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Spector NS5 RD

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Everything posted by Spector NS5 RD

  1. that sounds more like a battery construction problem. if both sides fire the mod individually, it should work with both installed at the same time. try using cells that have a protruding positive tab.
  2. hi, Sytemrockr559. sounds to me like you have a stuck button/faulty button(s). at the bottom of Device Monitor, you'll see "Buttons". does that field display any buttons being depressed when not pressing any of the buttons? it should say "None" if you're not. you could also have ejuice on the board.
  3. the refined resistance will not be remembered when switching tanks, profiles, waking up from hard sleep (off), unless you lock resistance after refinement. replacing batteries erases refinement regardless if res is locked or not. if you have 2 profiles with the same material, each TC profile will have refinement for whatever resistance it sees for that profile. refinement isn't profile specific. it's just a program that runs in the background whenever the board is TC mode and sees any TC coil. you can lock in a res to a specific profile and that res should be remembered regardless of sleep, changing batts. i think.
  4. any improvement if you do a couple hard reboots or re-flash the firmware? if that doesn't fix it, i would have axis vapes replace the board. something's dragging down the USB power. post back if they give you a hard time, although i've heard axis has good customer service.
  5. you notice how your USB voltage is 4.25v? when the USB voltage drops to around 4.27-4.28v the board will start current limiting the charge cycle. does this same USB cable and charger work fine on your other DNA 250 devices? do they charge at 2 amps? what is their USB voltage while charging at 2 amps (not the 1 amp in EScribe)? i'm trying to figure out if you have a weak USB cable/charger, something metallic inside your USB port, or a bum board. to test this, you can set up through EScribe to see your USB voltage on the mod's screen. i would do that on your other DNA 250's to get an average of the voltage drop using your USB cable/charger setup. then post back. as in, post what the USB voltage is on your other 250 mods.
  6. the dna 250 will charge at 2 amps when not connected to a PC (given you have a USB cable and charger that can provide 2 amps). it will however, throttle down to 1 amp when using EScribe. can you post a screenshot of your battery settings, your actual battery specs and a shot of device monitor with all of the battery boxes and board temp box ticked.
  7. lifepo4 setting will not charge your 18650's fully. lithium polymer will and is safe for both 18650 and lipo. same run time. leave the set charge est and usb current alone that are are located in device monitor. those are mainly for diagnostic purposes. your main battery settings that are used for setting up your mod for your type of battery are under the "mod" tab. there is a setting called "charging mode" where you can select between a battery charge voltage of 4.10v (longer cell life, shorter run time) and 4.20v (somewhat shorter cell life, longer run time). these options are "maximize recharges" and "maximize puffs", respectively. i choose to charge my cells to 4.20v because cells are cheap and easily replaceable.
  8. just a side note, when you notice the usb current drop and usb voltage rise for a split second during charging, that is the charge cycle halting so refinement can read the resistance and make necessary adjustments. another side note, the usb voltage will always be higher at the usb meter than at the mod. this normal voltage drop through the usb cable. as to why your board will not charge at 2a, if you've tried good usb cable/chargers and still no joy, do what what Giz suggests and contact evolv.
  9. i always have to run my SS TC builds above 500F. why does the higher number bother you? if you're getting a good consistent vape i would call it good. most likely the reason you were getting a good vape at 400-430 was do to a high base res (before refinement). then after refinement you're left with a very accurate base res reading. every single SS316 build i have requires 500F and above for the vape i like. maybe i'm missing something but your main complaint is the need for a higher temp setting and cold ohms not matching up, right? your cold ohms will be lower than "temp ohms" due to case analyzer results and refinement. to add....if you want to run your lower temp settings, you can lock your res as soon as you place on the atty. this will stop refinement from lower your res but your vape won't be as accurate. it's a preference thing. some lock and some don't, each with their own reasons.
  10. just about every symptom you mention you're having is most likely do to a poor connection somewhere (unwanted added resistance), coil hot spots, shorts, poor atty for TC capabilities or an incorrect mod resistance setting. don't forget, SS 316 has the lowest TCR of all the wires we use for vaping. a tiny change in base resistance (even 1-2 milliohms), due to wonky connection somewhere, with SS will create a noticeable difference in temp. take notice of your base res on either your device or in EScribe's atty analyzer, once when the atty is first installed and again after letting it sit idle for about 25 min (after refinement has had a chance to lower your res). post your findings.
  11. is the device still under warranty from the vendor? if not, Evolv warranties the board for one year. there is also a lost vape repair center. both links are in my signature, below.
  12. can you post a screenshot of device monitor while firing the mod?
  13. DITCH THOSE EFEST'S!!!! they're only 10 amp cells! not a good cell for the DNA 75 board. the board can draw up to 30 amps, which those efests you mention can not provide. buy authentic cells, for ex, LG SONY SAMSUNG are manufacturer authentic cells. https://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/threads/efest-purple-20a-3500mah-18650-bench-test-results-just-another-rewrapped-10a-battery.736533/ i use Sony VTC5A, Samsung 30Q and LG HG2 cells in my DNA 75 devices.
  14. "ohms too high" means your coil resistance is to high for the wattage your are asking. the 167 max voltage output is around 6.2 volts. you can not lock ohms in power mode only TC mode. in EScribe, you can set up a profile for "watts"
  15. post a screenshot of your battery settings in EScribe. thanks.
  16. this is documented problem with some of the therion 75's. it's most likely a broken connection. one of the links inside either contact compartment that electrically join both cells. you can either take it apart and fix it yourself or contact lost vape's repair center. that link is in my signature. there is a video, so so quality, that details fixing this problem.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjri569A-Qs
  17. board's probably gone. does anything happen if you plug in a USB cable that's connected to a charger?
  18. hard to believe you bricked your mod by accidentally uploading an incorrect curve...... you got me stumped. unless someone else chimes in, i would contact Flawless and ask what can be done.
  19. what happens if you "restore defaults". underneath "get information" in the "general" tab?
  20. how long have you been waiting for a response? just know, it can take up to a few days.
  21. on the mod no (you can pull the cells out). in EScribe yes.
  22. try leaving the battery out of the device, connect device to EScribe, go into mod tab and load this CSV. it's for a Sony VTC5 but it will be dAMN CLOSE. ONCE uploaded in EScribe and uploaded onto the flawless mod, place your sammy 25R back into the mod and see what happens. Sony VTC5 Battery Curve (8.100).csv
  23. any questions you have, ask em. there's lot of helpful people roaming these halls that are more than willing to help out a dude or dudette.
  24. ya i can see that setup draining your 13wh lipo on the faster side. you might want to consider a 3 18650 cell DNA 200/250.
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