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    Brian McHenry
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  • What DNA product do you own or plan to buy?
    Boxer v2 DNA 250

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  1. Well as of this typing I'm at 88% charge left and it's performing better than it has since I brought it home a few nights ago. I noticed the contacts were not out enough as to apply good pressure to the cells so I corrected that on all four and checked all the soldering points and wires and wire bends where they are tight and so on. So far it stays where I set it watts wise while firing at the 88% charge point. We'll see what happens but I can already tell it's doing better than it did. Thanks guys. Maybe this is all it needed. I'll find out as the batts drain further.
  2. Oh yah, I'll take another look here shortly. Good idea. Didn't seem like anything unusual when I looked before but I'll check it out more closely.
  3. I got this a few days ago in a trade. Supposed to be almost brand new. New batts fresh out of box are Samsung 25r's. Never used them before but are comparable to LG HE4's. Boxer would not have warranty left I doubt but I can check.
  4. What I'm using they call Hive wire with Kanthal. With the new batts I turned it down to 105W with .2ohm dual coils but unless the batts are fully charged..... Anyway, I get the point. No more reason to talk about it. I understand the board in the DNA250 is made to protect itself and batteries which protects the user so....
  5. Well that is with .2ohm coils. I do still get the step down in wattage and voltage without any error message while firing when the new batteries are draining. You guys know more about this stuff than I would so I don't try to come across as though I understand it all. I just feel like it doesn't give me what I thought it would.
  6. Actually, the strange thing is the only error message I saw was the screen on the mod telling me the atomizer resistance was too high. I think it was "resistance too high". But as I stated before, it is alot better with the new batts. Just still get the step down with the battery drain.
  7. I'm not sure what you mean The only power limit I find is in this pic. Besides I am running with 2 18650's.
  8. Yes but at least it improved when I put a new pair of batts in. Part of it is due to the older batts and partly because of the board automatically taking over as it is designed to do with batteries that are not as strong/ holding enough charge. I got a reply from a tech at Evolv finally. It seems there is no way to change the step down on the board which is what I have been asking about all along?
  9. I'm not sure what wanting less interruption in my vaping has to do with 97% efficiency. If you mean it does well at doing what it was designed to do then I got ya. I'm not sure you know what I mean when I say I want to change the step down settings. I just want it to be less aggressive. If I have my device set at 120W with a .2ohm dual coil setup in my RDA, THAT is where I want it. If my batteries go down to 60% charge remaining and the DNA board changes automatically when I hit the fire button so that I only get say 87W's at maybe 3.78volts damn it that's not what I want.
  10. You would have to read my first post in this thread. The reason I started it was to try and find an answer to my question about whether or not I can adjust a setting in Escribe to control how the step down function works.
  11. Well I guess I at least have my original question answered. I gather there is no setting for the end user to curve or turn off the step down on the DNA's.
  12. I guess for me the bottom line to a DNA mod is that it's a luxury item/toy to play with and doesn't have alot to do with keeping me off of tobacco anyway. I have 4 DNA mods but 1 is still new in the box which would be the Triade DNA 250. I still like them and I'll keep messing with them I reckon. But like you say, You can get a satisfying vape from a $40.00 - $60.00 mod just as easily.
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