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Spector NS5 RD

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Everything posted by Spector NS5 RD

  1. try a hard reboot from EScribe first. if that doesn't do it, try re-flashing the current firmware. if that still doesn't fix it, take a look in atomizer analyzer and take note of any resistance readings with no atty on and with a few different ones on. this will determine if it's atomizer side short or not. it displays shorted with or without an atty? if you want, post a screenshot of device monitor with the battery option boxes ticked and cold, live ohms boxes ticked. try firing an atty and post those screenshots. i'm deleting your duplicate thread.
  2. .6 or .7 at 24w should not cause the "weak battery" message to display on a charged ijoy 26650 (even at the nominal 3.7v). the reason this could be happening is there might be a poor connection somewhere between the cell and the board. it could be - dirty battery cap/contacts, weak battery springs, poor battery wire soldering, incorrect gauge battery wire used. can you post a few pics of the mod? i'm interested in seeing the way the battery is held in the mod and any internal pics (if possible). don't open the mod (take apart) if you risk the chance of voiding any warranty. can you tell me the voltage of the IJoy 26650 cell when it starts giving you "weak battery"?
  3. maybe give it 5-10 more tries, if that doesn't do it, start looking for a replacement lipo. i know VS does sell the fullymax 900mah pack.
  4. Send evolv an email asking for the part number of the zif socket and where to purchase it, then take it to an electronics repair shop in your area and see if they can replace it for you. Other than that, I'm out of ideas.
  5. unless you have the exact part and a rework station, you can't effectively do it. I would open a help ticket with evolv. Link is in bottom of my signature.
  6. If I remember correctly, you're handy with a soldering iron, right? I would open a help ticket with Evolv and ask about an RMA for the board. It looks like you melted one of the input caps. Up to you if you wanna try and see if the board still functions. I would just replace it.
  7. feels good when you fix something yourself, doesn't it?! Sweet deal man. Glad it's working for you.
  8. i would open a help ticket with evolv, explain the problem. sounds like button signals are getting mixed. if re-flashing the firmware or hard reboots doesn't fix the problem and you know there is nothing on the board that shouldn't be, i doubt it's something you can fix yourself.
  9. quick answer.....on the DNA 75, the MCU cannot fully communicate with the simple linear charging IC. as in, the MCU cannot ask for a specific charge rate from the charging IC, there is no read back. whereas, the DNA 200/250 can ask for specific charge rates because of the complex charging circuitry. Evolv got it as close as they could regarding charge currents for case analyzer with the 75 board. the discrepancy you're seeing will not effect the end result of the test, by much at all. at least you'll have values input for CA now, whereas the manufacturer did not. hope this helps.
  10. welcome to the forum nakedxsnake. you're saying the up button (+) is now your fire button? and it auto fires until you tap the up button? what does your fire button do when pressed? explain a little better / more clear.
  11. return to researcher means a "seal" has been placed on the board from the researchers tab in EScribe, most likely by accident. just go into escribe, researcher tab, and turn off the necessary settings in that tab.
  12. yep, somethings definitely wrong. could be the board, could be the lipo. is the device still under warranty from the vendor you purchased it from? if not, evolv warranties the board for 1 year. open a help ticket with them and explain your situation. link is in my signature.
  13. i can see from the second screenshot, you're still drawing USB current (0.584 amps). that tells me that the charging circuitry is still trying to charge the battery. you also have the device set to "maximize puffs" which should charge your battery to 4.20v. if you leave the device connected to Device Monitor for a while (30 min), you should see the "charge" = 14.489 slowly climb. you should also see a rise in voltage, in all 3 cells, over that time. if a half an hour passes and you don't notice any changes (increases) in those fields i mentioned, post back. if you want, you can post a screenshot at that beginning of the half hour and one at the end (making sure all the battery option boxes are ticked, just like before).
  14. welcome to the forum jlambroy. can you post a screenshot of EScribe's Device Monitor with all of the "battery" option boxes ticked and can you also check to see if you have your charge setting is set to "maximize puffs" or "maximize recharges" (this option is under the "mod" tab / battery settings of Escribe) ?
  15. i'm going to say, if the mod was vaping fine one minute then completely dead the next, i would contact lost vape's warranty center. both cells are reading correctly. your board temp isn't crazy either. i can tell you have the "2 cell" configuration uploaded to your device, so that's all good. i doubt it's something that can be fixed through this forum.
  16. @andrewb.....if you're using the CSV @retird provided for you, then yes, you would input 29.19 for "capacity"
  17. unfortunately kjr, it seems one of the on-board temp sensors is out of calibration, possibly damaged. was the mod dropped or any type of liquid accidentally spilled on/into the device? only things i can suggest is trying exactly what you tried before, re-flashing the firmware and throw in a couple hard re-boots. other than those, there is no repair you can do yourself. if the device is still under warranty from the vendor you purchased it from, i would contact them first. if it's out of warranty from the vendor, there is always a one year warranty by Evolv, from the date of purchase, on the board itself (link is in my signature). just know, you may be asked to send in the board only. however, i have heard of Evolv taking in entire devices. if you have to go the Evolv route, and they only want the board sent in, i would check the board for juice and give it thorough cleaning with some iso alc giving it one more shot at life.
  18. welcome to forum kjr. you can easily get any DNA 75 to display "too hot" if you vaping it at 75w, with low ohm builds,with only 3-4 pulls (obviously this isn't the case with you). i can even get all of mine to do this. can you post a screenshot of DM while the device is sitting idle for 5-10 min, with the board and room temp boxes ticked? you may have a faulty temp sensor.
  19. no worries, even if the lipo is on it's way out, all you need to do is find a similarly rated/sized lipo. XT30 connectors are sold in female and male pairs. what size (mah and C rating) and brand lipo is already inside? here's a link that may help........ https://www.reddit.com/r/electronic_cigarette/comments/4omrb1/where_the_heck_can_i_find_a_fullymax_1300mah_3/
  20. welcome to forum Ollie1221. judging from the content of your post, you're obviously handy with a soldering iron. so if you're handy with that, then you must have a DMM (digital mutli meter) laying around somewhere. before dropping in the 250 board, i would check each individual cell of the lipo pack in question, paying close attention to cell 2's voltage with respect to the other 2 cells. no sense in putting in a new engine if the battery is on it's way out. "Thou Shalt Check Thy Voltages" is one the commandments in ER.
  21. @flo_46 most likely just a different revision of the daughter board. i wouldn't get hung up on it. EDIT....sent you a PM
  22. it should work on the 250. if it doesn't read through the earlier posts about how to get it working.
  23. good job Rain! enjoy the extra 20 watts and EScribe in your new flask!
  24. maybe that's why the person wanted to trade it. this could have been a preexisting problem. the old "not my problem anymore" type of thing. like dwcraig1 mentioned, are the cell contacts dirty or weak (not pushing hard enough against the ends of the cells themselves will introduce resistance into the battery circuit)? misaligned cell contacts will also reduce cell connectivity. make sure they're clean, firm against the cells and flat against the cell ends (the contacts aren't sitting crooked against the cell).
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