has em, i'll post up a link. here's one example (there are many others. you can even find a thin piece of plastic and cut it to size yourself.)... http://www.kidneypuncher.com/kp-mod-guard-5-pack/
  15. 16 watt hours with 2s LG HG's sounds about right. it will work with 2S or 3S setup. what matters is the watt hour capacity you input. in the past, i have ran BA on two LG HG2's and also with a set of 3. both curves were almost identical, only differing in capacity. 17.xx wh for the 2S config, 28.xx wh for the 3S config.
  16. it's neither good nor bad. it's just a message saying your ohms are too high for your set wattage. correct, if it cannot provide what you have the "set wattage", the wattage YOU selected, set to, the wattage will decrease to a wattage it CAN provide. (within the 6.2v limit)
  17. this CSV will work for the DNA 200/250......... 3S_LG_HG2_Battery_Profile.csv make sure you input 29 or 30 for the "capacity" or watt hours. 3 volts for the "cell soft cutoff" value. this should get your batter meter very close.
  18. @EDMKEV.........i am running Version 1.2 SP5 on my Vt167 with no problems. just figured i'd chime in since we have the same device. if you don't see any bug fixes that pertain to your device or new features that you'd like have or use, i'd just stick to what is working for you. or wait at least until it's labeled as "recommended" firmware.
  19. the max is 6.2v. since you said you're a M2L'er, your coil resistance is probably 1.XX. you're most likely reaching the 6.2v limit with your build. that's why he says "ohms too high." lower your resistance. build a lower ohm coil. what is your coil's resistance and what wattage are you getting the "ohms too high" error at?
  20. welcome to forum buddah. you most likely need to go into EScribe and re-adjust your "capacity" setting in watt hours, under the "mod" tab, for your Triade. 3 - 3000mah cells will give you 33.3 CALCULATED watt hours or around 28-29 ACTUAL usable watt hours.
  21. hysteresis between the charging chip and LED function. all of the DNA 75 do this. you have to unplug, then plug back in the USB cable. it will then turn red (or whatever color you have set for "charging"). normal operation for the board.
  22. even though i posted this over at ECF i'll post it here to just in case.....with some added thoughts sounds like the base resistance is changing when you change the batteries. atty is still warm when you change the batteries so the board reads an incorrect base resistance when the new batts are installed, resulting in a burnt hit/wick. the DNA 75 will not remember the resistance is the battery is taken out. you can lock in a resistance using a profile or plug in a USB charging cable while changing the batts (keeps the board on life support and awake while swapping cells). an experiment you can try, notice the cold resistance in EScribe's atomizer analyzer when it's vaping the way you want it, then take note of the cold res immediately after swapping cells. Same or higher, after swapping? if there is a poor connection the DNA will do it's best to refine the resistance, over time, and give you a good vape. however, after 60 min of sitting idle, the board will go into deep sleep. when waking the device (lost vape logo appears on screen) the refined resistance isn't kept, it starts from scratch. my guess is, the root problem is a poor connection. your base resistance starts out inaccurately high - the DNA refines the res down to correct level and vapes good - remove and replace the cells or wake the device up after the hour mark and you back to an inaccurately high base res until refinement does it's thing.
  23. your USB voltage is under 4.26v. when the USB voltage drops below 4.27v, the DNA will throttle back it's charging current. try using a better USB cable and a good wall charger 1 amp or above. you're not providing the DNA board with enough power to charge the cells. your watt hours are most likely incorrect as well. what is the mah of the cells you're using? your cells are still slightly imbalanced as well but the DNA board should be able to balance the cells. they're not too far apart like last time.
  24. the three cells are imbalanced. take them out and try charging them separately, in an 18650 charger. then put the charged cells back into the reuleaux and take note of what the cell voltages are..
  25. the 6.2v limit is for the DNA 75. there is a 6v limit for the DNA200/250 when powered by 8.4v (2 18650's). "ohms too high" means just that. the coil you are using has a resistance that is too high and the DNA cannot provide your set wattage. you can use/build a lower ohm coil to avoid this message. you will get the full 75 watts with a .51 ohm or lower resistance coil.
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