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✪ Hyperion - Odin Mini - Paranormal and others - Replay Ready - English & Italian ✪ 2.8.9

   (41 reviews)

2 Screenshots

About This File

Last Version Rev 2.8.9 - August 2021

Full options theme with Replay. Rev 2.8.8 - March 2019


Edited by Frank65

What's New in Version 2.8.9   See changelog



This is going to be last version of my theme(s) , unfortunately I have very short free time to work on it.

I've tested this for the whole last year , anyway If you find any bugs and\or misalignment I'm sorry.

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6 hours ago, johnyjm said:

Hello. It would not add a theme for The Spade DNA75C by Vicious Ant. I would love to.

Added ! Hope you like it

Very nice box you lucky man 😁

Edited by Frank65
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1 hour ago, Frank65 said:

Pridané! Dúfam, že sa vám to páči

Veľmi pekný box šťastie človek 😁

Thank you very much. 🙂 I installed it right away.

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On 4/30/2018 at 1:35 PM, GrumpyJoe said:
On 4/30/2018 at 10:44 AM, Frank65 said:



The theme is very impressive, makes the device more beautiful, I wish there was more color, and also the possibility to put a personal image on the screen saver, and also the line is larger
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The theme is very impressive, makes the device more beautiful, I wish there was more color, and also the possibility to put a personal image on the screen saver, and also the line is larger
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First, let me say this is by far one of the best, if not the best themes to use on a 250C.
I just a few questions, being the most important, how do I save the configs that I change in the menus ?

For example, in Escribe I've got the mod to "sleep" (don't remember the actual name) after 1 minute. 5 clicks to unlock at the fire button. But when I change in the actual mod to 2m and change to 3 clicks, for example, it doesn't change.
And how do I lock the screen ? If I click 5 times in the fire button, it doesn't lock.



Edited by abeirokid
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@abeirokid Hello and thanks , I try to answer your questions :

- sleep mode : cannot replicate problem , if i set on device to 1 min , after 1 min my mod goes locked

- click to lock : it is working when you lock ( if I change to 3 it locks after 3 clicks ) ,  to change unlock you should change "set unlock sequence" on settings menu on the mod.

Personally i moved these parameters only one time because I like 3 clicks to lock\unlock instead of 5 , and never touched them since then and they're working , so sorry cannot help.

maybe you accidently changed unlock sequence ? Please check that with escribe.



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I have updated this theme and fixed a lot of issue I have experienced with this theme. I'll leave the link here if anyone is interested.


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2 minutes ago, mactavish said:

What did you “fix”, or change?

Nice to see interest in my favorite theme  


I would read the post if you are interested. I made a pretty comprehensive change log. But here are the main selling points.

- Fixed Replay, it now has power as well as temp.

- Fixed a lot of bad pixel alignment and assets.

- New UI with bigger text and more detail (up to 4dp), I found this UI to make much more sense when navigating and using but I did also make it so yeah. Take that how you will.

- New flip screen toggle

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There are two ecigtheme files under download, #24, and #26,

Not sure if these are your version numbers? Perhaps a better naming scheme, if you plan on updating at some point. I’ll dl them both, to check. 

Nevermind, I see you used last two digits as version number, #26 is the latest. Seems you did a lot of WORK. I’m going to spend some time looking at all the changes. Thanks again!

Edited by mactavish
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April 13, 2021. The download count has been spammed for this theme by an unknown user(s) due to this same action (spamming) from other theme designers. Wanna be losers looking for imaginary internet fame. This same comment is posted for the current 5 themes shown and the prior 2 Top themes.

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2 hours ago, King.OF.Struggle said:

which download for odin mini dna75c?

I just used the Mirage download for the Odin Mini.

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1 hour ago, King.OF.Struggle said:

ok working mirage

odin mini only work use mirage?

No, anyone will work. The only difference is the locked screen wallpaper I believe.

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Даже если это последняя версия, это гениальная работа! Эта тема стала базой для лучших тем этого форума! Многие авторы начинали с переделки твой темы. Имя Frank65 стало именем нарицательным, как гарантия правильной работы и полного функционала. 

Отличный многолетний труд, огромное спасибо!

Хочется всё же увидеть новую работу в совершенно ином дизайне!


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First off gotta applaud the creator for all the work that went into this.  Tried it out on my new Hyperion but just wasn't for me.  Too busy - just too much crammed into a little screen for my eyes.  Found myself straining to make out the smaller details.  Thank you though for making it. 

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